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The original flame burned, and the aura in the dao fruit burst out instantly, like a spiritual wave.

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness, the will is all restrained to the extreme, all sinking into the mind, turned into a cocoon, and immersed in the cultivation.

Seal vines appeared, with faint rays of light and aura, coiling around Chu Yan, making this group of light cocoons seem to be much bigger than the spirit of Dao Realm.

At this time, Dameng Invincible finally broke through the boundary of dao fruit, his face was anxious, and sweating hurriedly grabbed dao fruit and began to refining.

He was much earlier than Chu Yan, and he was close to dao fruit, but he started refining but was a dozen times later than Chu Yan.

This means that everyone is busy and no one pays attention, otherwise it would be really shameful.

Like Chu Yan, there is also a large amount of blue silk overflowing, wrapping the invincible of the big dream, and sinking into the cocoon of light.

This kind of light cocoon is transformed by dao fruit and the rules of origin. As a measure and means to protect the repairer refining dao fruit, it is impossible to break through the cultivation base at least below the realm.

This kind of limitation is an absolute limitation. Regardless of your strength and innate talent, as long as your cultivation base does not reach the Lord Realm and does not fully control the Source Power, you will be impossible to break the cocoon that Source Power has turned into.

After all, the breakthrough realm is a major event, and dao fruit naturally must provide absolute protection to the practitioners so that they can devote themselves to refining.

At this time, on the other side, in the depths of the Heaven Ranking…

The mutation of ten dao fruit, inspired by Heaven Ranking who originally watched the big show, his face sank instantly.

“This is how many years, everyone at each and everyone is starting to sit still, Old Ghost Tongtian, so are you guys too!?”

As the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking said, shook the head, raised his hand and waved a token. This token has a special ancient prose, and ordinary continent repairers don’t even know it.

Mixed Heaven Ranking spirit holding a token, aura suddenly broke out all over his body, condensing a hand seal, and pressing it into the token.


Mixed with the Heaven Ranking spirit shouted in a low voice, the aura around the body is tumbling like boiling spring water.

The whole token instantly rayed of light ten thousand ways, golden light gleamed, and powerful force such as a path of sharp arrow shot all around the void, plunged directly into it, disappeared.

After ten breaths, all around the originally peaceful in the sky suddenly broke through a path of gap, a little bit of golden streamer swims out like a golden snake, returning to the token.

Heaven Ranking Spirit saw this scene, waited for the last golden snake to return, raised his hand and pressed it on the token, his eyes sparkled, and a picture appeared in front of him and began to appear.

“This is…No way!?”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking was stunned there, as if he couldn’t believe what he had just discovered.


Time passed, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

The forces of the entire Divine Realm continent, Sect, powerhouse, and repairers, all looked at the Dao Realm mountain range.

After all, it is the battle of the Dao Realm in the Dao Realm mountain range. It is related to whether the Dao Realm is born or how many Dao Realm are born.

Perhaps in the past few Dao Realm mountain range battles, the powerhouse of the Lord Realm was not available, but this time there will definitely be a powerhouse of the Lord Realm. There is almost no doubt about this.

Look at the Legendary genius now. The breakthrough is the first, and I am afraid it will determine the situation behind the Divine Realm continent.

In addition, the battle of the Lord is extremely cruel, and the number of genius fallen in each session is almost the sum of ten years, which is not as large as the battle of the Lord.

At this time, the number of ten dao fruit seals has been increasing from in the sky. The battle between all the cultivators has become extremely crazy, and many genius have fallen and fallen into Among the holy peaks, it becomes spirit earth and belongs to the source.

Martial Dao World, reciprocating cycle, endless.

The entire area of ​​the Holy Sky Peak has become a battlefield, blade light sword shadow, Gang Wei Lei Tide, and a great battle.

The 8th dao fruit was snatched and turned into a cocoon and started to refining.

At this time, Tian, ​​Wu, Ye Rongtian, Yuwenhuang, Invincible, Dao Realm Spirit, Chu Yan, Li Susu, Qingcheng Young Master and Heaven and Earth Taoists each grabbed a dao fruit.

Various violent air currents, in this brief moment, gradually returned to calm.

The entire scene of Shengtian Peak became extremely depressed. All the repairers who did not grab the dao fruit were extremely disappointed.

However, disappointment returns to disappointment. Before most of the practitioners came, they were mentally prepared, and basically did not get the hope of dao fruit.

This session is too strong, and the hope for the next session is much greater.

Furthermore, I had a good experience this time, and it has greatly benefited their Martial Dao improvement.

After all, such an opportunity is much rarer than Dao Fruit.

Four Legendary genius, and Chu Yan who turned out to be born, plus the strongest fifth dream invincible, and even the spirit of Dao Realm mountain range also appeared in this session. This result can still make People accepted.

In addition, there will also be some ordinary opportunities in the Dao Realm mountain range. After the end, I will look for them. Maybe I will find a suitable opportunity, even better than dao fruit.

“ha ha ha, ancestor, what did I say before, I said we can’t get dao fruit!? What do you think…”

Feng Bugao stood beside the black-faced ancestor of Heavenly Dao, laughing wildly.

This prediction technique is right again, which is enough to prove that his own prediction method has been greatly improved.

However, if these words fell in the ears of the ancestors of Heavenly Dao, that would not be the case.


The ancestor of Heavenly Dao, who knows the unqualified character, also disinclined to pay attention to him, is coldly snorted.

“Ancestor, do you want me to kill him for you!?” Wan Tiansheng looked at the seal with a twitching face, and asked the ancestor of Heavenly Dao.

“Forget it! It’s a shame to kill!”

The ancestor of Heavenly Dao took a look at Feng Bu Gao, shook the head, and then said, “You give me a ling chi, must cut him a thousand dollars! Just kill him, it’s too cheap for him!”

“haha, that’s great!” The Saint Wantian rang suddenly, and as soon as he flipped his hand, he took out a shining knife, and walked towards the seal with a grinning face.

“Damn, what are you doing!?” Feng Bugao suddenly exploded when he saw the shining knife.

“Wait, look, Su Yu Fellow Daoist is about to break through!”

How clever is Feng Gao, he quickly turned his head and looked towards the sky, and pointed at the big light cocoon of Chu Yan, and shouted.

This sentence landed, and the ancestor of Heavenly Dao and the Saint of All Heavens were immediately startled, while looking up towards the sky.

Originally, the battle of the god has reached its current level, and it should be over, but the no cultivator left, because everyone knows that this battle of the god is different.

Dao Fruit is being pulled back into the void by some power because of this battle of the Gods. If this doesn’t work, maybe everything is all in vain.

Even the existence of the four great Legendary genius and Chu Yan may not be able to break through. If that is the case, the next Battle of the Gods will be lively.

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