
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

After half a day, a miracle finally happened!

a and then a’s golden glow rose into the sky, like the golden god spear, piercing the Vault of Heaven straight, the dragon sound of tiger roar exploded, and the huge dragon Divine Thunder appeared, roaring the heavens.

The four Golden Dragons seemed to shatter the sky, and black waves of tidal waves came and swept past.

The purple thunder and lightning are like strips of young Divine Dragons, wandering among the dark clouds, and the aura that destroys everything emerges, and there is an imposing manner of the overlord condensing between Heaven and Earth.

bang! bang! bang! bang!

The four thunders of the blue lord exploded, and the four groups of origin aura enveloped the four people.

xiu xiu xiu!

The four Legendary genius of Ye Rongtian disappeared instantly.

However, these four people not at all, like the previous ones, left the Holy Sky Peak directly, but appeared on the sky thundercloud at the same time.

Then, one move after another, there seemed to be a world-shattering battle among the thunderclouds, and the whole movie of Heaven and Earth was shaking and shaking.

“They… want to Transcending Tribulation here!?”

All the cultivators present were stunned and couldn’t believe it.

Shengtian Peak is the place of breakthrough. No one has ever been here for Transcending Tribulation, just like those from Dameng Invincible. Once the breakthrough starts, they will be thrown out directly by the power of this Holy Heaven Peak’s rules and return Transcending Tribulation in the first domain.

The Sect forces they belong to are also waiting in the first domain. Once they receive the news, they will immediately rush to the scene of their Transcending Tribulation, and they will give some support.

After all, the success of Transcending Tribulation is the existence of a peerless powerhouse in Sect, the continent is the absolute best.

In this breakthrough, Heaven and Earth Vault of Heaven slowly recovered its calm after a full hour, and four powerful pressures appeared, pouring down from the sky like water. , Sweeping the world.

All the creatures, whether they are the practitioners present or those in the Dao Realm mountain range, are all under such aura, their whole bodies trembling, and Divine Soul is startled.

The silhouettes of the four Legendary geniuses, standing on top of the gradually dissipating thunderclouds, all look like God, with a proud look on their faces.

bang! bang! bang bang bang bang…..

At this moment, all the thunders of the blue lord exploded at the same time, this a path of thunder, rolling like a tide, wherever it passes, the void is cracked, and Heaven and Earth shakes.

The Thunder of the Lord!

In the past, the Thunder of the Lord’s Thunder can sound once in a hundred years, even if it’s a very high probability, but today it has already sounded many times. There was a wave of cheers, almost numb now.

The Thunder of the Lord has barely stopped at the Holy Sky Peak, one after another… Wait!

There seems to be something wrong!

Before these four breakthroughs, didn’t they already ring the blue thunder! ?

Four beeps!

Yes, a God breakthrough appeared, and there was only one thunder of the Lord, the spirit of the invincible and Dao Realm before… Two sounds!

Later it was Li Susu, Heaven and Earth Taoist, Qingcheng Young Master three people… Three beeps!

Then there are four great Legendary genius, Ye Rongtian, Tian, ​​Wu and Yuwen emperor…Four tones!

Calculated like this, there are nine sounds in total, which represents the appearance of nine Lords, and there is only one remaining in the breakthrough. At most…there should be only one sound when it reaches the sky. How could it be possible? Ten times! ?

This is unreasonable! ?

Could it be that…

“Ten…Ten Thunder of the Lord!?”

Some cultivators reacted, and with an exclamation, all the cultivators present were stunned.

Including the four major Legendary genius, they also suddenly woke up at this time. After their faces startedled, they groaned a little, and at the same time turned their heads, looked towards not far away, in the last light cocoon, that disc Silhouette of sitting.


Emperor Yuwen just said one word, four auras shrouded, and the silhouette of the four legendary genius disappeared instantly.

Whether it was a breakthrough on the outside or a breakthrough on the inside, the four of them had finished the Thunder Tribulation, and the Rule Power of Shengtianfeng finally came down, sending the four of them out.

At this time, all the practitioners in the audience reacted, and at the same time turned their heads and looked towards the sky, the last light cocoon.

“He…The Ten Dao Lords…Thunder!?”

“No…impossible! There is only one sound of the Thunder of the Lord. Since the historical records of Divine Realm continent, there has never been a breakthrough of the Lord of God with ten Thunder of the Lord, this is impossible!”

“I’m afraid this thing is…a special case again!”

“Yes! There have been too many accidents this time, and it is totally reasonable that this accident happened to him!”

“It makes sense. He is a stronger existence than the Big Four Legendary genius. Who is the strongest among the ten at this time, it must be him!”

“In this case, his appearance of ten thunders of the Lord is also in line with his identity. Maybe he has reached a certain standard of rules.”

“putting it that way, in the future battle of the god, someone who reaches his level can also provoke ten thunders of the god.”

“You say so, but you have to understand that this Divine Realm continent has only had this one since history. In the future…it’s hard to say!”

“Does this create a new Divine Realm continent rule!?”

“Of course!”


Everyone’s eyes fell on Chu Yan, and all of them looked expectant.

According to this sign, and everyone’s speculation, if this Su Yu breaks through, then this is definitely a new star rising into the sky, I am afraid that in the future, it will shake the existence of the entire continent.

The birth of such a powerhouse can allow them to witness and it is something they are proud of.

Time passed, a hundred breaths of time flickered, Chu Yan’s body began to emit a faint golden light, rising like a stream of smoke.

This golden smog is getting thicker and thicker, completely replacing the entire Heaven and Earth void, turning the original Holy Sky Peak into a golden World.

“It’s going to start!”

“haha, this imposing manner is really strong, much stronger than any of them before.”

All the cultivators have their eyes glowing, and their faces are full of surprises.

Halloween holy, the seal is not high, the three people of the ancestors of Heavenly Dao, have their eyes widened with Boss, and their mouths have reached the roots of their ears. If this makes Chu Yan successful and their three people’s future status, then as The tide rises, the boat floats, and you can walk unhindered on the continent in the future.

What a beautiful thing this is!

You can reach the top without your own efforts!

It’s so beautiful!

No matter what other people think, and no matter what the three people of Ten Thousand Heavens think, Chu Yan is sitting in the cocoon at this time, undergoing a huge transformation.

He originally had the original body, and the entire dao fruit is full of original spiritual energy. Under the fusion of the two, the changes that have taken place are extremely amazing.

The origin, just like all the small domains on this Divine Realm continent, there are naturally strong and weak points.

According to the records of Heavenspan Shuling’s Dawanxiangjue, the origin is like a seed. Once planted, the roots will take root and the President will be completely determined by the practitioner himself.

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