
You can search for 鈥淓ndless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 濡欑瑪闃?鈥?in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Huang Tian, 鈥嬧€媡he Lord is anxious, and constantly urges to ask the Heaven Ranking spirit, and immediately asks the Heaven Ranking spirit to be anxious.

鈥淪hut up! You ask me, who am I going to ask!?鈥?/p>

鈥淭his kid is fine, the thunderclouds are here, how come they are all gone all at once, the cultivation base realm is still invincible, this is really weird!鈥?/p>

When Huang Tian heard these words, he immediately understood that this matter has nothing to do with the Heaven Ranking spirit.

鈥淭hunder Tribulation is here, how come it will dissipate, this has never appeared before鈥︹€?/p>

On the Divine Realm continent, the Huang Tian Lord is also the No. 1 character. Without Chu Yan, he is ranked tenth on the Heaven Ranking, a Huang Tian Tangshu Pavilion, which makes the world cultivators extremely envious. desire.

However, he has never heard of it. After his Thunder Tribulation appears, it will disappear.

This Thunder Tribulation is based on the rules of Heaven and Earth. Powerhouse can control the rules and break the rules. However, the Martial Dao World of Divine Realm continent, only the breakthrough Thunder Tribulation, can鈥檛 interfere.

Even if it is a cultivator in the realm of God, even if it is a Qi Refining Realm鈥檚 breakthrough Thunder Tribulation, you can鈥檛 intervene, otherwise it will immediately become a double Thunder Tribulation and another Thunder Tribulation of the realm of God will appear.

No matter how many people you come, the result will be the same, and Thunder Tribulation cannot interfere.

So, once Thunder Tribulation appears, the breakthrough is unchangeable. It depends on the practitioner鈥檚 own strength and hole cards. If it becomes a breakthrough, it will fall or be severely damaged if it fails.

After thinking hard, Huang Tian鈥檚 Lord suddenly eyes shined, suddenly remembering something.

When Chu Yan was at the Martial Dao conference, he had already completed the 5th Layer assessment, but he had to give up on his own.

The Huang Tian thought of this, he immediately opened the mouth and said, 鈥淏rother Hun, could this kid be a ghost again this time, and he gave up!? Last time at the Martial Dao conference, he also鈥︹€?

When the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking heard this, his face suddenly became black, and he roared without waiting for Huang Tian to finish speaking.

鈥淭his kid is brave. This is going to shake the sky. Give him a sound transmission right away. I will set out to enter the battlefield of the Lord now.鈥?/p>

鈥淚f it is the same as what you said, this kid will give up on his own initiative and see if I am鈥︹€?/p>

Speaking of this, the Heaven Ranking Spirit had already breathed fire in his eyes, but he just couldn鈥檛 say what was behind, his face was full of purple and black, he raised his hand to shoot out a Profound Light, broke the void in front of him, and instantly disappeared on the spot.

In less than ten breaths time, in the void of the Lord鈥檚 battlefield, with a bang, a silhouette rushed out like a meteor.

Everywhere I passed, the air was violent, like the sound of thunderbolt.

The speed of this silhouette is amazing. The powerful aura even blows up the void all the way.

Without any stay, silhouette moved towards the direction of Shengtianfeng, and flew away all the way.

On the other side, on the Holy Sky Peak鈥?

Xiu Heavenly Dao鈥檚 ancestor kept looking at Chu Yan, saw that he flew forward for a while and stopped, then he caught up with him and asked

鈥淪u Yu, it鈥檚 actually nothing, this battle of the Lord is ten years, ten years, we can wait, you don鈥檛 have to鈥︹€?/p>

Xiu Heavenly Dao鈥檚 ancestor was old, and after a while, he calmed down and began to comfort Chu Yan.

When coming over from later generations, the patriarch who devoured the family said that they can stay here for a hundred years at the Great Ancient Era, and now it鈥檚 less than 30%, and they can wait for the next Cang The battle of the lord.

Although it was a waste of ten years, as long as the breakthrough is made, it is a good deal.

After all, from Chu Yan to Great Ancient Era, he has worked very hard so far, rushing to the top 10 of the Heaven Ranking and overtaking the four major Legendary genius, which is enough to prove his innate talent and strength.

So, a failure is nothing, and it will not affect the overall situation much.

In short, if you can鈥檛 create a picture of Chu Yan鈥檚 mentality and will, there will be no big problems.

Feng Bu Gao stood on the side, opened the mouth and said 鈥淵eah, Su Yu Fellow Daoist, we have not been promoted this time. Next time Dao Realm mountain range opens again, we will come together and take four of him. Dao fruit, it鈥檚 so good to have a breakthrough together! It鈥檚 definitely beautiful.鈥?/p>

鈥淲ell, I agree too!鈥?Wantiansheng was nodded, and the rare thing was not high.

After these remarks, Chu Yan was still very moved by the three of them and spoke.

鈥淚t鈥檚 okay, this time is not鈥︹€?/p>

Without waiting for him to finish explaining, mutation suddenly broke out.

I saw, a loud explosion sound, the sky above the four people鈥檚 heads was completely shattered, all split up and in pieces, a frenzy of air rushed out from it, and the four of them almost flew up, a silhouette rushed out from the cracked in the sky, like a wild beast, directly exploding with a thunderous roar.

鈥淪u! Yu!鈥?/p>

The silhouette fell in front of Chu Yan in an instant. His eyes were spitting fire and his face was purple and black. Fiercely glared at Chu Yan in front of him, as if to eat him in one bite.

This person, of course, is not someone else, but he came out of rage鈥?and the Spirit of Heaven Ranking!


Chu Yan, the sage of ten thousand days, is not high, and the four of the Heavenly Dao ancestors are all sluggish on the spot, with astonished expressions all over their faces.

cracking a joke!

Where is this place? This is the Holy Sky Peak, the place where Dao Realm mountain range is located, is within the range of the Lord鈥檚 battlefield.

Limited by the rules of Heaven and Earth, any powerhouse that exceeds the invincible environment cultivation base is impossible to enter it.

But the one in front of me, the cultivation base is absolutely beyond the invincible realm, but there is no block, and the true body comes directly. What level of terrifying power is this! ?

鈥淵ou鈥ow did you come in!?鈥?Chu Yan was full of curiosity.

鈥渉mph! Little Dao Realm mountain range, I come as I want, and leave as I want, who can do anything to me!?鈥?/p>

Seeing Chu Yan鈥檚 face with astonishment, he immediately became proud of the Heaven Ranking Ling, and said with a high chin, with an arrogant face.

Within less than half a breath, the triumphant Heaven Ranking Spirit suddenly started, the triumphant color on his face disappeared, his anger instantly recovered, he stared at Chu Yan again and roared

鈥淒on鈥檛 change the topic, you must tell me clearly now that Thunder Tribulation was triggered just now, why didn鈥檛 you have a breakthrough!?鈥?/p>

鈥淒on鈥檛 tell me, you don鈥檛 know the importance of ten years of time to you!? You鈥hat, it is the critical time, time is extremely important, how can it be wasted!?鈥?/p>

鈥淓xplain to yourself! Did you give up again!?鈥?/p>

Chu Yan turned his face pale when he saw the Heaven Ranking spirit roaring and grinning his teeth. This is to eat people.

鈥淪enior, there is no mess here, of course there is a reason!鈥?/p>

As soon as these words came out, the primate of Heaven Ranking took a breath, his face was a little soft, and then roared

鈥淨uickly explain to me, otherwise, hum鈥ou know the consequences!鈥?/p>

Chu Yan was speechless at once, shook the head said with a bitter smile 鈥淥kay, when I finish talking, you can talk about the consequences, don鈥檛 worry!鈥?/p>

Asshole, the nickname bastard of Heaven Ranking, Chu Yan knew that when he didn鈥檛 offend him, he was almost killed by him. If he really caught his eye, the consequences would be disastrous.

I have been in Great Ancient Era for several decades, but I don鈥檛 want to suffer this sin. Wouldn鈥檛 it be okay to live more comfortably! ?

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