
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

This is right with the Heaven Ranking spirit. At this time, the entire Huang Tian hall is about to fry, and the Huang Tian Lord is about to cry in sorrow.

This time the Taoist Secret Book was born, Huang Tian Hall almost exhausted all resources, and got two descendants at once, which is a great joy in itself.

But now, Chu Yan has failed in the breakthrough of the Lord Realm, and with ten genius and nine breakthroughs in one session, he alone did not have a breakthrough, which is a little bit crazy.

After all, Huang Tian is betting here, if there is an accident, the problem will be serious.

As long as Chu Yan successfully breaks through the God Realm, then it will be a Pingchuan, and there is nothing to worry about.

Even if something happens, Huang Tiantang can still work hard and help, except for this breakthrough realm, there is no way to do it, he can only rely on himself.

So now, apart from the key, Huang Tian God has nothing to do.

“You brat is in this situation…. It doesn’t match the name. Forget it, you’re ranked, I’ll let you down! Let you stay in the tenth position, the other guys might have opinions. ! “

“Originally I thought you had nothing wrong with the breakthrough God, so I got you up in advance, and now I have to descend back, you brat is really troublesome, troublesome…”

What this said, Chu Yan was twitching with his face. You bastard in the Heaven Ranking, you deserve to be called a bastard. Now it seems that you are not only a bastard but also a to have no shame.

This is my own business. It seems that what I almost killed myself before is not the same thing.

Chu Yan has a purple face, fiercely staring at the Heaven Ranking spirit, and directly opened the mouth and said

“Senior, do we want to talk about this…. Was your gift before? I almost made the four of them disabled.”

Chu Yan gritted his teeth and spoke fiercely fiercely.

I said about the breakthrough before, Chu Yan hasn’t remembered it yet, and now the Spirit of Heaven Ranking brought it up by himself. Chu Yan was full of anger. Now that I saw the Lord, how could he let him go so easily .

“ah! This matter…”

Startled with the Heaven Ranking spirit, I can’t wait to slap myself to death. Why do you mention this?

“Well, ha ha ha, in fact, I really do it for your good. If you think about your current age and cultivation base, the whole world will know it all at once. This is a good thing that no other cultivator can think of, and If you reach the top 10 of the Heaven Ranking, you can also enter the deep cultivation of the Heaven Ranking. Although the time is not long, you also know the effect of the cultivation in that place…”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking hurriedly explained that he wanted to fool around this matter, but the more he said, the darker Chu Yan’s face became.

“Senior, are you really embarrassed!?”

Usually Chu Yan wouldn’t say this, but the god of Heaven Ranking has already pitted himself three times, and it’s getting worse every time. If you don’t explain this to him clearly, I’m afraid that I will not be able to handle it later. If it’s done, it will be troublesome.

“Of course, don’t thank me! This is what I should do, after all, I have a good relationship with Old Ghost Tongtian, ha ha ha …. Okay! This is my mistake, next time I’ll make up for you Great gift, is this all done!?”

As soon as I talked about halfway through the Heaven Ranking, I found that Chu Yan’s complexion was getting worse and worse, and his face seemed to be cannibalistic. He immediately reacted. It was obvious that he couldn’t get through, and he could only admit it.

“A big gift again!? Senior, you…” Chu Yan suddenly roared.

The three of Wan Tian Sheng and Feng Bu Gao are also complexion changed, looking towards 混Heaven Ranking, Ling’s face has changed, and the look in the eyes is too disgusting.

Such a gift is too bad for the Heaven Ranking spirits, and I look down on it at all.

“What look in your eyes!? Am I that kind of person!? I will mess around, I will…”

After asking two questions in a row, the four of them were all nodded, and the Heaven Ranking spirits finally couldn’t speak anymore, and they were depressed.

This matter seems to be unreasonable. As a god of the Heaven Ranking, my body is a bit ruined.

“Senior, I don’t want your gift, I just hope you can do it for me!” Chu Yan opened the mouth and said.

“Oh!? That point!?” He became interested in the Heaven Ranking spirit.

“Stay away!” Chu Yan said.

“…..” is silly for the Heaven Ranking.

“Good boy, you have a seed! Don’t be, I have to send it today!”

They looked down on being run by Chu Yan and not being high. He confused who the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking was. If he could stand this, he was angry at the time.

While speaking, the spirit of Heaven Ranking raised his hand, and a large light curtain appeared in front of everyone, and a scene appeared in the light curtain.

This is a majestic mountain peak. At a glance, it is endless, like a mountain range group with no end, full of vitality and greenery.

“Isn’t this…Dao Realm mountain range!?” Chu Yan turned his head and glanced at the mountain range in the distance, suddenly startled.

What do you mean! ?

“Senior, what are you doing!?” Feng Bugao held his jade compass and kept calculating, but there was no result at all, and he couldn’t figure it out at all. What do you want to do with the spirit of Heaven Ranking.

“Haha, don’t understand! I’m here to ask you, this time the battle of the Lord, what special happened?”

Ling asked with a smug expression on the Heaven Ranking.

“Special situation!? There should be only ten dao fruit pulled back into the void by some force, as if to take it back, but in the end, what is the impact?” Chu Yan thought about replied.

“Yes! Then do you know, why is this!?” The Heaven Ranking spirit continued to be proud.

“Senior, as if you know it!” Chu Yan sneered.

“What!? Do you dare to doubt me, do you know that there are still things I don’t know about this world!? I tell you… Wait, I can’t tell you!”

The Spirit of the Mixed Heaven Ranking was so excited by Chu Yan that he almost said it, but suddenly reacted and shut up quickly.

“ha ha ha, Senior’s performance is really good! As expected of Senior!” Chu Yan had been prepared for a long time, mixed with Heaven Ranking spirit so good, then it is not the same life as Heaven and Earth.

“Boy, the radical method is useless, understand!? Don’t you think about it yourself!? The special circumstances of ten dao fruit, but violate the Heaven and Earth rules here. I can’t tell you all what happened, but A little bit…hehe!”

Mixed Heaven Ranking’s face once again restored a smug look, seeing Chu Yan looking at him, opened the mouth and said

“This Dao Realm mountain range is not only for cultivating dao fruit, but there is also a big secret in it. Now that the spirit of Dao Realm has emerged, this great opportunity has also reached a mature opportunity, and its value is comparable. dao fruit!”

“Dao Realm mountain range chance, right…”

Chu Yan murmured, suddenly looked towards the ancestor Xiu Heavenly Dao, his eyes gleaming, and the whole person was about to explode.

I made a mistake!

A big mistake ah!

When they came from later generations, they only listened to King Ming and Bo Wang about the opportunities and major events that did not happen in the Great Ancient Era, but they ignored those that had happened.

At this time, the spirit of the Dao Realm mountain range has been born, but after his birth, the core of the Dao Realm mountain range has been refining, so later generations can fight against the four great gods and suppress the invincible dream , The reason is here.

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