
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Demonic path Senior is now facing the situation that Su Yu not only failed and failed to get promoted, but also suffered a severe loss of strength and suffered heavy losses. Looking at the situation of Heaven Ranking Ranking, I am afraid that the origin has been severely hit.

On the other hand, I not only succeeded in being promoted, but I was also the Number One Genius on the continent. I believe that the demonic path Senior is not difficult to make judgments about this choice.

“Now, I just need to find Su Yu and ask him to take me to the demonic path Senior. When the time comes Senior, he will definitely accept me as a personal biography and teach me the Source Dao, ha ha ha ….”

While thinking about it, Emperor Yuwen couldn’t help but laughed wildly again.

On this day, he was able to concentrate all his smiles in his life, and he was really in a very good mood.

There is no doubt at all. This day is probably the turning point in his life of Emperor Yuwen. From then on, he will achieve the great cause of demonic path, so that this Divine Realm continent will respect the demonic path from now on and be called the emperor.

Almost at the same time, Wu and Ye Rongtian also received the same news….

Wu froze for a long time, looking at the distant sky outside the window, gently shook the head, a little disappointed but not at all too taking seriously.

On this Divine Realm continent, the sun rises and the moon falls. Everyday all genius rises and falls, and some of them are stunning.

In this era of Martial Dao’s heyday, genius is the most precious, but genius is the least valuable.

Martial Dao has been on the road for a long time, and this kind of thing is obvious.

After half a day, Wu and Bai Ning moved towards Kunlun Xianshan and set off.

Ye Rongtian on the other side, when he heard this news, his eyes flickered twice, and there was no more mood swings.

This matter has nothing to do with me, it is not important!

At this time, all his thoughts and concerns are placed on the Space-Time Palace. He knows very well that this is his own way.

Time passes, like a white horse passing by.

The Extreme North Land of the first domain is located at the northernmost end of the battlefield of God, very close to the border.

This place is called the land of Heart Demon by continental repairers.

From ancient times to the present, every cultivator has longed for this place. Within the radius of 1,000,000 li, many cultivators have found great opportunities here, and have soared to the sky since then.

Therefore, for countless years, this place of Heart Demon has never been a cultivator who came to look for opportunities.

In addition, this place is called the Land of Heart Demon. Even the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of the demonic path can be bred here, so there are many types of heavenly materials and earthly treasures here, and they are more precious.

However, since it is called the land of Heart Demon, crises and opportunities coexist, even if the invincible cultivator arrives here, there is a risk of falling.

It is rumored that 300 years ago, there was a Peak powerhouse in the God Realm who fell here.

In the past 300 years, perhaps the weak realm practitioners have fallen and not at all people know, but when they reach the peak cultivation base in the invincible realm, they all have names and surnames on the continent. As long as they fall, news will come out.

In the past 300 years, only the news of the fall of a Peak powerhouse in the God Realm came out, which shows the special place of this place.

At this time, in the depths of the Heart Demon Land…

At this time, the ripples of the void continue to rippling away, connecting to form a Great Array above the void sky, converging into a Space-Time gate.

Shua shua sounded several times, and the figures of Chu Yan and the other four rushed out of it.

The method of mixing Heaven Ranking spirit is really terrifying. The formidable power of Transmission Great Array can send them directly to the heart of Heart Demon.

Moreover, this Great Array aura is introverted and extremely secretive, even the little beast a hundred steps away is not alarmed.

“This is…”

Chu Yan lands on both feet and opens.

Begin to investigate all around situations.

“Su Yu, how about it, go to the ground!?”

If you can’t seal it in a hurry, he asked before he even landed.

His cultivation is the way of prediction, that is, the way of forecasting the heavens mentioned by the Heaven Ranking spirit. His cultivation is different from the ordinary cultivator, and the demand for opportunity is great, and the requirements are also high.

So, whenever there is a great opportunity, it is when his cultivation base and strength are greatly improved.

“Wait a minute!”

Chu Yan’s eyes closed slightly, and Divine Consciousness was released, spreading to all directions continuously.

Now, in his Divine Consciousness, there is a trace of Source Power, and the exploration environment and void are extremely secretive.

As time goes by, Chu Yan’s complexion sinks slightly and he keeps running Source Power. In the end, even his whole body turns into a transparent jade color with golden air flowing in it.

This is a state of Source Power running to Peak.

A little bit of aura merges into all around in the sky. At this time, Chu Yan seems to have merged with this piece of Heaven and Earth, reaching the realm of One with the World.

Then, those auras keep returning from the distant sky, reintegrating into Chu Yan within the body, turning into Divine Consciousness and returning to Sea of ​​Consciousness.

As a result of these investigations, some found heavenly materials, earthly treasures, some ancient cemeteries, and some hidden caves in the Inheritance Land.

There are strong and weak, high and low, and so on.


After ten breaths, Chu Yan’s eyes lit up instantly, and he turned to look towards the left direction.

On the top of a small hill over there, there seems to be a very special bluestone, and no aura can touch it, as if this bluestone does not exist in this world at all.

At this moment, not far from the top of the hill, a hurried silhouette suddenly stagnated, turning to look towards the direction behind him.

His silhouette was naturally also discovered by Chu Yan. His eyes looked past him, and his eyes met at a distance of thousands of 10,000 li.

At this time, Chu Yan didn’t have any mood swings and didn’t care at all.

I came this time, it was for you. It’s by chance.

The spirit of Dao Realm in the distance seems to sense something, browse tightly knit, and turn around and move on.

“It’s worthy of being the Senior of Dao Realm. In this place, he is very strong. With my Source Power, he can still be found by him. I am the fusion of Heaven and Earth, and he is directly Heaven. and Earth true body .”

Chu Yan sighed in his heart.

Not long ago, he just refining dao fruit, breakthrough reached the realm of the Lord, and his strength was naturally not weak.

“Xiutian Senior, little beast, you can’t get a high seal. You will wait here first. When I call you, you will move forward. Don’t mess around and don’t let him find out.”

Chu Yan continued to stare at the spirit of Dao Realm while Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

At this time, Chu Yan is fully controlling Source Power, restraining aura and will to the extreme, and trying not to let him discover it.

The spirit of Dao Realm went all the way, broke through several barriers, and continued to shuttle in each and everyone in the sky.

These hidden little worlds of the void are arranged like a Great Array of existence, connected together like a maze. If this is impossible for an outsider to break in, I am afraid that only his true body can know how to get there. .

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