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As for the evaluation of Dao Realm’s spirit, Chu Yan hurried to do it.

“Senior is too famous!”

The primate of Dao Realm took a breath, and his face recovered as he said, “Su Fellow Daoist, let me go in, but I hope you can take the Heavenly Might vow, you must not threaten me, and if I am in danger, hope I can help!”

As soon as this statement came out, Chu Yan did not hesitate, nodded agreed.

After that, Chu Yan all four took the Heavenly Might oath.

“Su Fellow Daoist, enter it, your cultivation base is okay, but your three friends are afraid that they will not be able to withstand the pressure of the suppression. There is a secret book here. They must be cultivated before they are not affected. Influence, and this secret skill allows them to move freely.”

After speaking, the spirit of Dao Realm raised his hand with a wave, and a secret book flew out.

The Saint of Ten Thousand Heavens, the trio of ancestors and Feng Bu Gao, Xiu Heavenly Dao, quickly took over and thanked them all.

The three of them sat down and began cultivation the secret book.

The spirit of Dao Realm continuously releases aura and takes back the origins released just now within the body. Although the number is small, it is obvious that he cares about these origins very much.

After all, a mountain range spirit like him needs endless years of cultivation to produce a little aura, which is naturally cherished.

While recovering the origin, while looking towards Chu Yan, he said, “Su Fellow Daoist, there is one thing I don’t understand, I don’t know…”

“Senior, please!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“I’m very curious. Before you were on the battlefield of the Lord of God, you seemed very rude to the four legendary genius, but now it seems to me…”

The spirit of Dao Realm has just figured out that Chu Yan’s current strength and breakthrough problems, the next strange thing is his attitude towards himself.

According to his strength, he can completely kill himself and then snatch his nest.

Not only did this Su Yu not be like this, he has always maintained a consultative attitude, and he is extremely polite to himself.

This makes him very confused. Although his spirit wisdom Form Transformation is not long, he has been entrenched in this Dao Realm mountain range for so many years, and he has seen countless Human Race repairers. It is also very understanding.

The world of repairers is weak are prey to the strong, and the fist is the truth. A strong person is not polite to someone weaker than himself.

So, Chu Yan’s cultivation base and attitude made him extremely incomprehensible.

Now that the two sides have reached an agreement, the relationship has eased, so he wants to ask.

In addition, it is called Senior. On the Divine Realm continent, it is commensurate with strength. Just like the brother of the same sect Senior Brother, it is not ranked by generation. It has always been ranked by strength. The strongest is the Senior Brother, and the weaker. Naturally Junior Brother Junior Sister.

So, in principle, not only does Chu Yan need not call him Senior, even though he is really older than 90% of the nine cultivators on this continent, on the contrary, he should call Chu Yan Senior.

Tao Wu World, whoever attains shall be first!

It has always been this way, and everyone does it often.

“Dao Realm Senior, according to the ordinary theory, because I respect you a lot, I call you Senior.” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“Su Fellow Daoist, why not tell the truth!” Although the spirit of Dao Realm has just been spiritual wisdom incarnation, he has seen a lot of wind and rain, so naturally he will not believe it.

“Let’s put it this way, I will have friendship with Senior in the future, but I just met now. If I explain this to you, I’m afraid you won’t believe it! Besides, Junior has something to ask, I don’t know if Senior Promise!?”

“en! The way of heavenly secrets, it seems that your friend’s heavenly foretelling technique, the cultivation base is not low! If you have anything, please tell me!”

The spirit of Dao Realm glanced at the cultivation secret book next to it, which was still not sealed, slightly nodded.

As the Dao Realm mountain range, he has been here for endless years, and he has naturally seen the genius who predicts the way, so he can see the forecasting way of the high cultivation at a glance, and the innate talent is extremely strong.

So, as Chu Yan explained this, the spirit of Dao Realm naturally thought of the lack of a seal, and at the same time, he was willing to believe it.

Heavenly Dao, Mingming, has its own rules. If there is no heaven defying cultivation opportunity for their spiritual objects, so putting it that way, this Su Yu may have a good relationship with him in the future.

On this point, the spirit of Dao Realm believes.

“After many years, if you meet Chu surnamed genius, please take care of it!”

Boom… Rumble!

The sound of a thunderbolt exploded in the sky, Space-Time Rule Power issued a warning, but not at all prevented it.

“This… OK, no problem!”

The spirit of Dao Realm was taken a step by the sudden sound of the thunderbolt, his gaze looking towards Chu Yan suddenly changed, and nodded quickly agreed.

This guy who talked has caused Heavenly Thunder! ?

This time, Chu Yan this remark, the spirit of Dao Realm is firmly in my heart.

Time goes by….

In two hours’ time, all the cultivation of the three members of Feng Gao was completed, and the secret book was all mastered.

This is not a powerful unique skill killer, it’s just an ordinary a method, and there is no distinction between high and low realm, so the cultivation is fast.

“Let’s go~!”

The spirit of Dao Realm got up first and moved towards void crack, followed by Chu Yan.

As soon as he stepped into the crack, Chu Yan suddenly felt a coercion, and instantly enveloped him, moving towards the void and shuttled away.

After ten breaths, Chu Yan felt his figure lighter and his feet fell on the ground.

At this time, he has appeared in a brand new little World, and looked up all around.


Chu Yan’s current Divine Consciousness probing power is extremely powerful and sophisticated, as long as it has its origin.

So, he just glanced at it and was shocked by the situation before him.

Not only Chu Yan, but the three of Feng Bu Gao are equally surprised.

I saw that in the Heaven and Earth in front of us, the continent was pure gold, and above the end of the continent, there were a number of heavenly peaks of various colors rising, straight clouds.

Not only that, the rich spiritual aura between Heaven and Earth has reached an extremely terrifying level, rushing in the sky like a big river, as if endless.

In such a place, Chu Yan only feels as small as an ant falling into the river.

“You… are the only ones who enter here!”

a An extremely old voice sounded, making everyone feel refreshed and suddenly awakened.

“The visitor is a guest, and the opportunity will follow the sky. However, any opportunity is unfair. I hope you can get it yourself.”

The sound fell, and the five aura fell, covering the five Chu Yan.

Even if it was Chu Yan’s strength, there was no time to react, so he was directly shrouded and dragged away by this strength.

After that, Heaven and Earth faded and Space-Time reversed.


After hundreds of breaths, everything returned to normal, Chu Yan looked towards all around.

Compared with before, the World here is completely the difference between Heaven and Earth. This place is like a battlefield. There are traces of battle everywhere. There are huge pits, cracks in the sky sword, and the mountain peak. , In the sky, there was murderous intention circulating, obviously after fierce battle.

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