
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The ups and downs of life, you say is luck, but this luck is for a while, that is for a lifetime.

So those who have a lifetime of good luck, from an ordinary person directly to a human master, like Heaven Sealing to achieve success in the continent, impossible to rely on and completely believe in luck, only believe in their own layout.

Even if it is a word, the layout of a move may bring about a major reversal in life.

It’s just like this. Although I’m already looking forward to it, when it really appears and happens, it still makes the whole person of Heaven Sealing excited and unable to speak.

“Su Yu back then, because he got a chance, because of that chance, I had to help him!”

Mixing with the spirit of Heaven Ranking makes Heaven Sealing completely certain, and it is getting more and more excited.

“Many thanks Senior, such a great kindness, Entong recreates, Junior will never forget it in his lifetime!”

Heaven Sealing hurriedly bowed and bowed, trembling all over, the ecstasy in his heart, even if he was indifferent all his life, he was also excited at this time.

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking shook the head and said, “Don’t thank me, I have something to say, if this time allows you to enter the depths of the Heaven Ranking, but this opportunity between you and Wu their three people will be completely gone. , Are you willing!?”

Without any hesitation, Heaven Sealing directly agreed, “Of course, Junior is willing.”

“In addition, Su Yu was in the depths of the Heaven Ranking before and only cultivation for a year. Now you are the same!”

When the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking said this, there was no blushing heartbeat.

Great righteousness is great righteousness, and temperament is temperament. When the two conflict, the Heaven Ranking spirit will give way, but it does not mean that he will give up ten steps, but one step is good.

So, he and Heavenspan Shuling took a fancy to Chu Yan and asked him to cultivation once for ten years and 20 years. But now, he sees Heaven Sealing not pleasing to the eye, and it’s not bad for him to cultivation for one year.

“Okay, one year is enough!” Heaven Sealing naturally did not dare to say anything.

“Very good, let’s make an agreement now! Entering the depths of the Heaven Ranking for a year, the price is, if you did not create the lower part of the Divine Emperor when the time comes, you will be judged!”

Mixed Heaven Ranking spirits continue to increase, making the conditions more demanding.

“Yes, Senior!” Heaven Sealing was full of joy at this time, and it was just what the Heaven Ranking spirit said.

“Okay, then you go!”

With a wave of spirit from the Heaven Ranking, a huge list above the sky appeared, and cast a Profound Light on Heaven Sealing.

In this brief moment, Tianji Avenue is running rumble, letting the historical cart press forward, and everything that is blocked in front of the wheels will be crushed into powder.

However, no one knows who will become the powder under the wheel when.

It’s like the Heaven Ranking spirit in front of him. I guess he couldn’t think of it. What he did today has finally planted hidden dangers and seeds for his own future destruction.

I aligned my position with the wheels of the historical cart, and formally entered the trajectory of being crushed into powder.

According to the historical records of later generations, the predecessor of the Heaven Ranking was the Hybrid Heaven Ranking. After the spirit of the Hybrid Heaven Ranking was killed by the “Heaven Sealing”, the Hybrid Heaven Ranking also decayed into the Heaven Ranking and reborn the Heaven Ranking Spirit.

Because Heaven Sealing killed the number one powerhouse in the sky, in the Great Ancient Era, the god-like Heaven Ranking spirit, changed his name to… Heaven!

Since then, the name Feng Butian has never been used again, and the only thing that has appeared in front of the continental world is that… God!

After Heaven Sealing was sent to the depths of the Heaven Ranking by the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking changed to think about it, and a Consciousness came out.

“Little emperor, what is the big dream kid doing!? Dao Realm little Avatar!?”

After Huang Tian received the call from the Heaven Ranking Spirit, he quickly replied, “Dao Realm is okay. Dao Meng’s boy is not doing well right now. Would you help him? I think he compares Depressed.”

When the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking heard this, he immediately complexion sank and said, “What kind of cultivation technique of this kid’s cultivation, he will dream of his own death sooner or later! It is like sleepwalking every day!”

Speaking of which, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking is really fair, and cultivate those continent genius as hope.

So, this time not only prepared a great opportunity for the Four Great Lords, but also prepared an opportunity for the spirit of Dao Realm and the invincible of Dao Realm.

After all, to revitalize the continent to break the shackles is such a difficult goal, just relying on four people is naturally not enough, others also need attention.

“Brother Hun, you have thought of the big dream kid, and there is another kid, have you forgotten!?” Huang Tian asked.

“hmph! Who do you want to say!?” The Heaven Ranking spirit is directly coldly snorted.

“Brother Hun, don’t pretend, of course it is Su Yu. His current strength is much stronger than Yuwenhuang and Ye Rongtian. Are you not going to help!?”

Hearing this, Ling Ling suddenly sneered, “With his identity and background, do you still need my help? Smile!”

You can say anything else, as long as you talk about this kid, you get angry with the Heaven Ranking spirit.

It’s just an identity that’s all. I took the initiative to ask him, and he didn’t even pursue what he had been hiding before. This kid didn’t even go to the road and didn’t say anything about it.

There is a kind, very kind!

“Brother Hun, why bother? The cultivator on the Divine Realm continent has no secret of his own. You dare to say that the four boys and the big dreams have no secret of their own. I dare to tell you, I dare to say anything! It’s just that some hide it, some hide it in tricks, that’s all.”

“Slow special, nonsense, speak to that kid again, I’ll beat you!”

I didn’t wait for Huang Tian to finish speaking, and the Spirit of Heaven Ranking shouted.

Being confused by the spirit of the Heaven Ranking, Huang Tian Lord suddenly shut up, dare not say anything more.

To persuade, I must persuade, just to find the right opportunity. Now it seems that the spirit of the Heaven Ranking has not disappeared. Now that this matter is said, it is tantamount to suicide.

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking didn’t say much, and with a wave of his hand, he was ready to find the Great Dream Lord.

At this time, he is indeed in a bad mood.

That kid, really just leave it alone! ?

“Forget it, I don’t want him, just let him do it himself!” The Heaven Ranking spirit got bigger and bigger, and finally cursed.

But the void channel in front of me has been open for a long time, and he just can’t get in.

“Xiaohuang, prepare for it, and when I finish looking for the big dream, I will go to the Huang Tian Hall to have a look, the curtain ice should also help!”

Hearing these words, Huang Tian’s Lord was startled first, and then said with a smile

“No problem, please wait anytime!”

Li Mubing is now the heir of the authentic Heavenspan Shuling. He controls the Taoist Secret Book. The cultivation base is too weak. The current strength control is not strong. However, this kind of strength control is not like the cultivation base realm. What kind of ascension method can only rely on time to slowly merge.

So, what the Heaven Ranking spirit said this time, I’m afraid it is a little different from what I thought.

At least, it was definitely not to help Li Mubing.

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