
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Whether it is Great Ancient Era or later generations, Chu Yan does not fully understand the things of the ten great gods.

So, this may be a good opportunity. With the help of Heaven Ranking, it may be able to clarify this matter.

The most important thing is, what is the relationship between Xiaohe and Zhutian stone tablet, and what is the seal of the Lord on her body! ?

In the historical records of later generations, although Xiaohe had the mission of mixing the Heaven Ranking spirit, he eventually fell. What happened in it! ?

“Senior, I just left the Huang Tian hall, as long as I have completed all my cultivation techniques, I can go with you.”

Chu Yan thought for a while and said.

“Well, yes, I don’t have time now. Counting the time, it should be almost two years. When the time comes, I prepared it in advance, including Xiaohe, and it should be able to break through to invincible. Otherwise, I can’t go.”

Mixing Heaven Ranking spirit nodded, probably agreed.

“What!? Two years, from God King Realm breakthrough to invincible realm!? Damn, how is this possible!?”

Feng Bugao was almost crazy when he heard this. It took him nearly 50 years from the God King Realm breakthrough to the invincible state. This time it was because of his special cultivation.

Furthermore, the innate talents and chances Feng Gao thinks of himself are all first-class. Although they are not as abnormal as the Four Great Lords and Chu Yan, they are absolutely superb among ordinary practitioners. exist.

This Xiaohe, why did she go from God King Realm breakthrough to invincible realm in two years, and so on… She is because…

Feng Bu Gao glanced at the Heaven Ranking, and his pupils trembled. After a long time, he finally took a long breath and accepted his fate.

“hehe, it’s just a trash like you that I dare to compare with our Xiaohe, your confidence!?”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking has found an opportunity. I waited for a long time, and finally waited. There was still polite there. It was a heavy foot step on, almost spraying out the unsound qi and blood.

I turned out to be a… trash! ?

“Let…then what, you are helping her on purpose!”

“Ha, I like it, are you in charge!?”

Mixing Heaven Ranking’s spirit is not good enough, looking at the suffocated face, the eyes are full of excitement.

Let you brat have the courage before, and dare to threaten yourself, now you know how great it is! ?


At this moment, the Heaven Ranking spirit complexion changed, turned his head and glanced at the area where the Xiaohe altar was located, and quickly lowered his voice to Chu Yan and Feng Bugao

“Xiaohe’s first sermon is over. She is coming over soon. You guys should pay attention to me. My name is… Fang Heavenly Jade, don’t show me anything!”

“understood! Senior!”


Chu Yan and Feng Bu Gao responded, indicating understood.

Feng Bu Gao is angry in his heart, but he still dare not offend the Heaven Ranking spirit in this kind of thing. It’s just that he feels unhappy with that’s all.

At the next breath, the three of them turned their heads at the same time, looking towards the mountain peak direction, and saw a white cloud moved towards here flying towards.

The person here is not someone else, but Xiaohe.

“Xiaohe, come here, I will introduce you two friends!”

On the face of the spirit of the Heaven Ranking, the smile seemed to bloom, and the enthusiasm overflowed.

“This is Su Yu, my friend!”

“That’s not high, it’s my friend!”

As soon as this remark came out, it evoked his face convulsed, what is called… ?

The words fell, Xiao He turned his head and looked towards Chu Yan instantly, the Purple Gold pupils in his eyes flashed instantly.

“Su…Su big brother!”

Xiaohe’s voice was full of trembling and surprise, with a color of disbelief.



Mixed Heaven Ranking Ling and Feng Bu Gao, and the complexion changed at the same time, with a dull face.

“I haven’t seen you in so long, didn’t expect you are so old!” Chu Yan smiled softly.

“Really…. Is it really you!? Su big brother!”

Xiaohe seems to be in surprise, completely unable to extricate himself.

Farewell to the fishing grounds of the heavens. Several decades have passed. For Xiaohe, maybe that was the most important day in her life.

However, for Chu Yan, this incident was just an experience that’s all in the cultivation history.

“very good, brother Su big, I finally saw you!”

At the exit of this sentence, Xiaohe plunged directly into Chu Yan’s arms, and he was cheering excitedly and excited.

The Heaven Ranking spirit who stood aside, his entire face turned green in an instant.

What’s the situation! ?

He has followed Xiaohe for so many years, before and after, when he was treated like this.

“hehe, Su Yu Fellow Daoist, great!”

Feng Bu Gao was taken aback for a while, and he quietly gave Chu Yan a thumbs up while his eyes kept squeezing.

Especially when you see the Heaven Ranking spirit who has turned from a bleak green face to a black face next to him, then don’t mention how happy it is.

What’s the situation! ?

This is a big situation, the world number one powerhouse, the person who is in charge of the Heaven Ranking and the spiritual goal of the Heaven Ranking, unexpectedly let Su Yu get into it.

Compared with this method and level, Wantiansheng is totally a heaven and an underground.

Feng Gao has decided. Starting from today, I must abandon the dark and turn to the Ming, and switch to learning from Su Yu Fellow Daoist. This is the bright road.

“You…you know!?”

Mixed with the fire in the belly of the Heaven Ranking, Ling almost burned his origins, suffocating his anger, solemnly asked with a black face.

In order to show his demeanor in front of Xiaohe, he also used his whole body strength, forcibly changing the muscles of his face, as if moving several mountains, squeezing a smile.

For this smile, the void within three steps around him has all turned into powder, and the pieces cannot be broken.

“Yes! Heavenly Jade!”

Xiao He was awakened by the sound, and quickly got out of Chu Yan’s arms, slightly adjusted his appearance, nodded replied.

“Heavenly Jade, this is the big brother I told you!”

Xiaohe looked towards Su Yu, and the pupils in his eyes kept flickering, and his eyes were full of rays of light of memories.

“If it weren’t for the big brother Su Yu’s rescue, maybe grandfather and I would have died in that grandfather!”

“I heard later that because of this incident, the Su big brother was almost…”

Speaking of this, tears appeared in Xiaohe’s eyes, and the Heaven Ranking Spirit was instantly stupid, and the full of anger instantly disappeared cleanly.

It turns out that when Sun Family asked Su Yu for trouble and pulled him out by himself, it was such a thing.

Xiaohe mentioned it to himself before, but he didn’t care about it at the time, thinking it was just an ordinary matter, didn’t expect that person turned out to be Su Yu.

Now when I hear it, it turns out that the big brother who thinks about it day and night in Xiaohe’s mouth, the big benefactor, turned out to be the little bastard Su Yu.

“You brat, why didn’t you tell me earlier!? I almost…”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking looked at Chu Yan with a look of anger.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s just a small matter, as long as Brother Hun doesn’t treat me as an opponent!” Chu Yan smiled softly.

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