
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Time goes by…

Two days later, the Chu Yan entire group reached the deepest part of Xiayuan.

On this road, because of Chu Yan’s Eternal Age, there was no danger at all. The reason why it took two days was because the Heaven Ranking spirits completely regarded this road as going on a scenic Tour, enjoy various scenery with Xiaohe.

Chu Yan and Feng Bugao are not good at urging him along the way, so they can only watch their various shows of affection with black faces.

Although the strength of this master is now suppressed, it is the world’s number one powerhouse after all. Whoever dares to provoke him can only endure it.

Chu Yan was stunned all the way, watching them, and gradually got used to it.

“The river in front is the border of Central Source!”

Chu Yan finished speaking, regardless of them, just walked forward.

Currently, Chu Yan does not have a stone seal. Everything here completely ignores Chu Yan’s coercive aura, all turned into Heavenly Might, moved towards Chu Yan and suppressed.

Chu Yan was also not polite with them, and went straight out in an imposing manner, and went away against suppression.

At the same time, Chu Yan always released a part of Source Power to cover the other three people, so that they would not be affected by these.

On this journey, the four of them felt like no one in the army of millions, and there was almost no resistance.

If this is for other practitioners to see, scared eyes will fly out.

Ordinary repairers want to live any dangerous place, that one is not nine deaths and still alive, and it even takes a long time to find a way slowly.

But these four of them are like walking in the ordinary mountain range, even if there are countless beasts all around, they can’t shake them at all.

Along the way, another few days have passed…

The original relaxed atmosphere was changed drastically by Xiaohe’s sudden expression.

At this time, Xiaohe chuckled at the anecdote that the Heaven Ranking Spirit pointed at a certain interest in the previous breath, but the complexion greatly changed in the next breath, and his whole body trembled.

“Xiaohe, Xiaohe…what’s wrong with you, don’t scare me!”

In the Heaven Ranking, Ling’s expression changed, and he kept asking Xiao He in his arms.

Chu Yan and Feng Bugao also felt abnormal. They all came back and surrounded all around, but only saw two groups of dazzling rays of light among Xiaohe’s pair of different pupils lit up, as if two rounds of haori .

An extremely powerful aura overflows from it, constantly occupying the void all around.

“Not good! This is her seal within the body about to be broken!”

The spirit of mixing Heaven Ranking may have seen it, and the complexion changed suddenly, shouting at Chu Yan

“Chu Yan, help me!”

With a sound, aura broke out on him.


Chu Yan did not dare to neglect, and quickly agreed.

At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly changed, and even the face of not high-ranking was full of solemnity and tension.

At this time, among Xiaohe’s different pupils, the aura was gradually suppressed by the combination of Heaven Ranking Spirit and Chu Yan, and the power slowly dissipated.

It didn’t take long for the rays of light to disappear, replaced by Xiaohe’s clear eyes.

Although she has recovered, she seems to have consumed a lot and her face is pale.

“Xiaohe! How are you!?”

I am so nervous about the Heaven Ranking, I keep asking Xiao He in my arms

“Heavenly Jade …”

Xiaohe’s eyes are full of fear, and his voice is trembling, “I…I feel it, it…it is calling me…. Let’s go back!”

Hearing this, the eyes of the spirit of the Heaven Ranking are full of regret.

According to his heart, of course he wants to go back, but he knows that if the seal is not removed, Xiaohe will never be at peace.

“Don’t be afraid, Xiaohe, I will not cause you trouble! This time we are here to solve the problem, solve it forever, and don’t worry about it again!”

“Xiaohe, you must trust me!”

Although the Spirit of the Mixed Heaven Ranking speaks very quietly, his tone is full of determination.

After Xiaohe was silent for a long time, his face became better and said, “Well, Heavenly Jade, I believe you!”


Mixed Heaven Ranking spirit nodded, moved towards Chu Yan Look, eyes slightly shrink.

Chu Yan nodded, he knew the meaning of the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking, and he immediately began to run the Big Ten Thousand Elephant Jue, constantly exploding into power, turning into a big net, moved towards Heaven and Earth all around.

Here, the Source Power he can use is much stronger than the Heaven Ranking.

Although he has also been suppressed, it is much stronger than the rejection of the Heaven Ranking spirit.

Therefore, Chu Yan’s great tens of thousands of elephants can be integrated with any original power. This is also the function of Chu Yan’s previous travels to all the small domains of the Divine Realm continent and the integration of each source power.

Also, between the continent origin of the Heaven Ranking spirit and the origin of Ten Thousand Sources here, there are completely two origins, aura, and he can’t merge them at all.

“Su Yu, I seem to feel a bad feeling!”

Feng Bu Gao did not speak, but Divine Consciousness sound transmission said to Chu Yan.

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yan turned his head and glanced at him, but he saw that he was not highly nodded. As a result, Chu Yan’s face instantly sank.

The way of anticipation that is not high enough to cultivation. To put it directly, it is the secret of heaven a.

For some things in the dark, his perception is actually very strong, but he has been with Chu Yan for so long, he has never said such a thing.

But now, the first time he speaks, it makes Chu Yan understand that he is not worried about not being high, but he really feels it.

“Can you open a trigram!?” Chu Yan asked.


The hexagrams that are not sealed are usually not working well for small things and major events, but when the hexagrams are really started, they are still very organized.

“Pay attention!” Chu Yan said, moving towards Xiaohe took a look, Feng Bu Gao suddenly understood.

At this time, no matter what is calculated, it is best not to let Xiaohe know that the Heaven Ranking spirit has just comforted her.

Xuantianlu and Jade Compass appeared at the same time, Feng Bu Gao turned his back to them, his hands kept forming seals, mixing with the inspiration of Heaven Ranking, turned his head to look towards Feng Gao, browse slightly wrinkle.

Soon after, the four continued to move forward…

Now, the speed of advancing is slower than before. On the way to the Heaven Ranking, I seem to be staying in the all around scenery and mountains and rivers, constantly talking to Xiaohe about various fun things.

After an hour….

Suddenly, Chu Yan and the body of the Heaven Ranking Spirit froze at the same time, and stood on the spot.

An icy breath of death rose in the two of them, their complexions changed drastically at the same time, and their scalp numb.

“Su Yu!”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking roared sharply.


Without any hesitation, Chu Yan’s whole body imposing manner exploded like a flash flood, and an indescribable power instantly enveloped a radius of 10,000 li, completely immobilizing Heaven and Earth World on this side, and everything was suppressed. .

Behind Chu Yan, an extremely tall and majestic mountain peak appeared, sitting like a heavenly peak in the void behind Chu Yan.

Boom… Rumbling!

Mountain peak has just taken shape. Above the Vault of Heaven overhead, the sound of a sky bursting sounded. From the cracks, the claws of an incomparable gigantic stretched out and moved towards the place where the four people were. Caught fiercely.

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