
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

There are only thirty-nine of Heavenly Sea Lords who are spiritually ranked in the Heaven Ranking!

But all the powerhouses in the world know that this ranking is probably simply fake.

Of course, impossible is a fake Heaven Ranking spirit, but because this Heavenly Sea Lord has not had any record or information about his actions for thousands of years.

So, in this way, even if the Heaven Ranking spirit is caught up with Heavenspan, he is also impossible to change the rank of Skylord.

Regarding this matter, some people have also asked Heavenly Lord the reason. When Heavenly Lord answered, there was nothing worthy of him in the world.

As for being ranked in the Heaven Ranking, he simply doesn’t care.

Therefore, this time more than a dozen Gods gathered together to explore the altar of the gods together, but it was because the Heavenly Sea God called out that so many Gods responded.

Otherwise, the ordinary god powerhouse wants more than a dozen gods to join forces now, and the distribution of benefits, conflicts between each other, Sect faction and other factors cannot be achieved.

The Lord Tianhai observed the flower tree, and after a full 5 minutes of time, his face became extremely dignified, and his pupils shrank into needles.

“Everyone, don’t harvest these trees and flowers. These are not ordinary heavenly materials and earthly treasures, but are bred by Heaven and Earth Rule Power, which has the origin of Rule Power!”

As soon as these words came out, all the powerhouses present were shocked.

“You… is true!?”

As the God Realm, I have not seen anything, all kinds of precious heavenly materials, earthly treasures, and all kinds of opportunities on this continent.

However, these trees and flowers in front of me have such power, which is too special.

Even all the powerhouses of the God Realm present, have never seen it before, even heard of it, there is such a treasure in this world.

The most important thing is that these trees and flowers were bred in the land of ten thousand sources, and they actually contained the rules of Source Power. You must know the origin of this land of ten thousand sources, but it is completely different from the Divine Realm continent.

This is a completely different Source Power for the lords who want to break through the Supreme Realm. For them, it is an extremely precious opportunity for enlightenment.

Such a treasure, even if it is one, will cause competition among the big masters of the world in the outside world.

Not to mention, here is a grove of flowers!

After a period of silence, the Sky Master Tianhai stood up and took a long and peaceful breath.

“Everyone, with our current situation in this sea of ​​flowers, let’s just ignore it, let’s move on!”

As soon as these words came out, the Lord suddenly raised objections

“Senior, this is a shame!? Even if there are some problems, we can think of a way and just give up, it is a shame!”

“Furthermore, we don’t know what happened to the glowing light, and whether we have gained in the end. Now that we encounter this flower and tree, everyone can get a lot of it, so we just give up. Will we get nothing in the end? !?”

“After all, we are here now at the risk of falling!”

As soon as these words landed, many of the Gods present were nodded and applauded. After all, they came back empty-handed when they arrived in front of treasure, which is a shame.

The Heavenly Sea Lord looked at each other, and then shook the head and said, “Everyone, you don’t seem to have noticed. There are a lot of good things we have come across along the way, but think about it, what we have gained Is it!?”

Hearing these words, both Huge and Blazing Sky Lords are startled.

Yes ah!

In their entire group, there are more than a dozen powerhouses in the realm of the Lord, and they rushed directly to the dangerous place, so they encountered good things and treasures along the way, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, etc., which are not too few.

However, every time they want to collect, there will always be some accidents that make them have to give up.

According to this, it means that there is a secret operation in the sky, and it is shrouded in them.

If they face this grove of trees and flowers, if they really forcibly collect, it may violate the secret of heaven, and the consequences…

“According to Senior, then we really just came back empty-handed!?”

Hearing this, Heavenly Sea Lord shook the head.

“Everyone, this is the land of ten thousand sources, Martial Dao’s ultimate Holy Land. Think about it. What did you cultivation Martial Dao for from the beginning!?”

“The original goal is like the glorious land ahead, and the various treasure heavenly materials, earthly treasures and opportunities along the way are like hesitations and accidents on our cultivation path.”

“Since your cultivation Martial Dao did not stop and did not take the wrong path, why did you make such a mistake when you got here!? If it is true, I am afraid you will go when you are in God King Realm. When the local tyrant is, what Martial Dao is still looking for!?”

As soon as this remark came out, the complexion of the Lords present slightly changed.


Listening to Heavenly Sea Lord, it seems to have a meaning in this respect, can it be said that the journey turned out to be a test! ?

“Furthermore, for such a large forest of flowers, you really want to collect them one by one. How long will it take!?”

“When the peerless treasure appears, it is just a chance. Race against time is the most important thing. If you miss the peerless treasure because you waste time here, do you think it is worth it!?”

“Sincerely, don’t you need to remind me!?”

At this moment, all the lords present, including the repairer who had raised objections before, all had a stunned expression.

It seems that this is the case!

The dozen of them are all Peaks of the God Realm. Even if they get these tree flowers, it will not help them in their cultivation at all. After all, they have reached the Martial Dao peak, and getting these tree flowers is impossible to help them. Breaking through to the Supreme Realm only increases their wealth.

However, for the God Realm Peak powerhouse, the emphasis on wealth resources has been very weak.

Everyone’s thoughts are basically on the breakthrough Supreme realm.

So, it didn’t take long for the lords who were thinking about each other to quickly make up their minds.

“Senior makes sense, let’s move on!”

“Yes! It seems that this flower forest is a trap! The traps and murderous intention on the Martial Dao road are not only dangerous and murderous intention, but also the temptation to shake people’s minds!”

“That’s right, our cultivation, from the very beginning to the current Martial Dao, has been exhausted, and has gone through all kinds of dangers. It is definitely not for wealth, resources and status. We must find Martial Dao. The true meaning of it!”

“Yes, I don’t believe that Martial Dao on the continent has no possibility of breakthrough Supreme!”

“Everyone, this continental Martial Dao shackles are broken by us!”

“Come on!”

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