
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The Sky Master Tianhai used an extremely powerful secret skill, and his skin turned into a bronze color, like metal.

The other gods did not dare to neglect, they all used various secret skills to strengthen their defenses.

So, headed by the Heavenly Lord, walking on the most advanced stage, the other Heavenly Lords followed closely behind, in a straight line, almost walking in the footprints of the Heavenly Lord.

Up to now, a person is on the Divine Realm continent. Even if he stomped his feet, the entire continent would tremble. Now he is careful like a child.

It didn’t take long for the entire group to finally come within the scope of the four altars. Heavenly Sea Lord paused for a long time before taking a step.

This step stepped out, everyone was nervous, their throats tightened, and they all looked up towards the four altars, their faces extremely tense.


Lord Tianhai relaxed, raised True Qi gently, and stepped out again.

2nd Step, 3rd step….

When I got to the Tenth Step, the four altars were finally softly trembled, releasing dazzling rays of light. Obviously, the altar had already reacted, and it also released strong pressure.

“Not good, quickly retreat! ”

The Lord of Heaven and Sea screamed loudly, and a group of Lords did not dare to neglect the complexion greatly changed. At the same time, their figure retreated suddenly, and suddenly withdrew nearly 10,000 zhang distance. After sensing that the altar behind them was calm, they finally breathed .

“That’s right, these four altars are for the younger generation!”

When a God saw this scene, he suddenly spoke, and his heart was full of disappointment.

“It’s out of play!”

The other gods are also extremely disappointed, so that they will have no chance.

Sky Master Tianhai stood there, his face constantly changing, and his pupils contracted.

They walked this way, spent all their efforts, experienced that many dangers, and finally got here.

The point is, maybe only this time, and I want to summon so many Gods in the future, and then break here, it is almost impossible.

Such a peerless opportunity is right in front of me, so I give up and leave, how can I be willing?

However, in this situation, what can be done even if it is unwilling! ?

I just walked to the Tenth Step, and the pressure released by the four altars made them feel as if they were about to fall on the spot next time. It was too terrifying.

Although there is only a layer of Heaven and Earth Realm between God and Supreme, the gap is as big as the difference between an ordinary person and a cultivator.

The Supreme Realm, that is another realm completely, otherwise, why hasn’t it appeared on this continent for so many years?

“Forget it…”

After the Heavenly Sea Lord groaned for a long time, he really did not dare to take any risks.

These are four Supremes, and they are still in a high alert state. Anyone who comes close to them will probably be directly attacked, and there is no opportunity to explain.

Looking at the silhouette of the female cultivator in the middle of the four altars, Lord Tianhai looked carefully for a long time, remembering her appearance and Aura.

After leaving the land of Ten Thousand Sources and returning to the Divine Realm continent, it may be a clue to carefully understand the situation of this female cultivator.

It may not be difficult to check, but at that time, even if it is found, what can be done! ?

There is obviously a great relationship between this woman and the altars of the gods. Various golden runes emerge in the void, with four altars occupying all quarters. The woman sits cross-legged among them, not knowing what she is doing in the cultivation.


At this moment, Heavenly Sea Lord suddenly sensed an extremely weak aura trying to rush out of the altar, and he saw the female cultivator’s brows constantly trembling, as if trying to work hard with eyes opened, but I can’t open it anyhow.

“She found us!?”

Skylord Tianhai reacted, this female cultivator is not sinking into the cultivation, her Divine Consciousness is active, looking like this, it is more like being trapped here by the four major altars, impossible to move.

“Are they Heavenly Jade big brother and Su big brother!?”

Without waiting for Heavenly Sea Lord to think more, a silver bell-like voice rang.

More than a dozen big bosses from the realm of God, all startled together.

What’s the situation! ?

The woman in the middle of the altar… has spoken! ?

This is a show! ?

“I am not waiting for Heavenly Jade Fellow Daoist and Su Fellow Daoist as you mentioned. We just saw the difference at this time. We were looking for them. Just now the four altars attacked us, which is extremely dangerous!”

The Heavenly Sea Lord hurriedly seized the opportunity and began to communicate with Xiaohe.

“Oh, it turned out to be like this, this Fellow Daoist, don’t worry, these four altars will not attack the practitioners at will, they will only…”

In the middle of speaking, Xiaohe woke up suddenly and stopped quickly.

Xiaohe’s temperament is simple and trapped here, so in a hurry, he wanted to find someone to talk to, but only when he said it, he realized that he shouldn’t have said something.

“Won’t attack the repairer!?”

The sky master Tianhai caught Xiaohe’s words, the most critical point.

Not only the Heavenly Sea Lord, but all the other Heavenly Lords all around were overjoyed when they heard this.

This is great news!

In other words, these four altars were just releasing the pressure and deterring them that’s all, not really making a move.

It is equivalent to saying that they were fooled! ?

“Who are you!?”

Xiao He spoke again, his tone stern, and asked.

Although her temperament is simple, after experiencing many things, especially when she was saved by Chu Yan once, of course she knew that this Martial Dao World was extremely cruel. She could take care of other people around her before, but now Only she was alone, and she began to gradually change.

“ha ha ha, girl doll, don’t be afraid, we just want to know the secret here, as long as we take down these four altars, we won’t hurt you!”

The Lord Tianhai smiled and said wildly with a big smile.

At this moment, Heavenly Sea Lord, his whole person is healed, and the smile on his face blooms like a flower.

Finally, there is no need to give up such a good opportunity. This is really every cloud has a silver lining.

next moment, Heavenly Sea Lord did not hesitate, he raised his foot and walked forward again. This time there was no cautiously, but he strode out, one step and then no, until he reached the Tenth Step, he stopped .


Sure enough, the four altars began to tremble at the same time, the same as before, but the Heavenly Sea Lord did not retreat this time, but stood there, watching with full attention.

On the one hand, he is guarding the four altars, and at the same time verifying what the girl said, true or false.

The Heavenly Sea Lord is an Old Monster who has lived for countless years. Of course, it is impossible to be as simple as Xiaohe. No matter what the other party says is true or false, he will carefully verify it to ensure that he will take the next step without fail.

“You guys… don’t mess around, the Heavenly Jade big brother and the Su big brother will be here soon!” Xiao He’s tone was obviously anxious.

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