
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

At this time, it is absolutely fortunate for Chu Yan to meet Heaven Sea God and the others.

However, this kind of fortune does not know what it means to Heavenly Sea Lord and others.

So, when the sword light slashed towards the Sharpening Sword Stone in front of him, Chu Yan’s eyes were full of excited rays of light.

“Not good!”

The Lord Tiger Leather and the Lord Blazing Sky saw this sword light, and the whole person was bad, loudly roared.

“courting death!”

The eyes and pupils of the Heavenly Sea Lord also shrank, and the aura all over his body erupted into a monstrous killing intent. A flash in his hand was that terrifying heavy hammer appeared and waved under the sky, carrying Heaven and Earth. Smashing the sword glow with force.


With a loud noise, the sword glow burst instantly, turning into a sky full of Sword Qi, flying around.

“Who do you think you are!? Once you have been in the Heaven Ranking top 10, do you really think you are invincible!? Today I will let you see the real powerhouse of Divine Realm continent, a long lesson!”

The Heavenly Sea Lord Aura is like a tide, and his voice is clearly instructive.

To be honest, he didn’t at all think of killing Chu Yan directly at this time. After all, the Lord Huge and the Lord Blazing are here, so they still have to give some face.

For the sake of the end, he summoned eleven with a single person, and the gods jointly explored the altar of the gods in the depths of the land of ten thousand sources. This does not seem to be a big deal. Many fellow practitioners are like this. Lilian.

However, the Heavenly Sea Lord is different. He summons all the strongest practitioners who are waiting for one in the world. If he can gather such a lineup, this ordinary world can be counted on one’s fingers.

So, this is a kind of rank and status, and at the same time it is to give face to Daoist. For the future, Heavenly Sea Lord must ensure that this relationship continues.

Therefore, the Heavenly Sea Lord at this time just wanted to teach Chu Yan to let the Huge and Blazing Heavenly Lords remember his favor.

“Tianhai Yuan Lei Jue!”

With a roar, Heavenly Sea God has already killed Chu Yan in front of Chu Yan with a heavy hammer.

Peak as the powerhouse of the previous generation, coupled with the closed-door cultivation for thousands of years, the strength of the Heavenly Sea God is not bottoming, and he has definitely reached the transformation state.

Many cultivators, including the Great Lord Huge who were present, even regarded him as the number one continent Lord, relying on their strength.

When this hammer was smashed out, the ordinary repairers could not see the power of this hammer at all, but in fact, the power of this hammer had reached the level of invincible in the world.

Don’t say below the Peak of the God Realm, even if it is a cultivator of the same level, no one can accept it.

So, to say that this hammer is an invincible hammer, it is completely qualified.

Under the sweep, everything is destroyed!

This is the exquisiteness of Heavenly Sea God’s “Sky Sea Yuan Lei Jue”.

Looking at this move, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed slightly, there was no expression fluctuation, and even the aura on his body did not tremble. It was exactly the same as the Heavenly Sea Lord, except that he raised his hand and cut it out with a sword. , The ordinary can no longer be ordinary.

Boom… Rumble!

A loud noise exploded, and the air like heaven falls and earth rends rolled away.

The four altars burst into a powerful aura, covering the entire altar area, so that the area is not affected at all.

“Yes! If you can take one of my tricks and not die, it means you are okay, but that’s it!”

The Heavenly Sea Lord looked at Chu Yan, slightly nodded, with a tone of approval. In his opinion, a junior genius can pick him up, and that is the highest genius.

However, Chu Yan’s genius is not genius and has nothing to do with him. It just makes his previous decision not to kill Chu Yan feel a little more correct.

The aura on Heavenly Sea Lord’s body continued to explode.

The mighty might be like a path of Gang Tide, with him as the center, spreading to all around all directions. He was originally in the shape of a mountain, but now he is more like a God, and all his strengths are constantly recovering.

For thousands of years, he has never made a move, making everyone forget his old legendary powerhouse.

At that time, he already knew that the cultivators in this world had no rivals, and after reaching such realm and strength, they were still fighting for life, that was stupid.

So, he has disappeared for thousands of years, just silently looking for all the most legendary opportunities and absolutes in the world, and want to find the opportunity of breakthrough Supreme.

This matter has been done by all the lords of the continent from ancient times to the present, and it is almost an open secret.

In addition, his Tianhai Yuanleijue, he wants to go one step further and thoroughly integrate the Heavenly Might rules to lay a solid foundation for creating his own cultivation technique in the future.

Other things, to him, have no meaning.

Tianhai Yuan Lei Jue, the cultivation technique is as its name, and according to the judgment of Tianhai God, it is definitely the most Firm most Yang cultivation technique among Martial Dao on this continent.

Heaven and Earth is the foundation of cultivation without thunder. It takes the elemental thunder into the body, first tempering fleshy body, then Divine Soul, then the will, the 3 Layer great refine.

The ultimate achievement of Supreme’s Tiangang Yuanlei Body, it can almost achieve the ternary unity, and there is no strong and unbreakable point.

However, it is too difficult to cultivation to this level!

Only Yuanlei body refinement took nearly a thousand years of Heavenly Sea Lord. Now his identity body can be transformed into a metal body, which is the effect of Yuanlei body refinement.

“Yuan Lei Breaks the Gang!”

The great hammer in the Skylord of the Sea, swung again, split open space like God’s hammer, as if to smash the sky through a huge hole.

Under the tremor of the rumble, Heaven and Earth were shaking, and the Heavenly Sea Lord began to provoke the Heavenly Might Thunder.

“Senior is really ah!”

“It’s too strong. In these thousands of years, Senior’s cultivation base has reached a terrifying level!”

“This is too terrifying! This move, even me… can’t pick it up!”

“If that Su Yu can take this move, then heaven defying, this kid too not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, and actually confronts Senior!”


A powerhouse of the celestial realm watched the battle, and they started talking.

The highlight of this battle is not because of Su Yu who has recently made the limelight on the continent, but because this battle is Tianhai Senior’s first shot in thousands of years.

Through this battle, you can know how much the strength of Heavenly Sea Lord has improved over the past few thousand years, and how much difference is there between the four who are currently ranked 1st in the Heaven Ranking.

Of course, the difference they think does not mean that the four are better than the Heavenly Sea Lords, but that the Heavenly Sea Lords are better than those four.

“Su Yu ah Su Yu, why didn’t you listen to me!?” The Lord Huge saw this scene, shook the head with a helpless expression.

Just now, after the Heavenly Sea Lord activated the power of Heaven and Earth, he clearly discovered that his own strength was not comparable to the Heavenly Sea Lord.

Before, the 1st move of Heavenly Sea Lord was completely to give him and Blazing Heavenly Lord’s face, so he didn’t make a full move. But now, Heavenly Sea Lord is ready to make an official move. In this way, no one is useful.

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