
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

A heavy hammer exploded completely, and the starlight flickered, as if what exploded was not a Taobao Spirit Armament, but a cluster of nebula.

Immediately afterwards, all the starlights flew out, shrouded in the body of Heavenly Sea Lord, causing his entire imposing manner to skyrocket in an instant.

With the enforcement of this powerful imposing manner, he rushed forward again.

At this time, he, like a god, is coming, wherever he goes, the void is avoided, and all kinds of murderous intentions cannot be approached.

At this time, not only the Heavenly Sea Lord, but the other Lords also began to use the unique skill of trump card to save their lives, preparing to escape this space.


Chu Yan thought about this scene in his heart.

These people did not rush out, but toward the Central Zone. What if this is! ?

Wait for Chu Yan to follow the direction of escape of all the big bosses, and immediately understood that the stopping mark of all the big bosses of them was the four altars.

Above the four black altars, Huiwei sensed that someone was approaching, and all of them exploded with overwhelming coercion, which impacted the approaching lords.

However, the powerful life-saving unique skills performed by these Gods made them temporarily withstand the powerful pressure.

“break for me!”

The Heavenly Sea Lord and a group of big guys, after finally getting together, they all turned around, facing the Heaven and Earth Vault of Heaven on the top of the sky, and shot at the same time.

At this moment, the Heaven and Earth Source Power displayed by Chu Yan, wrapped in endless murderous intention, moved towards them chasing like waves.

However, as soon as you get close to them, the four altars will explode with powerful pressure at the same time, dispersing all the power of Heaven and Earth.

bang! bang! bang!

With the help of the altar behind him, Skylord Tianhai and others made their moves even more crazy, and soon blasted a huge Space-Time hole over the altar.

“Hurry up!”

Without any hesitation, under shouted loudly, Heavenly Sea Lord and the others were full of joy, and immediately rushed out, moved towards the hole and escaped.

When Chu Yan saw this scene, his body flashed suddenly, showing his figure from in the sky, watching the big masters flying towards the hole.

“Su Yu, why don’t you chase ah!?”

Feng Bu Gaofei came over, stood beside Chu Yan, and asked with a different look.

“These guys were too arrogant just now, you won’t teach you anymore!?”

“Teached it!? Is it really going to kill them!? And, see who is coming!?”

Chu Yan turned his head and looked towards the distant sky behind him, shook the head.


When Feng Bugao heard this, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he turned his head and glanced, then grinned suddenly.

The Heavenly Sea Lords on the other side, seeing Chu Yan not chasing them, all of them looked overjoyed, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

“Asshole! Didn’t expect this kid to break through to the Blue Lord Realm and reach the Peak cultivation base of the Blue Lord Realm!”

The Lord Tianhai scolded in his heart, this time he was really Old Ma stumbled, especially when he kicked an iron plate for the first time after thousands of years, he almost broke a bone here.

“hmph! The kid is waiting. After I leave, I will tell Tian and Yuwen Huang what happened here, when the time comes, I see how you handle it!”

The face of Heavenly Sea God is full of coldness. Since he can’t get it, he won’t make others feel better. Not only those four, when the time comes, it’s absolutely amazing to announce the news to the whole world. .

The value here can make him very excited and willing to fight with death, not to mention other cultivators.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a shadow over his head, but it was a silhouette.

“get lost!”

At this moment, the furious Sky Master Tianhai didn’t even look at it. He raised his hand and prepared to blast the cultivator into powder.

However, the cultivator didn’t care about it at all when he heard it, and even stopped.

Don’t you listen to this guy! ?

At the same time when the Heavenly Sea Lord was taken aback, a voice sounded.

“You…make me get lost!?”

The cultivator made a sound, and the whole body trembled, and the whole body aura burst out in an instant, as if countless seals were breaking open, and it continued to skyrocket.

In an instant, the aura of the cultivator reached an astonishing level.

Compared with this, all of the great masters of the Lord Realm present are all aura weaker than him.


At this moment, Heavenly Sea God and a group of great masters were dumbfounded again.

What’s the situation! ?

It’s another iron plate! ?

“Tianhai, right? What did you just say!? Say it again, let me listen!”

The cultivator’s face was dark, he looked at Heavenly Sea Lord, and slowly emerged, with his hands on his back, his expression all over his face was cold.

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking was in a bad mood, but when he got here, he encountered this, which only made him feel worse.

“Hun…Hun brother!?”

The Heavenly Sea Lord only felt the sky and the earth in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and his whole body was shaking.

“I,…I didn’t know it was you. I really didn’t intend to offend here. Please forgive Sir…”

One after another, big beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead, and the entire face of Heavenly Sea Lord turned white.

He is the Number One Person in the powerhouse of the previous generation, and he naturally knows the Heaven Ranking spirit. For Su Yu, he can run if he can’t beat him, and think of other ways to get revenge.

But is it useful for mixing Heaven Ranking spirits? ?

The entire Divine Realm continent is considered to be a place for the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking. Whoever he wants to get is a matter of dividing interest.

Furthermore, behind him, the Lord of World’s First in the last era, without the support of the Heaven Ranking spirit, it is basically impossible, so he owes a lot to the Heaven Ranking spirit.

This kind of awe sent to the depths of Divine Soul has long since been pierced into the bones. The moment he saw the spirit of Heaven Ranking, he didn’t even have the thought of resisting.

The other big lords turned pale when they saw the Heaven Ranking spirit appearing.

“I don’t know it is me!? hmph!”

Hearing this, Hun Heaven Ranking Spirit suddenly coldly snorted and said, “Didn’t Xiaohe tell you just now, the Heavenly Jade big brother is coming soon!? Now I can tell you that I am the one… Fang Heavenly Jade !”

Hearing this, Chu Yan and Feng Bugao stood not far away and laughed together.

What’s the meaning of the name given to the Heaven Ranking spirit? In the final analysis, he is just the spirit of the origin, but this name is good for deceiving people.

So now seeing the Heavenly Sea Lord and the others get pitted, Chu Yan is not happy, after all, he is not alone in being pitted in the Heaven Ranking.

“Ah…you…you are heaven…fang Heavenly Jade!?”

The Heavenly Lord is almost crying, and he knows that you are called Brother Hun, who knows that you are called Heavenly Jade.

If he had known that Heavenly Jade was the Senior, he would not dare to fight here.

“Who of you dare to say a little bit about the matter here, and I don’t need to say more about the consequences. In addition, the punishment of the Heaven Ranking will come to you later, and prepare yourself! Remember…Be prepared!”

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