
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Chu Yan in the void, his mind was immersed at this time, he did not expect things to be like this.

“Xiaohe’s origin, too terrifying! In this case, he will be mixed with Heaven Ranking Spirit Senior…”

Chu Yan’s face became more dignified, watching the situation in the temple below intently, waiting to see how the Heaven Ranking spirit would respond.

In the great hall below, the complexion of the Heaven Ranking spirit became extremely ugly, and the imposing manner of the whole person exploded. The aura from Jin State on his body began to shake the great hall.

Various natural phenomena and the roar of gods and demons resounded through the palace.

Shang Miao Taoist’s face is still calm, just looking at the Heaven Ranking spirit, waiting patiently.

After a long time, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking began to restrain aura slowly, opening the mouth and said in a cold voice

“After Xiaohe belonged to Divine Pupil, did he cease to exist!?”

When Chu Yan heard these words, his mind suddenly became tense. This is a crucial issue.

Speaking of which, whether it is the altar of the gods or the Divine Pupil, or that place, it is not the spirit of Heaven Ranking who cares about it. From beginning to end, he only cares about Xiaohe.

“Not bad!”

Little Miao Taoist is still the same, replied, “Everything about her is transformed by Divine Pupil, so if Divine Pupil returns, she will naturally disappear completely.”

At this moment, the face of the Heaven Ranking Spirit became extremely cold, gritting his teeth.

“However, there is no absoluteness. In everything between Heaven and Earth, there are definite numbers and abnormal numbers. No one can change the definite number. If the number is abnormal, it depends on your means and power! “

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yan’s eyes burst into light.

That’s right!

It’s like Martial Dao cultivation, which is definite number, while cultivation heaven defying is an odd number.

The way of heaven defying is not something every cultivator can cultivation, but as long as your innate talent is sufficient, there is no problem.

Even, including the Martial Dao on the continent, the Divine Master Realm is a definite number, but there is a Supreme Realm. Everyone knows that, but until now, no one has discovered and breakthrough. Why! ?

After all, it’s still because of your means and strength that you haven’t reached that’s all.

Chu Yan’s entire Divine Soul is shaking with it. This sentence at this moment seems to explain everything in Martial Dao and Heaven and Earth rules clearly, giving Chu Yan a kind of open mind feel.

“Divine Pupil accidentally landed on the Divine Realm continent. I have some responsibility.”

Shang Miao Taoist looked at the Heaven Ranking spirit, and at a moderate pace continued, “If there is an opportunity for Divine Pupil to return to his place this time, that feat is not small. But now it is controlled by Xia Xuan Tao Ling. The altar of the gods is good for him, but it is not good for me…”

When I said this, I mixed Heaven Ranking Spirit and Chu Yan started at the same time, but suddenly my eyes lit up again.

From the beginning to the end, this Shang Miao Taoist gave Chu Yan and the mixed Heaven Ranking spirit a very rigid feeling, as if everything was regulated.

But now, the contradiction between him and Xia Xuan Dao Ling seems to have triggered some kind of interest.

If there is interest, it is easy to handle, and if there is interest, there is an opportunity. This is the same as the matter between the Great Sect forces and practitioners on the Divine Realm continent.

“It was the golden paw print that shot you before, and it was the Xia Xuan Dao Ling shot.”

“According to his original plan, he should be ready to let Divine Pupil return to his place all at once, but he didn’t seem to expect that the people around Xiaohe were very out of the ordinary.”

“With this opportunity, I took the opportunity to make a move, and only blocked it so that Xiaohe did not return directly.”

Hearing this, the spirit of the Heaven Ranking, the rays of light flashed in his eyes

“So, you mean…”

Shang Miao Taoist faintly smiled and said “I want to break the merits of Xia Xuan Dao Ling, so I ask you to help Xiao He return to his place. In this way, when things are done, I can tell you how to keep Xiao He’s Divine Soul , Let her escape from the Divine Pupil and become an ordinary person!”

Hearing this, the spirit of the Heaven Ranking first was eyes shrank, and then he smiled lightly.

This sentence can be said to be the best news that Lingjin has heard so far in the Heaven Ranking. It stands to reason that he should be ecstatic.

However, at this time, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking has completely controlled the strength of the great Taoist opposite, so I don’t plan to just follow him like this, so I said with a smile

“Since Xia Xuan Dao Ling has the upper hand, why should I follow your plan? I can tell you that he also invited me before!”

Speaking of this, the Heaven Ranking Spirit waved his hand and a rune appeared, but it proved that he and Xia Xuan Dao Spirit could contact him at any time.

Needless to say, that runes was naturally given to him by Xuan Dao Ling, and what the Heaven Ranking Ling said is true.

However, when Miao Taoist saw the runes, he didn’t respond, and his face remained calm.

“From this point of view, I can be sure that you are ready to cooperate with me!”

When this conclusion was reached, the face of the Heaven Ranking Spirit was dark at the time, and just turned his head to think, it seems that the other party is not stupid.

“The time that Xia Xuan Dao Ling was conceived is too short. This point cannot be compared with me. Although it seems that he has gained the upper hand, but what is the meaning of not at all.”

“The most important thing is that when I existed, the altar of the gods did not appear in the land of ten thousand sources, but in that place. So he will never understand what I have seen.”

“Because of this, only I can do anything about Xiaohe!”

“For this reason, I believe that no matter what, you won’t cooperate with Xia Xuan Dao Ling!?”

As soon as this word came out, the face of the Heaven Ranking spirit became black. This question is almost a dead question. For him, there is simply no answer, or there is only one answer.

This Shang Miao Taoist is not only not stupid, but also extremely smart. No matter what you think and plan, I only grasp the most important point, then everything is not a problem.

The spirit of the Heaven Ranking originally wanted to keep up with the Miao Taoists and bargain, but now, I can’t even open my mouth.

“Then tell me, how can Xiaohe return to his place!”

After taking a few deep breaths, the Heaven Ranking Spirit finally accepted the reality, sat again in front of the Miao Taoist, and asked.

Things are not bad!

At least there is a solution now. As long as there is a solution, there is hope. With his strength, even a little hope, he is sure to complete it.

Therefore, what he fears the most is nothing. After all, Xiaohe’s true body has exceeded his territory and scope.

“Wait a minute!”

Shang Miao Taoist smiled lightly, got up slowly, raised his hand with a wave, and a large swath of brilliance poured into the sky in all directions.

Soon, the entire movie Heaven and Earth trembled, as if something was going to happen.

But when a few people looked towards Void Tremor, suddenly a crack opened and a silhouette suddenly appeared in front of them.

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