
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

After Xia Xuan Daoling showed his trump card, the judgment of both parties was basically finalized, that is, locked in the fifth zone.

After Xuan Daoling took control of the initiative, it seemed that not at all planned to let go of the advantage so easily, and then asked.

“Also, the help of various forces is not allowed, and those beyond the power of Divine Realm continent are not allowed.”

“In terms of time, it will be ten days!”

In the previous request, Shang Miao Daoist hadn’t made a pit sound. After ten days of hearing it, Shang Miao Daoist was unwilling and immediately opposed the Tao.

“Ten days will not work, at least 20 days!”

“Twenty days is impossible, fifteen days!”

“No, it must be twenty days!”

“I said fifteen days is fifteen days, I have the final say!”

The two Dao spirits of the same origin quarreled on the spot, simply neither giving way to the other, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

“Forget it, fifteen days is fifteen days! But we have added one to our previous agreement. When they pass the fifth day, then I can take action and send them directly to their return point.” /p>

Hearing this, I will nodded under Xuan Dao Ling and stop arguing about Dao.

“Although we have conflicts, Divine Pupil must return. This is an unchangeable goal. Therefore, if they really can get through, I don’t object to you. Otherwise, Divine Pupil will definitely not return. Neither of us can afford the consequences!”

Speaking of this, the two have basically agreed on the basis of the matter, and turned their heads and looked towards the Spirit Road of the Mixed Heaven Ranking

“Fellow Daoist, this fifth area is not so easy to enter, even if you are a friend of Heavenly Dao, but this is not within the scope of the Divine Realm continent, your power cannot be fully displayed, entering the fifth area is still Will be more restricted, this is life-threatening!”

Speaking of this, Xia Xuan Daoling smiled slightly, and when he was about to say and so on, Shang Miao Daoist already waved his hand, and the silhouette of Xia Xuan Daoling disappeared directly into the void.

Shang Miao Taoist looked towards the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking and said, “Fellow Daoist, in fact, he is right. The fifth district is very dangerous. Although it is not as good as the ninth district, it is also nine deaths and still alive. You Are you sure you want to do this!?”

Hearing these words, I didn’t even think about it and said “I’m sure!”

Shang Miao Taoist hearing this, nodded said, “If this is the case, then I won’t say much, Divine Pupil is currently gestating, you should go find her first, and I will send you directly after her integration is completed. “


The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking agreed, and the whole screen ended.

Chu Yan’s empty perspective also disappeared at the same time, the long exhales one breath saying, he watched the whole process with holding his breath, and now he exhales at the end of the moment. Not only did he not relax, but his expression became more tense.

“How is it!?”

Mixed the Heaven Ranking Lingwen to Chu Yan.

“District 5!? Interesting, but I think we can definitely get through.”

Chu Yan smiled softly and replied

On the one hand, Chu Yan is very confident about the strength of himself and the Heaven Ranking Spirit. If they can’t make it through, then no one on this Divine Realm continent can make it through.

In addition, according to historical records, the fall of the Heaven Ranking spirit was not in this place, but naturally passed.

“hehe, great!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Ling of the Heaven Ranking laughed suddenly.

“This matter is of great importance to me, but it is even more important to Shang Miao Taoist. If he dares to agree to it, it is natural to be sure, so according to this calculation, we have a chance.”

One thing that surprised Chu Yan was that according to the plan of later generations, within ten years after being mixed with the Heaven Ranking spirit, he released a mission to find a woman with purple pupils.

In other words, after this, the Heaven Ranking spirit is still looking for, and is this purple pupil girl related to Xiaohe? ?

The records of later generations are not detailed. After all, there was a battle between the four great lords. After that battle, many things were destroyed, and various information was naturally incomplete.

“It depends on whether the method mentioned by Miao Taoist is really effective. If there is no effect, then everything is in vain.”

Chu Yan thought to himself.

“Su Yu, there is one more question, which is also very troublesome!”

Heaven Ranking spirit looked at Xiaohe who was still cultivating in the middle of the altar, opened the mouth and said again.

“Well, what is it!?” Chu Yan asked.

“It’s more troublesome, I have been thinking about this problem, but there is no way at all.” said the spirit sighed of the Heaven Ranking.

“I promised Xiaohe before that I won’t lie to her. If I can’t do it, I’ll run ten laps in front of Huang Tian hall… without clothes. Now if I go to the altar of the gods, I’m afraid this I can’t hide my identity!”

Heaven Ranking Ling said here, his entire face turned black, and his tears were coming down watching Chu Yan, before he continued.

“What do you say about this, you can’t really go…. Run ten laps!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan couldn’t help it on the spot, and almost laughed outright.

What do you mean by running ten laps without clothes? Guo Ben is Guo Ben. I said so implicitly that I almost made myself want to crooked.

However, the spiritual body of the Heaven Ranking is the number one powerhouse in the world, and the powerhouse of the Heaven Ranking is really cruel. For Xiaohe, he is completely willing to give up, and he dare to say such a promise.

In a blink of an eye, another three days have passed…..

Xiaohe’s integration process is very smooth, maybe she is really Divine Pupil true body, or with the help of the altar of the gods, the whole person has undergone amazing changes in this integration process.

I can clearly feel that a powerful force is awakening from her.

In the meantime, Chu Yan also told Feng Bu Gao and the Lord Huge about the situation.

Of course it’s okay if the seal is not high, and the Lord of Huge hears that it can help the god of the Heaven Ranking, and even make the god of the Heaven Ranking owe him a sir. It’s not happy, simply no matter what is dangerous or not.

Next, Xiaohe completely woke up…..

When she opened her eyes, she was full of a Profound Light rising into the sky, turning into a divine light above the sky, just like Goddess in the sky, turning Heaven and Earth into a glow.

“Xiaohe, how do you feel!?” Hun Heaven Ranking asked anxiously.

“Yes, this altar is good for me. My strength seems to have increased a lot.”

In Xiaohe’s pair of eyes, purple is completely suppressed, and they are completely golden pupils, like a god eye, which makes people afraid to look directly.

His gaze swept over, whether it was sealed or not, the Lord of Tiger Leather, even Chu Yan saw her gaze, Divine Soul trembled.

Xiaohe got up slowly, both hands forming seals. After a long time, her eyes gradually returned to normal and turned into Purple Gold again.

After getting the fusion of the altar of the gods, she seems to have the power to control her eyes.


When she raised her eyes, her gaze at the Heaven Ranking suddenly became puzzled.

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