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As the void crack disappeared, in the partial hall, three men and a woman walked in front of Chu Yan and Li Wutian, looking at the two people with confusion.

“Shut up! Don’t hurry to pay respects to… .Sect Master!”

Li Wutian loudly shouted, right hand pointed at Chu Yan, glaring at the three men and a woman who had just arrived.

Sect Master! ?

This human is … Sect Master! ?

Li Wutian’s voice fell to the ground, 3 men and a woman started at the same time!

If it were n’t for their knowledge, the big brother never cracking a joke, and I ’m afraid it ’s laughed out loud now.

However, even so, the 3 men and one woman are still suspicious and look dull …

This Martial Artist with True Martial Realm 8th Layer will be … Sect Master! ?

They have lost contact with Sect for nearly 100,000 years, and now a young Martial Artist suddenly jumps out, and it turns out to be … Sect Master! ?

How can this be! ?

100,000 years … Except for a few of their flag envoys and some Elders, everyone at the time of Leave Sect had gradually lost with time …

Since the endless years, these flag envoys have been thinking about how to return to Sect all the time!

Among them, Li Wutian is most looking forward to, almost every 2 Great Saint Sect held trials, he will try to contact two sects disciple in various ways, hoping to get some news of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect …

But tens of thousands of years ago, Sect, these young disciples, a few people know, so, since the endless years, everyone has become accustomed to disappointment.

So, in their view, Li Wutian, big brother, may really be able to cultivate deviation, just grab a two sects disciple …

“Big brother! You …”

Several people looked at Li Wutian’s face with excitement, and his heart suddenly felt a sour feeling …

“Big brother! He is just a teenager …”

The voluptuous woman’s red lips tremble slightly and lightly.

“Big brother, we know you are looking forward to Sect, but … oh!”

A sigh sounded, and several people swept Li Wutian’s eyes, and several people’s eyes relaxed at the same time, and their hearts simply didn’t believe it …

Buzz …!

At this time, Chu Yan, who had been sneering, suddenly raised his hand and turned over, and a token with black hair appeared on his palm.

Saint Rakshasa Order!

A magnificent Green Ancient aura swept the audience instantly. Aura passed by, including Li Wutian, several people shocked at the same time, looking at the piece of dark Yan in the hands of Chu Yan with stunned eyes …


“This … how is this possible !?”

“This is … holy … holy Rakshasa Order!”

The saint Rakshasa Order in Chu Yan ’s hand had just appeared, 5 people suddenly shrank, the whole body was trembling, a path of thunderclap exploded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness …


Rakshasa illusory shadow came out into the sky. The towering silhouette almost lifted the roof of the partial hall. 10000 golden light shots were shot from the golden trident, like a round of golden Haoyang …

thump! thump! thump!

The emergence of Rakshasa true body made several palm flags in a sluggish and distracted state, the complexion greatly changed in an instant, the whole body was soft, and kneeling on the ground at the same time …

“pay respects to Sect Master !”

“pay respects to Sect Master !”


Including Li Wutian, 4 men and 6 woman, trembling all over the body, kneeling on the ground, 1 blood-red eyes, dazzling red rays of light…

At this time, in their hearts, thunder and lightning returned, and the peaks and waves were full of excitement and consternation …

Saint Rakshasa Order!

golden trident Rakshasa true body!

If the Holy Rakshasa Order might fall into the hands of others, then “golden trident Rakshasa true body” is definitely only available to Sect Master …

So, there is no doubt that this black robe boy is Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect … Sect Master!

“Get up!”

Chu Yan put away St. Rakshasa Order and Rakshasa illusory shadow and walked lightly.

“Yes, Sect Master!”

Several people got up at the same time with an extremely respectful attitude, and the excited body shivered …

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness enveloped a few people, and as soon as they touched the body aura, they felt Chu Yan Divine Consciousness, quickly withdrew their whole body aura, and let Chu Yan ’s Divine Consciousness flow into their bodies, daring not to resist at all …

“En! Not bad …”

Divine Consciousness swept through several people within the body, Chu Yan nodded, he confirmed that several people are sincere, Divine Consciousness is pure and extremely loyal.

Chu Yan’s involuntary consciousness flashed, and I didn’t know how this Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect managed the Sect. All his subordinates were so faithful.

From the first encounter with Mo Xiong and Zong Zheng, to the later Elder Yun, and now to the flag-bearers, they are all very loyal to Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, even if tens of thousands of years have passed, they still talk to Sect Blood …

How much this moved Chu Yan a little bit!

“Li Wutian, tell me, the situation of your 2 1 flags!”

Chu Yan gold blade Malaysia, sitting lightly, a few people standing on the side looking down, said solemnly.

“Back to reporting to Sect Master, our 2 flags are the squad of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect! When Sect was under siege, I had a total of 2 2 100000000 million squadrons in the 7 squadrons, fighting with the opposing sect squad, damage It was almost exhausted, and even the envoy of the flag had lost 5 people. Only 1 other envoys including me were activated by the Sect Master to start the Great Array, sent away, and survived ………! “

Li 10000 days, the voice is low, it seems to remember the battle of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, the voice is sobbing …

“Zongjun !? Ten 2 100000000 Zongjun !?” Chu Yan startled.

Although he also knows that most of the powerful Sects have their own Sect troops, didn’t expect that Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect had 2 100000000 1 million troops in that year. How strong is this strength …

You know, the Sect army is not composed of ordinary person, mostly composed of the discipline of medium cultivation base in Sect, all of them are Martial Artist …

“Yes, 10,000 years ago, I was divided into ten 2 flags army, and the first flag army was 2 million people!”

“But now, the 2 10000 Qi Zongjun, less than 1 people … I … I am ashamed of Sect … I am guilty!”

As he talked, Li Wutian was crying, and knelt down in front of Chu Yan again, hitting the ground with his head, asking for sin again and again …

Several other people also knelt down to the ground, their eyes red and red, their faces suffocated, their fists clenched, their heads low …

“Get up! Then say …”

Chu Yan waved his hand, coldly said. As a Sect Master, in front of his subordinates, even if Chu Yan could not bear it, he still had to maintain the majesty of a Sect’s Master.

“Yes, Sect Master!”

Hearing this, Li Wutian stood up and calmed down a little, then continued.

“When I took office as Sect Master Sir, I saw that my sect army was about to die and wounded, so I started one of the great protectors of the sect, and sent out the people who were living in my sect army. When we rushed back to Sect, we found that … Being defeated, the whole story is lost, Sect Master is killed … “

“After we buried everyone, we found Antiquity Eight Sects according to the death of Sect Master, looking for their refuge, waiting for the appearance of the Sect inheritance, but don’t want to, this is … 100,000 years!”

Li Wutian’s voice was deep, and during the commentary, several of the flags around him were all immovable, sobbing …

“Fortunately … Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, I will wait for you finally … Sect Master!”

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