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“Another option is to walk through this palace and continue to move forward, striving to reach 10000 steps, and get one of the three heavenly treasures …”

The words fell to the ground, and Chu Yan and Qi Tianji’s eyes flashed at the same time …

3 heavenly treasures, choose one! ?

“What are those 3 treasures?”

Qi Tianji asked.

“One sword of Spirit Treasure Level! One Grade 9 Speed ​​Spirit Mark, one rare treasure golden small cauldron!”

The words fell to the ground, Chu Yan was about to speak, and several silhouettes appeared outside the great hall, causing Chu Yan to turn his head to look …

At this moment, Zhou Chen glanced at Qi Tianji, but his eyes were picked up, making a wink …

Seeing Zhou Chen’s prompting eyes, Qi Tianji was started, immediately nodded, turned around and walked to the corner of the great hall, cross-legged and worthwhile, and began to restore True Qi …

In addition to the great hall, as Chu Yan expected, Dangdang and Situ Yang followed several other Martial Artists into the hall, moved towards Chu Yan!

“You guys have a rest here, let me try!”

Chu Yan chuckled, then walked through the Great God, moved towards the War God channel opposite.

After listening to Zhou Chen’s explanation, whether for the sake of greater benefits, or for the golden small cauldron, Chu Yan must continue to break in …

Out of the palace gate, Chu Yan did not hesitate at all, took a deep breath, and strode out!


A violent extreme force, like a mountain, fiercely depressed …

“En !?”

The moment the right foot fell on the War God channel, Chu Yan’s body shuddered, brows slightly wrinkle….

“This … is at least 3 times the pressure just now, but … this is step 1001!”

What made Chu Yan didn’t expect is that the War God channel after 1000 steps, the pressure actually tripled, which … far exceeded his expectations!

“Come on! Exactly, see where your limits are!”

After calming down slightly, Chu Yan stepped out again, moved towards the front …

At this time, Qi Tianji and Deacon Zhou Chen, sitting cross-legged in the great hall, looked at Chu Yan’s background, and at the same time showed a smile.

“Hmph! Chu Yan, increase the power of the War God channel by 3 times. You will not only get the Supreme Treasure reward, but also make you consume a lot of physical strength and True Qi, and see how your second test passes …”

Zhou Chen’s eyes were cold, secretly said in one’s heart.

As War God Deacon, Zhou Chen has great power, not only can adjust the difficulty of each test, but also control the test results.

Therefore, Zhou Chen specifically guided Chu Yan to challenge the customs clearance rewards, but privately gave Qi Tianji an eye-catcher so that he would not go …

All this is to make Chu Yan in the second test, because the consumption is too large, it can not threaten Qi Tianji, or even be pitted by the follow-up arrangement of the Black Blood Temple.

“keep walking!”

Chu Yan has taken 2000 steps, and the pressure on his body has exceeded ten times before 1000 steps …

2000 300 steps …

3600 steps …

4000 200 steps …

5000 steps …!

At the time of 5000 steps, Chu Yan’s speed finally slowed down. All True Qi was restrained and merged into the whole body to resist the huge pressure on the War God channel …

6000 steps …!

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness already has a trace of tiredness. There are a lot of pains everywhere on the body. Every step of the step will make Chu Yan’s brows slightly wrinkle!

“Xuantian Fire Body! Rakshasa Devil Body!”

Loudly shouts in my heart, Chu Yan runs the cultivation technique, True Qi urges, directly induces double body refinement….

In an instant, red light and golden light appeared on Chu Yan’s surface at the same time, covering his entire body completely.


Feeling the body suddenly lightened, Chu Yan’s long relaxed, and then the pupil light became firmer, moved towards the front and strode out again …

At this time, there are more and more Martial Artists gathered in the distant palace. Among the 10000 Martial Artists, who have walked 1000 steps and entered the palace, there are less than 3000.

After they chose to give up in the palace, these people bathed in golden light, cultivation base soared, and their faces were full of joy, and then they walked to the gate of the palace and looked towards Chu Yan …

“Awesome, this Chu Yan dare to challenge the” 10000 Step Respect “of the War God channel!”

“I heard that just now Zhou Chen Deacon didn’t say that, starting from step 1001, to the 9000 Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth step, the cultivation base reward is the same. In this way, unless you really pass the customs, otherwise, this challenge is meaningless. ! “

“That’s why Chu Yan didn’t know what to think, it was a waste of energy, didn’t he hear Zhou Chen Deacon’s explanation?”


With the voice of Martial Artist’s discussion, Deacon Zhou Chen and Qi Tianji standing on the side, smiling at each other, with a sad look on their faces.

explain! ?

Of course I will not explain to Chu Yan!

The consumption of Chu Yan’s physical strength and True Qi was originally planned in advance, so how could Zhou Chen explain to Chu Yan the risk of challenging the “10000-step respect”, he would only tell Chu Yan that there is a Supreme Supreme reward, Lure Chu Yan to the challenge!


Dangdang and Situ Yang looked to Zhou Chen, his face was blackish, and he scolded.

“Look, Chu Yan has taken 8000 steps …”

At this moment, under cry out in surprise, everyone turned around and looked towards the black silhouette in the distance …

hu! hu! hu!

At this time, Chu Yan had just taken 8000 steps, and the effect of double body refinement had disappeared. I am afraid that the pressure would fall on him again. Under the tremendous power, Chu Yan only felt the bone gurgle, every flesh and blood As if they were to be squeezed into a blast, his face was purplish red, panting like a cow, Chu Yan’s physical strength had almost reached the limit …

“Forward … Forward …!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were bloodshot, and he looked up hard to the end of 2000 steps, fiercely clenched the teeth, stepped out again …

Never give up!

Must go to the end and get golden small cauldron!

Chu Yan’s dim pupil light, lit up again, in the depth of one’s soul, a wave of blood surging wildly, making his original tight heartstrings tight again …

Keep going!

One step … 2 steps … 3 steps!

As the big bead of sweat smashed down, Chu Yan dragged his already numb body, step by step moved towards moved …

8000 500 steps …!

With a small one hour, Chu Yan finally walked through 5 steps of 100. At this time, his entire body seemed to be stuck in the mud. When each step stepped out, the air around all would wrap Chu Yan like endless mud , Making him unable to move forward …

Take a breath … ten breaths… hundred breaths… ..!

When Chu Yan walked to 9000 300 steps, Chu Yan shivered violently, his figure kept shaking, like a calm boat in a violent wind, he would be scattered at any time …

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the tiring wave of fatigue makes Chu Yan Divine Consciousness faint, and even turning his eyes becomes extremely difficult …

Among the palaces in the distance, a few 1000 Martial Artists, looking at Chu Yan on the verge of collapse, all stunned, trembling …

They didn’t expect, Chu Yan actually went through 9000 steps, everyone’s mind, all tense …

Although most of them came to the War God platform for the first time, they just walked through the 1000-step channel. Naturally, they know that the last distance is the most terrifying existence. Each step is more than the previous step, and the formidable power is doubled … .

Among the previous 10000 Martial Artists, nearly half of them were between 900 and 1000 steps …!

“Big brother! Hold on …”

Situ Yang complexion ashen, clenched his fists, shouted in his heart …

“Boss …!”

Dangdang’s face was flushed, and within both eyes of purple, there was a layer of mist, and his eyes were trembling …

Even Zhou Chen and Qi Wuji on one side, there was a trace of dullness on their faces at this time. They simply didn’t expect, Chu Yan’s will was so powerful that he actually reached more than 9000 steps …

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