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Through a forest, a black and dark lake appeared in front of the lake. Two silhouettes stood beside each other. The violent astral qi collided with each other, stirring 2 steps …

“That’s … Blood Soul’s Qu Kuangyun !?”

With a glance, Chu Yan looked to the tall young man opposite Cui Tianping and immediately recognized that it was the person who was in the booth of No. 3 in the auction house.

“Cui Tianping, hand over the pill recipe or … die!”

Qu Kuangyun wore a white robe, both eyes slightly closed, and did not even look at Cui Tianping, even looking very determined!

“Your surname, you Blood Soul Hall dare to provoke us to 10000 Yang Sect, have you thought about the consequences !?”

Compared with Qu Kuangyun’s calm face, Cui Tianping’s complexion ashen expression is extremely solemn.

“Consequences !? hmph! A trifling 10000 Yang Sect, you can destroy them with your hands, what are the consequences? Ridiculous …”

Qu Kuangyun laughed lightly, his eyes slowly opened, 2 red lights, flashing like arrows, piercing the void …

“What !? You … you are a member of the Chamber of Commerce !?”

Seeing Qu Kuangyun’s blood light in his eyes, Cui Kuangyun’s complexion greatly changed, and his voice shivered.

“Hmph! Yes, our Blood Soul Hall and Blood Cloud Chamber of Commerce, this is a case, but this has nothing to do with you!”

The words fell to the ground, and Qu Kuangyun’s whole body was grey astral qi, which instantly turned into monstrous blood energy, rising into the sky like a tornado, firming his hands into palms, and fiercely shot them.


A red palm seal, with a thick bloody aura, turned into a bloody skull, opened its mouth full of fangs, roared, and rushed towards Cui Tianping …

“1000 Yangguitianshu!”

Seeing the bloody skull rushing in, Cui Tianping’s complexion greatly changed, so scared that the body’s cold hair exploded without any hesitation, and instantly urged the whole body of True Qi to the extreme. Under the roar, he suddenly raised his hand and pushed his palms together …


2 azure pale white giant palm seals, hitting the bloody skull at the same time, making a shocking explosion, the explosion of the air wave, like a typhoon hurricane, surging out, bringing up the sky of mad sand and covering the sky …

“The strength of really strong!”

After Chu Yan and Zhantian invisible behind the big tree outside of the severe li, in order not to be exposed, both of them converged aura to the extreme. In the face of the rushing air waves, they could only turn their heads slightly and avoid shooting positively. Assault …

Boom … Rumble!

While the sky was dusty, Chu Yan heard a path of qi burst continuously, and after several explosions, it gradually returned to calm.

It didn’t take long for the violent wind to suddenly stop, and the dust in the sky gradually dispersed, and Chu Yan and Zhan Tian looked up at the same time.

At this time, the battle by the lake was over. Cui Tianping’s body floated on the surface of the lake, like a fallen leaf, and blood continuously overflowed from the body, dyeing all around the lake into a crimson color.

By the lake, Qu Kuangyun stood with his hands down, without any scars on his body, even on the white long robe, without any wrinkles.

A pair of pale red eyes, staring straight at Chu Yan and Zhan Tian.

“Come out! It’s your turn!”

By the still lake, a Lengsen’s voice sounded …


Chu Yan frowned, didn’t expect, his whereabouts and Zhantian have long been noticed by this Qu Kuangyun.

“What a Qu Kuangyun in Blood Soul Hall!”

Walking out from behind the tree, Chu Yan wandered and slowly walked towards Qu Kuangyun, indifferently said.

“Didn’t expect, you black Blood Temple hair temple so fast!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Qu Kuangyun had a pair of blood eyes, softly trembled, a touch of strange color like electricity, and he passed away.

When Chu Yan was in the North Continent, he played countless times with people in the Black Blood Temple. Those bloody eyes and bloody aura, Chu Yan can be recognized without Divine Consciousness.

This Qu Kuangyun is the first black Blood Temple person discovered by Chu Yan at the Central Heaven Continent!

However, since I met, of course I will not let go!

“Who are you? Do you even know the Black Blood Temple?”

Qu Kuangyun asked.

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s mouth was light, showing his white teeth, with both eyes, 2 cold lights flashed, and the entire body’s astral qi rose up like a tide, rushing to Yunxiao!

“I’m … someone who kills Black Blood Temple!”

The words fell, Chu Yan turned over the palm, a flash of silver flashed, Clear Sky Sword, like a meteor passed away, just disappeared into the void in a flash.

“What !? That … Is that Sword Spirit !?”

Seeing that Clear Sky Sword flashed into the void, and turned into a wave of logout light, constantly fluttering, fiercely trembling with bloody red eyes, complexion sank, and immediately, the blood waves rushing all over the body, quickly converged, and instantly reduced to the thickness of ten zhang For body protection Gang Yuan, put him all over the body and wrap tightly.

“Tian Gang Jin!”

With a scream, Chu Yan raised his hands and fists, a huge silver palm glow, flashing five-colored brilliance, like a 10,000 zhang mountain covered in radiant light, moved towards Qu Kuangyun, stormed out.

The boxing power is tremendous and the world is shaking. The 5-color streamer flows outside the silver-man’s fist print. It runs madly and continually merges, inducing Heaven and Earth Might into a path of 5 color thunderclap, which is constantly pooled on the fist print.

This fist blasted out, might astonished the sky, palm glow passed by, the air was counted as powder, and a large piece of void collapsed, forcibly blasted out a straight black void road, like a black long spear, straight thorn Qu mad cloud.

“Blood Blade Technique!”

Seeing terrifying fist prints, Qu Kuangyun’s eyes flickered, and the original wind and cloudless face, a dignified, constantly stimulating the blood color True Qi within the body into a path of blood color tornado, rushing to the body Out …

In front of Qu Kuangyun, dozens of scarlet tornadoes quickly merged into one, and merged into a huge scarlet sword up to thousand zhang …

In an instant, with the extremely violent and bloody Blade Qi, lasing the sky dome, dyeing the large sky to the blood red color, and then, the red light suddenly rose, the bloody long blade suspended in the sky, which penetrated into the sky, turned into a shocking red light, fiercely cut to the silver palm glow …


The blade glow collided with the fist seal, the void of 100 li in the circle was sunk, a little dazzling rays of light unfolded, and at the same time a loud noise of heaven shaking earth shattering was exploded, the fist print 4 shattered and shattered, like the wood split by the blade , Bursting into the sky in an instant, sweeping the whole sky …


Under the force of the terrible anti-shock, Chu Yan’s figure flew upside down like a meteor, retreating 10000 steps, and then barely stopped his figure.

“really strong !”

Chu Yan runs True Qi to suppress the rolling qi and blood within the body, but still can’t hold back, a bloodshot spilled out of the corner of the mouth …

“This guy is afraid that there is a half-step Martial Venerable Realm cultivation base!”

Looking up at the silhouette of the white robe in the distance, Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, brows slightly wrinkle, and I was shocked.

In a few moves, Cui Tianping, who killed Heavenspan Realm 9th Layer cultivation base, can see that the strength of this Qu Kuangyun is absolutely not low.

If it is not the people of Black Blood Temple, the strength is slightly lower than that of Martial Artist of the same level. Just under that trick, Chu Yan is not just a simple injury.

After all, it is related to a Heaven and Earth Realm, even if the Chu Yan 5 system is integrated, it is not his opponent.

At this point, mutation suddenly emerged!


a beast roar sounds violent and shocking, not far away, a huge black beast shadow, volume anime sky cloud sea, turned into an endless black cloud sea, 10000 thunder roars, black giant dragon, roaring sky dome, moved towards Qu mad Clouds swept in …

“What !? This is … Apocalyptic Dragon !?”

Suddenly turned around, at a glance, Qu Kuangyun complexion greatly changed, seeing a black giant dragon with a huge zhang, a dragon’s mouth with an incomparable gigantic, moved towards his fiercely bite, like a mouth can devour the whole Heaven and Earth.

“This … how is it possible !? Martial Soul!”

Qu Kuangyun felt the mighty dragon power sweeping through Heaven and Earth. Under turn pale with fright, his face was astonished expression, and he couldn’t believe what he saw.

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