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However, to everyone’s surprise, Chu Yan stepped into the sky, and when he approached the wall, his hand was punched out. The whistling silver-man’s fist prints, when Chu Yan’s body passed the wall, the stone spear will stab out , All retreat.

Chu Yan, through the instant blockage of stone spear, smoothly turned over and disappeared in the sight of everyone.

“I’m relying on! Can this be done !?”

“Yeah, this guy is a genius, you can attack ah in advance!”

“Fuck, how can I didn’t expect, this is too simple!”

“I will try too!”


With a cry of exclamation, a Martial Artist stood up and swept towards the head of the wall. In the moment near the head of the wall, learning Chu Yan’s beginning, raising his hand was punched out.

Seeing the palm glow close to the wall, Martial Artist’s face was overjoyed, and he quickly moved the movement art, and wanted to add it and rush over …

pu! pu! pu!

However, when the stone spear on the wall stabbed out and collided with his fist print, the stone spear did not have any obstruction at all. On the contrary, it seemed to pierce the palm glow he shattered directly like a balloon. Stalled into the body of Martial Artist, pierced each and everyone transparent blood hole.

Ah ~~!

The sound of mournful scream, resounding throughout the stone palace square, the other Martial Artists who are about to fly over, all shuddered their bodies, looking at the wall with frightened faces, but only saw a piece of flesh and blood, thrown from the sky and The sky is full of blood mist.

what’s the situation! ?

Why is that black robe boy enough? ?

This … this is not fair! ?

These Martial Artists don’t know that Chu Yan’s punch, the formidable power has reached the Heavenspan Realm 6th Layer cultivation base Martial Artist’s blow, and can naturally repel those puncture stones spear, and passed smoothly.

After leaving the dull Martial Artist, Chu Yan leaned over the stone wall and rushed directly into a stone wall channel.

After passing through this passage, the World is suddenly bright and open, but looking at it, it is the piece of mountain valley.

The terrain of this valley is extremely ingenious. It is blocked by the mountains protruding from four sides, and the interior of the valley can hardly be seen from the outside.

Looking up, there are a lot of palaces and buildings in the valley, like a bustling city center.

However, many of the buildings have been broken down, and more than half of them have collapsed, turning into the ruins of time, coupled with traces of man-made destruction, the buildings of the Antiquity era hardly survived3.

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness explored, and soon found a lot of Martial Artists in the large-scale building complex, looking for possible treasures that might exist.

Moreover, in the valley building complex, clashes and fighting broke out from time to time. It should be that two Martial Artists fought for treasure and fought.

“This is where the main sect of the thick clay castle is located.

Chu Yan’s mouth was light, not eager to join in the search, but pondered.

The goal of this time is mainly Tongxuan stone. Tongxuan stone is not the ground of Innate, but the Antiquity period, some powerful Artifact Refining Master, a kind of fruit synthesized by Antiquity secret method, so, if there is Tongxuan stone should exist in places like treasure trove or artifact refining room.

After making up his mind, Chu Yan decided to look for these two locations first.


Body flashed, Chu Yan flew out, swept towards the large group of buildings opposite.

Walking through buildings, Chu Yan explored extremely carefully, not only driving Divine Consciousness to the strongest state, but also keeping Qilin ’s pupils running, so that as long as Chu Yan had walked, there were almost no omissions .

However, after an hour, Chu Yan’s face became darker and darker, and the brows slightly wrinkle up. Among these buildings, as long as they were well-preserved, they were basically probed countless times, not to mention treasure, even the root hair Less than.

And these buildings, simply unlike the treasure house and artifact refining room, even if there is a treasure, it is impossible that is also a black stone.


At this moment, suddenly, Southwest sent a horrible gas explosion to 10 li away.

The gas explosion was extremely loud, accompanied by a mournful scream, apparently someone was lost in the battle.

“En !?”

Chu Yan could not help but sigh his face, his eyes flashed. According to Chu Yan’s experience, there are usually places where there is fighting, and there is a greater chance of treasure.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chu Yan flew out, moved towards the place where the sound of blast was just flying away.

In the south of the thick clay castle, there is a huge square covering an area of ​​1000 mu. Above the square, there are three altars.

The three altars are arranged in a zigzag pattern. The three Spirit Marks on the top of the altar simultaneously project 3 stream of light and shoot at the center of the three altars, so that a ten-step yellow aperture appears on the ground.

Behind the yellow aperture is a wooden door. Through the wooden door, you can see behind the door and lead into a dark palace.

At this time, many Martial Artists gathered in the square, all looking at the wooden door, with complex eyes and a dignified complexion.

Most of these Martial Artists cross-legged to adjust their interest rates. Half of them have blood on the corners of their mouths, look pale, and apparently suffered some internal injuries.

Most of Martial Artist’s cultivation base is above Heavenspan Realm 5th Layer, and only a few people have a low cultivation base.

Huang Futian stood at an angle, staring at the wooden door, his eyes constantly flashing.

At this time, Huang Futian entered the North Star Secret Realm, in order to find more high rank Spirit Grass Immortal Medicine, and in this way, hope to be able to win over some Pill Masters, join them Huang Fu Aristocratic Family, with the support of Pill Master, his revenge Only big plans are possible.

Therefore, Huang Futian had great expectations for this trip to North Star Secret Realm.

“To get a better treasure, you have to go deeper, this wooden door must go in!”

Huang Futian’s face was solemn and muttered.

In front of the wooden door in front of me, the yellow aperture, but it was a strong spiritual array ban, extremely dangerous, Huang Futian hesitated.

However, he has been standing here for almost an hour and does not want to wait any longer.

“No way, always try! At worst consume another medicine pill!”

Huang Futian clenched the teeth, thinking of the few medicine pills on his body, and finally clenched the teeth, ready to lift his foot towards the wooden door.

At this moment, the fierce sky-splitting sound sounded, a black shadow lightning, fell beside him.

“Chu Yan !?”

Huangfu’s eyes glanced at the dark shadow around him, his eyes suddenly startled, his voice stunned.

This falling shadow is … Chu Yan!

“Brother Huangfu, long time no see!”

Chu Yan bowed his hand and greeted Huang Futian.

“Chu Yan, why did you come to Central Heaven Continent !?”

Huang Futian also bowed his hands in return, but all asked with doubts on his face.

When the two met at Nine Nether Palace, Chu Yan was not well-known, but now it is different. The entire North Continent, almost no Martial Artist did not know Chu Yan. When Huangfu came to Central Heaven Continent, he thought that Chu Yan was still In 2 Holy Land cultivation.

At this time, when I suddenly saw Chu Yan at Central Heaven Continent, I was very surprised.

“Meet people and have to come ah!” Chu Yan laughed softly and repeated “Brother Huangfu, why come to Central Heaven Continent !?”

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