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“Come on … what a joke! Ever … over!”

“Fuck! Isn’t it! With the passage of 2 Heaven Transforming Realm! What happened?”

“The key point is that just now, even 3 breaths time is not up … This is too terrifying!”

“Does the wooden gate spirit array weaken !?”


In the Sea of ​​Consciousness of everyone, a path of consciousness flashed. In an instant, everyone glanced at each other, and a fine mang broke out in his eyes …

At the next moment, everyone stormed out at the same time and rushed to the altar in front of the wooden gate!

In their view, two consecutive Heaven Transforming Realm Martial Artist through the wooden door, there is only one possibility, that is, Altar Spirit Power is almost consumed, has become very weak, so now is definitely the best time to pass through the wooden door.

Everyone wants to seize the opportunity, first through the wooden gate spirit array, but whether they are the first to seize the opportunity, or rush to die, only days understood.

At this time, Chu Yan had no idea of ​​the riots in the square caused by his passing through the wooden gate, and when he was confused, he did not know how long it had passed. When he felt his feet stepping on the ground, he quickly opened his eyes and glanced 4 times. Got up.

Looking around all around, Chu Yan found himself on the top of a 10,000 zhang peak.

Above the top of the mountain, the radius is no more than thousand zhang, the strong mountain breeze, whistled past, look at it, the distant mountains and the sea are magnificent!

On this hilltop platform, except for three tall stone gates, there is nothing left to see at a glance!

3 tall stone gates stand in the mountain breeze, such as 3 gates leading to the sky, awesome!

A tall young man is standing in front of the three stone gates at this time, his face is extremely dignified, this person is no one else, it is Huang Futian!

Huang Futian came a few breaths earlier than Chu Yan. At this time, he was looking up at the words on the three stone gates, his eyes full of thought.

“Huh? Chu Yan …”

Seeing Chu Yan appear, Huang Futian’s face was overjoyed, and he quickly waved to Chu Yan.

I can pass the test just now, and of course Chu Yan can pass. Huang Futian just didn’t expect Chu Yan to come so fast.

Chu Yan smiled slightly, lifted his feet and walked towards Huangfutian, but his eyes swept to the words on the three stone gates and read softly.

“The first stone gate: 9 life and death!

2nd stone gate: nine deaths and still alive!

3rd stone gate: ten deaths without life! “

Walking to Huangfutian’s side and standing still, Chu Yan also looked puzzled, saying

“Huangfutian, these 3 stone gates seem to have to choose a!”

Hearing this, Huang Futian nodded and said, “Yes, the text on the door shows that it is easy to choose, but it seems very difficult to choose!”

“Yes, literally, most people choose” 9 life and death “when they come here, which shows that this stone gate is the safest, but it is possible that the stone gate leads to the least gains , Or nothing at all! “

“The strangest thing is that the stone gate of” ten deaths without life “, if it must be damaged, no one will go in, then what is the significance of its existence !?”

Chu Yan whispered, as if to Huangfutian, and as if muttering to himself.

“You are right, I am going to choose nine deaths and still alive! Chu Yan, what about you?”

Huangfu looked at the stone gate in the middle, said solemnly.

Originally, he was not sure, but now with the 2 bottles of medicine pill Chu Yan has just given, if he encounters a crisis state, he can use “9 玄 Golden Pill” to ensure that he fights continuously in battle strength Peak state, so And decided to give it a try.

“Huangfutian, there are no 3rd people here. I want to ask you, if Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect re-founding Sect door, would you like to officially join?”

Chu Yan did not answer Huang Futian’s question, but slowly turned around and asked solemnly.

“What !? Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect … Re-founding Sect door !?”

Huang Futian heart startled and looked at Chu Yan with amazement. In his view, a Sect lost 100,000 years, how difficult it was to think of rebuilding Sect,

In addition, what shocked him even more was that he had received the 3 Star inheritance of ordinary disciple at Nine Nether Palace, but since then, he has made the cultivation base skyrocket in a short time,

Therefore, Huangfutian knows better than anyone. If Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect is really born again, there will be another huge monster on the Central Heaven Continent.

“Chu Yan, don’t you …”

Looking at the shining eyes in Chu Yan’s eyes, Huang Futian thought of the scene when Chu Yan was taken away by Ox Head Man at the Nine Nether Palace. Suddenly, a thunderclap exploded in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, making him fiercely Trembling …

“Good! I have officially become the master of Nine Nether Palace, Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, and quasi-Sect Master. As long as I find another half of Rakshasa Order, I can formally control Sect!”

As he said, Chu Yan’s big hand turned over and the dark Rakshasa Order suddenly appeared in front of Huangfu Heavenly Eye.

“Rakshasa Holy Lord Order! This …”

Huangfu’s face was started first, and then, he just felt something in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, suddenly bursting apart, a invisible airflow instantly integrated into his body’s blood, making his bloodline boil all over his body Incomparably powerful blazing …

Not bad! This is excitement, excitement that touches the soul!

“pay respects to Sect Master !”

Without any hesitation, Huangfu bowed his head to the sky and bowed down to Chu Yan with Sect.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan’s mind suddenly relaxed, and he quickly raised his hand to support Huang Futian, and his face appeared ecstatic.

Finally, Huangfutian was conquered. In this way, Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect added another tiger!

Just as Chu Yan was preparing to speak, suddenly, the black Rakshasa Order in his hand gave off a dazzling black light, trembling uncontrollably.


At the moment when Chu Yan and Huang Futian were stunned at the same time, the Rakshasa ordinance suddenly shot a streamer and hit three stone gates. That stone gate is exactly the one that clearly says “ten deaths without life”!

The streamer shot by Rakshasa Order disappeared in a flash, and disappeared instantly. If it was not Chu Yan and Huang Futian who saw it at the same time, they might even think they were dazzling.

“What’s the situation! How could this Rakshasa Order react to these 3 stone gates !?”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan couldn’t help but be stunned. In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, various consciousnesses flashed continuously.

However, in fact, just before Huang Futian decided to enter the 2nd “nine deaths and still alive” stone gate, Chu Yan had originally decided to take the 3rd stone gate. Now, he encounters the abnormal reaction of the Rakshasa Order, and he is more determined. Yan’s determination.

“I decided, I will take the 3rd stone gate!”

Chu Yan chuckled and immediately stepped forward, moving towards “ten deaths without life” and striding forward.

In Martial Soul World, no matter where the Secret Realm is, the more dangerous it is, the greater the gain.

Even with more hope, Chu Yan decided to take a chance.

Chu Yan body flashed, without any hesitation, rushed directly into the 3rd stone gate, the light flashed, and his figure was completely disappeared.

After stepping into the Death Gate, Chu Yan only felt that he seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. His whole body was tightly wrapped and could not move at all, just falling with the power of space.

hu! hu!

A roar of strong winds rang in Chu Yan’s ears, Chu Yan’s body seemed to be above 10,000 zhang altitude, falling continuously, that kind of feeling, as if he was falling into 8 Layer Hell, there was never At the end.

I don’t know how long it took, like an hour or a year, Chu Yan’s feet finally stepped on the ground.

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