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I saw, 99 king-level centipede, such as 90 9 black lightning, all shot at Chu Yan in front of 3 steps, creeping on the ground, like worship!

It ’s not just 2 Prince Guo Qiyun stunned … Even 7 Prince and Situ Yang around Chu Yan are stunned, staring blankly at the natural phenomenon in front of them, all silly!

Are these reptiles crazy? Why did you suddenly give up the country of Crape Myrtle Emperor and ran to Chu Yan’s feet! ?

what is happening! ?

“Chu Yan, what are you doing !? You lead the centipede, what are you doing !? When you are wasting us …”

2 Prince Guo Qiyun woke up and snarled loudly at Chu Yan.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted directly …

“White, idiot, shut up!”

Chu Yan didn’t raise his head, coldly shouted.

At this time, Chu Yan was equally astonished in his heart. Didn’t expect, the effect of Five Elements is so good …

The gas of a Five Elements just attracted a dozen nearby king-level centipede directly, so Chu Yan did not hesitate and directly sacrificed all 5 “Five Elements of gas” within the body and threw On the ground in front of …

So, a total of 6 “Five Elements” made 99 king-centipede crazy, and rushed over like a tide, rushed to these Five Elements in front of Chu Yan, you, I A bite, desperately scrambling to devour …

Almost in a blink of an eye, 6 Five Elements angers were snatched away by 99 king-level centipede, and no scum was left.

“Hmph! Grab it, eat my 6” Five Elements “and wait for death!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, Qilin’s pupils emitted dazzling glow, and at the same time, all Divine Consciousness converged into a silk thread, moved towards the 99th-level king-level centipede in front of him …

Soon, True Qi in Chu Yan’s body changed from black to gold and turned into a pale yellow astral qi, which is the power of Qilin Martial Soul …

At the same time, his Divine Consciousness has been connected to the nearest a king-level centipede, and he has sensed the “Five Elements’ gas” that he swallowed into the body.

“Give me … burst!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed violently, and his whole body Golden True Qi was agitated suddenly, shouted loudly.

Under the connection of Divine Consciousness, he directly controlled the “Five Elements’ Qi” of the king-level centipede within the body, making it explode within the inside of the body.


Suddenly, this head was covered with a solid iron shell, defensive power, and the terrifying king-level centipede even exploded directly. With the huge energy of the explosion, countless flesh was blasted into the sky, moved towards 4 all directions, and shot Out.

Internal explosion, directly explodes into waste!

“Reward a Crape Myrtle Emperor Fruit!”

Crape Myrtle Emperor’s silhouette on the flower, fiercely in the corner of the eye, full of astonished expression, but worthy of being the Old Monster who has lived for 10000 years, instantly calmed down, waved his hand, a purple streamer flew out and fell In the hands of Chu Yan, it was a “Crape Myrtle Emperor Fruit”!

In an instant, everyone around all, seeing this scene, all stunned, completely stupid!

This … how is this possible! ?

A king-level centipede exploded! ?

Moreover, this is still a king centipede without a trace of injury, completely intact!

What did Chu Yan do! ?

All kinds of doubtful consciousness, such as a path of thunderclap, explode in everyone ’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, like myriad beasts surging forward, which brings up the sound of beast roar thunder and thrills in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. .

Looking at the Crape Myrtle Emperor fruit in his hand, Chu Yan’s face showed a hint of joy …

Sure enough, my own ideas are right, Five Elements is really useful!

“7 Prince, here you are!”

Chu Yan turned around and handed the Crape Myrtle Emperor fruit in his hand to the dull 7 Prince. Only when the Crape Myrtle Emperor fruit fell in his hand, he suddenly woke up and shook his head again and again, “This is not good, this is What you got, I can’t want it! “

Chu Yan laughed lightly, his eyes swept, and looked to the 2 Prince Guo Qiyun in the distance, his mouth lightly raised, said with a smile

“It’s okay, anyway, today, all the Crape Myrtle Emperor fruits here are ours!”

A word fell to the ground, like thunderclap exploding!

Including 7 Prince, everyone’s eyes flickered, and when they looked at Chu Yan again, they were all in shock.

Chu Yan’s remarks were clearly what 2 Prince Guo Qiyun said just now. Chu Yan is now returning the original words!


Hearing this, 7 Prince’s face flushed red, and he woke up suddenly from his absence, his eyes spitting fire, glaring at Chu Yan, and said, “Chu Yan, what the hell did you do? This … this is impossible!”

“Impossible !? Hehe …”

Chu Yan stared at 2 Prince Guo Qiyun, the corners of his mouth rose more and more, with a meaningful smile, said

“This is just the beginning. Next, you will look at this” impossible “carefully!”

Seeing the strange smile on Chu Yan’s face, Guo Qiyun suddenly shivered all over his body, and a chill rose from the bottom of his heart, making him suddenly feel extremely uneasy.


At the same time, Crape Myrtle Imperial Palace, in the Golden Palace …

In the Golden Palace, which was very empty, although it was packed with 10000 ministers and vast crowd, the whole Golden Palace was silent …

very quiet!

It was so quiet that he couldn’t even hear a faint breath!

All the ministers looked up dumbly at the light curtain in midair. Everyone’s pupils seemed to still have a king-level centipede that suddenly exploded and turned into a picture of fluttering flesh and blood …

what’s the situation! ?

What exactly is going on! ?

Everyone’s mind was full of doubts. When they didn’t respond, in the light curtain, Chu Yan’s reward of a Crape Myrtle Emperor fruit had already reached 7 Prince.

And in everyone’s mind, still lost, how could the king-level centipede explode suddenly! ?

“It must be because there is one less Crappe Myrtle Emperor country, and the King Rank centipede is the self-destruction, and it has nothing to do with Chu Yan!”

“This Chu Yan just found the anomaly of the king-level centipede. Taking this opportunity, dressing up as God, playing the devil that’s all!”

“Yes, that’s it …”


A very shrewd minister, after thinking for a long time, finally found the essential reason for the matter, all of them believed that it was the king-level centipede, and he chose Self-destruction, which had no relationship with Chu Yan.

You know, a King Rank centipede, even if 2 Prince uses a purple war knife to gather 6 people, it takes one hour to kill a. How can it be so easy to be killed, this … absolutely impossible!

So, this Chu Yan just took the opportunity to mess up, want to confuse the audio-visual, delay the speed of 2 Prince that’s all!

Among all the palace ministers, only General Han’s eyes were shining, looking at Chu Yan in the light curtain, and kept smiling nodded.

“Chu Yan… .. ?? Maybe there is really a chance to defeat !?”

The hopeless General Han quietly raised a glimmer of hope …

“Look, that Chu Yan, moved again …”

At this moment, in the Golden Palace, a cry of exclamation sounded again.

This sound is like a command, and at the same time, the whole Golden Palace, there are 10000 people looking up at the same time, looking towards in midair light curtain.

I saw that in the light curtain, the black robe silhouette of Chu Yan stood in front of dozens of king-level centipede, the corners of his mouth lightly raised, slowly opened his mouth, and swallowed several same words again …

“Give me … burst!”

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