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This guy is really embarrassed to say such a thing!

A black Blood Temple running dog actually colluded with His Holiness Blood Soul to kill himself!

If it were n’t for Xuanshui Shield and Azure Dragon Martial Soul, he would be seriously injured if he did n’t die!

“Brother Chu, 10000000 is not allowed!”

7 Prince flew up in a hurry, moved towards Chu Yan flashed, apparently wanted to stop Chu Yan, not let him kill 2 Prince!

“Get lost!”

Chu Yan loudly shouted, with both eyes shot a ray of light, directed at 7 Prince, Qilin Heavenly Might stormed him directly down to the ground and fell into horror.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s eyes are like ice, his long sword is high, and his killing intent is like a tide!

5 The day when Divine Beast Martial Soul is fully awakened! Chu Yan is not only improved, but more importantly, his Martial Dao will, advanced by leaps and bounds!

What is Martial Dao! ? Cultivation cultivation technique, tempering itself, flying into the ground, waving hands, mountains and rivers Shattered!

These are heaven defying!

Therefore, when Martial Artist cultivation reaches Heaven Transforming Realm, Heavenly Punishment will even be called in!

So, what is Martial Dao! ?

Fight Heaven and Earth, the sword refers to Vault of Heaven, heaven defying to change life, shoulder to shoulder with heaven!

Then withdraw, with fear, with a sword in hand, kill all the people who should be killed in the world!

Bow your head! ? I agree, I am afraid 5 Divine Beast will not agree!

Even if the world is an enemy, I will go with a sword!

Heaven and Earth must be enemies, but the sword will be cut!


Clear Sky Sword burst glowing sword glow, killing intent in the chest, such as raging waves, turbulent!

2 Prince sees this, his eyes are splitting, hysterical shouting, “Chu Yan! Are you crazy? You dare kill my? My Imperial Father will not let you go, the whole Crape Myrtle Emperor country will not let you go!”


Black and white sword glow, draw a multi-colored light, without any hesitation, fiercely cut down!

Chu Yan wears 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, cultivation way, Martial Dao will be horrible! Now that he has decided that “the world is the enemy”, how can he be influenced by his sentence! ?

“haha, good!”

Above the sky, Sovereign Blood Soul, seeing the sword light fall, his face suddenly filled with joy, bloody eyes, in addition to surprises, there is a trace of surprise, he did n’t expect, this Chu Yan actually dared to start 2 Prince .

If he really killed 2 Prince, then, the unfavorable situation now may be reversed again because of this matter!


Crape Myrtle His Holiness complexion greatly changed, suddenly waved, hit a purple rattan, rushed out, trying to stop Chu Yan.


At this moment, suddenly, mutation suddenly emerged, a streamer, suddenly hit Chu Yan’s right shoulder, although the strength was not great, but forcibly bumped Chu Yan’s arm, causing the clear Sky Sword to fall off, Did not cut to 2 Prince at the slightest.

A sword fell, 2 Prince did not die!

The person who shot was Situ Yang!

“Fatty!” Chu Yan turned back suddenly, looking at Situ Yang behind him, shouted “What do you want !?”

Chu Yan will guard everyone, but only Situ Yang will not be protected. Therefore, Situ Yang’s palm can hit Chu Yan. However, this makes Chu Yan startled with suspicion.

He could not have imagined that Situ Fatty would shoot himself!

Situ raised his face indifferently, with a pair of squinting eyes, flashing cold rays of light, without any hesitation, waved again, threw away 2 Spirit Marks, slammed into Chu Yan!

“Fatty, you’re crazy …..” Chu Yan’s face was sullen, his eyes were wide, his mind was trembling, his face hesitated, he flashed, avoiding the two Spirit Mark attacks Stared at Situ Yang!

Chu Yan didn’t believe in Stuart fatty, he hurt himself, even if Stuart now, one after another shot against himself, Chu Yan did not expect to fight back, so, subconsciously chose to avoid!


Just when Chu Yan was full of doubts, Situ ’s fatty body flashed and was extremely flexible, and immediately fell beside 2 Prince, with 5 Spirit Mark Jade Talisman in his hand, directly crushed, the power of the violent Spirit Mark burst out, Condensed into a terrifying mountain seal, bringing a large wind.

Situ Yang stood against the wind, long robe fluttered, turned his head slowly, and grinned at Chu Yan. Under this smile, no trace of insignificance could be seen. Instead, Chu Yan shuddered.

“Very good! Brother Situ …”

Not far from 7 Prince, seeing this scene, I was immediately overjoyed. Today, I have to stop Chu Yan kill 2 Prince anyway.

On Skyrim, Sovereign Crape Myrtle sees this and is also a long relaxed. I’m afraid of it!

But Blood Soul, His Holiness, was disappointed, and his eyes were cold. This damn fatty stopped Chu Yan kill 2 Prince.

“Fatty, you want to save him !?” Chu Yan coldly said.

“Save him !?” Situ Yang sneered and said, “This person hurts my brother as if it hurts my arms and feet. Even if I die 1000 times or 10000 times, it is not enough!”

After speaking, Situ Yang raised his arms slowly, reaching out, and the Spirit Mark floating above his head quickly solidified into a clear mountain peak of a foot.


Without any hesitation, Situ Yang waved his hand down, the mountain peak smashed down, and directly smashed 2 Prince’s head to explode, red and white splashes, blood shot!

“Laozi has long wanted to kill him!”

Situ Yang stood upright and spoke thunderclap!


On the other side, Crape Myrtle Imperial Palace, in the Golden Palace …

There were a few 10000 ministers in the whole hall, looking at Chu Yan with a dull face, and the long sword raised high in his hand, just before the sword light fell, the audience instantly boiled …

“Is this child crazy !?”

“I dare to kill me Crape Myrtle Emperor Kingdom 2 Prince, absolutely crazy!”

“He was in courting death and dared to be an enemy of my entire country of Crape Myrtle Emperor!”

“…… ..”

General Han Yuxuan’s heart was tense for a moment, and he directly mentioned Noisy Eye.

Don’t ah!

10000000 Don’t cut ah!

Chu Yan! Endure for a while, calm and tranquil, take a step back to the sea and the sky ah!

On the side of the Dragon Chair, Imperial Tutor’s face was shocked, his eyes stared at Boss, his chest was undulating violently …

Up to now, it can be said that the layout he has planned for more than ten years has completely failed, but, as His Holiness Blood Soul thinks, as long as Chu Yan dares to kill 2 Prince, then Chu Yan will never escape!

However, without waiting for everyone to react, Situ Yang suddenly shot, blocked Chu Yan, and backhand blasted 2 Prince’s head into a rotten watermelon. The corpse fell from the air like a rotten meat …


The whole hall was shocked, everyone stayed on the spot!

This… .. who is this fatty, even rushed directly, without thinking, killed 2 emperors! ?


Mo Imperial Tutor complexion greatly changed, trembling with anger and opened his mouth to curse.

Everything is over! This damn fatty actually prevented Chu Yan kill 2 Prince! My own hope is completely defeated!

In an instant, the entire Golden Palace fell into a silence!

“This child kill 2 Prince, open Crape Myrtle Secret Realm quickly and take this person!”

The Imperial Tutor jumped like thunder, roared loudly, and shook the entire Golden Palace.

Hearing this, all the ministers of the whole hall finally woke up, then stared towards the light curtain, and found that 2 Prince had indeed been bombed, and his face suddenly changed!

Crape Myrtle Emperor, 2 Prince was killed! This is no small matter!

All of a sudden, the entire Golden Palace was violently angry and almost lifted the roof of the palace!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

next moment, in front of the Golden Palace, the Lei Zhan platform, which has been silent for 100 years, was triggered for the second time within a day, a path of thunder sounds, resounding through the sky of the entire Crape Myrtle Imperial Palace!

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