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Boom … Rumble!

Suddenly, Chu Yan heard the sound of thunder and thunder, as if the thunderbolt of the heavenly sky thundered and sent a roar of thunder …

“this is….?”

Chu Yan looked sullen, walked out of the room with doubt, went directly out of Pill Pagoda, stood outside, looked up towards the sky!

I saw that the silence of the sky has become extremely dark. Among the large black clouds, the endless Power of Thunder and Lightning is constantly gathering. In the rolling sea of ​​clouds, a large river of thunder and lightning has formed, which is amazing!

“This is Divine Punishment Heavenly Tribulation !?”

As soon as Chu Yan pupil light turned on, he clearly felt that the endless thunder sea was filled with the mighty Heaven and Earth Might, which is clearly Heavenly Tribulation!

However, who attracted Heavenly Tribulation! ?

“Is it …?”

Chu Yan looked stern, a silhouette flashed in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and guessed that besides him, It shouldn’t be someone else!

Just as Chu Yan was thinking, all of a sudden Heavenly Tribulation clouds, and endless thunder seas, suddenly moved towards the northern mountain range, such as a large black ocean, sweeping the sky, passing, thunder and lightning Combining, prestige!

“what’s the situation!?”

Chu Yan was wondering, and he saw silhouettes rushing out of various buildings in Danmeng, flew away in the direction of moved towards mountain range, and all of them exclaimed loudly.

“God, there is a strong Heavenly Tribulation!”

“Didn’t expect, that battle day, actually dare to undo seal!”

“Don’t he come to ask Golden Pill? Did someone help him refine it?”

“Who knows, hurry up and take a look, I see this Heavenly Tribulation, the battle is not small …”

“Yes, go check it out! It’s on the mountain range!”

“War days are attracting Heavenly Tribulation, avoiding the Danmeng range, should be afraid of destroying Danmeng buildings!”

“Oh my god, so many people, it’s hilarious now!”


In all directions, there are Pill Master and Martial Artist, moving towards the mountain range in the distance, all kinds of exclamation sounded.


Chu Yan didn’t hesitate. Hearing Heavenly Tribulation, which was drawn from the battle sky, he immediately stood up and moved towards the mountain range in the distance!

North of Danmeng, 300 li away …

Zhantian stood on the top of a 1000 zhang high peak, like a pine, looking up at the sky.

At this time, the endless thunderclouds gathered in the sky, forming a thunder sea of ​​nearly 30 li, 10000 thunder and lightning sounds, rumble sounded in the sea of ​​clouds, terrifying Heaven and Earth Might, with a path of lightning Thunder, sweeping the whole Vault of Heaven.

The large Martial Artist of Pill Master, gathered in the south of the mountain peak, about 50 li away, all looked excitedly at the sky, discussing spiritedly.

“Look, the sky tribulation thunder sea, it’s 30 li!”

“God, Martial Soul of Battlefield is so terrifying, attracting such a powerful Heavenly Tribulation?”

“Just don’t know, did he get” Golden Pill “, with Heaven Transforming Realm cultivation base, his Fleshy body, absolutely can’t resist!”

“Too terrifying, this Heavenly Tribulation doesn’t seem to be a heavy ah!”


When Chu Yan reached the mountain peak full of crowds, the sound of four directions of all directions poured into Chu Yan’s ears like a tide.

Ordinary Heavenly Tribulation has about 20 li, which is already extremely terrifying. The Heavenly Tribulation that can be attracted by the battle sky not only exceeds 20 li, but also increases in learning crazy!

Generally speaking, only when the seal is frightened, the more heavenly defying the seal, the stronger the Heavenly Tribulation.

At this time, Heavenly Tribulation, which was attracted by the Battle of Heaven, has reached 35 miles, which shows that his Martial Soul is extremely horrible, so horrible to a heaven-defying existence.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

On top of Nine Heavens, a path of thunderclap continues to explode, 10000 lightning snakes continue to sway, and they continue to drill out of the sea of ​​clouds, showing horrible thunder and lightning might to everyone!

The thundercloud swelled, and in less than breath breaths, it rose to 4 10 li!

“Already 4 10 li, this … isn’t this too ridiculous!”

“A big sea of ​​clouds, my God, that battle day, what the hell is Martial Soul, so strong !?”

“It’s troublesome now, I’m afraid I won’t be able to withstand the battle. This Heavenly Tribulation is too strong!”

“It must not be able to withstand, such a strong Lei Yunhai, even if he got a” Golden Pill “, I am afraid that ten breaths time is not enough ah!”

“Really, this seems to have risen to 3 Layer Thunder Tribulation!”


All around the crowd, in all kinds of shocking voices, with extremely worried feelings, Battleday is in the Dan League, and has a very deep relationship with many Pill Masters, so the people who worry about him account for the majority.

Faced with the robbery that has risen to 4 10 li, even if it is Heavenspan Realm 5th Layer powerhouse, I am afraid it can’t withstand it!

Battle days are only Heaven Transforming Realm cultivation base, which is very likely to be lost under this thundercloud!

“4 10 li !?”

Chu Yan looked at the endless thunderclouds in the sky, his eyes full of disdain.

In his view, this 4 10 li thunder cloud, merely this, he believes that the battle days, can definitely resist the past.

Immediately, Chu Yan quietly looked at the battle sky above the mountain, waiting.

At this time, in the mighty thunder cloud, the power of thunderbolt is gaining momentum, the thunder gradually decreases, but it makes everyone’s face dignified.

Especially battle days, looking up at the sky, his face is deep!


At this moment, a huge lightning slammed from the thunder sea, the lightning passed, the void was broken, thunder and lightning were like swords, fiercely cleaved towards the battle sky.

This thunder and lightning that has been gaining momentum for a long time, after hacking, runs through the whole sky, up to thousand zhang, like the same handle breaking God spear, might invincible!

The speed of thunder and lightning is extremely fast, and in a flash, it fell to the top of Zhantian!

“break for me !”

Fighting against the thunder, Zhantian dashed, punched out, and hit the falling thunder straight!

Boom … Rumble!

Heaven shaking earth shattering, the huge thunder and lightning was crushed by a punch, 4 annihilated and turned into nothingness!

In the hands of the war sky, a black long spear suddenly flashed out, and the sharp spear was shot like a rooted arrow!

This black spear has a full length of two zhang, the thickness of the wrist, above the spear tip, a burst of gloomy air, making all around the air into frost and frost, 4 fluttering!

Next, in the thundercloud, gaining momentum again, continuously cutting a path of thick lightning.

Fighting day, holding black spear, slashing continuously, will drop thunder and lightning in succession, and make it into nothingness!

“Look, the 9th layer Thunder Tribulation has broken 7 tracks, so powerful!”

“What do you know! These few Thunder Tribulation are the weakest, and the last two are the true Heavenly Tribulation penalty, which is more than ten times stronger than before!”

“However, it is very difficult to deal with the first 7 ways!”

“Yes, it is already very difficult to deal with, after all, fighting genius Heaven Transforming Realm cultivation base, and this robbery reached 4 10 li!”

“…… ..”

A crowd of exclamation sounded in the crowd, all didn’t expect, Battle Heaven would be so easy to block 7 Heavenly Dao Tribulation Divine Thunder!

Boom … Rumble!

At this moment, in the sea of ​​clouds of 10000 acres, the 8th Thunder Tribulation, the accumulation of power ended, and it crashed down …

The endless sea of ​​clouds suddenly rolled, and the turbulent cloud waves swelled up to the size of several ten zhang thick Thunder Pillar, rushing out of the sea of ​​clouds, with the might destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, fiercely split into battle days.

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