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Inside the restaurant, three people were sitting around, and the soft sound of the sky wave sounded, and Chu Yan was stunned!

“Beneath Heaven Sword Sect !? Never heard of it!”

Chu Yan shook the head, although he had never heard of the “Beneath Heaven Sword Sect” Sect, but he clearly remembered that the page of “Wuji Sword Art” he had just received from Nine Nether Palace was written ” The word “world”.

Could it be that the word “world” means Beneath Heaven Sword Sect! ?

But what is this Beneath Heaven Sword Sect! ? How could their Sect Sword Art spread to Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect! ?

“Then, Antiquity Eight Sects, you should have heard of it!”

Tianlang chuckled and said.

“Of course, Antiquity Eight Sects is the current Vast Heaven Continent. From the inheritance of the Antiquity period to the present, the 8 Great Sect with the strongest strength has almost controlled the entire Vast Heaven Continent. It is simply the Continent 8 Overlord Sect forces!”

Chu Yan nodded, replied.

“Yes, our Nine Characters Incantation palace was also a Sect force with the same name as Antiquity Eight Sects, but unfortunately, it has fallen!” Zhantian said in a dim tone.

“Yes! Antiquity Eight Sects include” Heaven and Earth Sword Emperor, spirit medicine “, and the” sword “refers to … Beneath Heaven Sword Sect! And my Master is Sword Sect!”

When Tian Lang said here, there was a trace of arrogance in his expression, with a proud expression on his face.

“So that’s how it is, Sword Sect of Antiquity Eight Sects, is” Beneath Heaven Sword Sect “!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan and Zhantian were simultaneously nodded, and their faces appeared suddenly.

If, as Tianlang said, his Master belongs to Sword Sect, only relying on sword moves, without True Qi, defeat Tianlang, then it is very likely.

Sword Sect, in Antiquity Eight Sects, and even in the entire Vast Heaven Continent, is the general existence of Legendary, and throughout the Vast Heaven Continent, there are rumors about “Sword Sect”.

According to legend, Sword Sect is one of the Antiquity Eight Sects with the smallest number and the loosest sect rules. According to various sources, this Sword Sect, even if it has been circulating for 10000 years, the number of people does not exceed 100.

All the disciplines within this sect are all Sword Dao powerhouse, and follow the Sect rules of the ancient times, using the most ancient inheritance method of one division with one apprentice.

Although Sect is slow to develop, no one dares to doubt that Sword Sect disciple is powerful.

The most recent rumor about the Sword Sect ’s disciplinary story is the Central Heaven Continent, a Great Sect with nearly 2 100000000 million disciple. After slaughtering a village and town, the Sword Sect disciple was passed by and met. …

Overnight, up to Sect Elder, down to Hall Lord, the entire Sect is nearly 2 100,000 high-rises, and it was killed!

What’s even weirder is that during the slaughter process and other living ordinary disciple, no one saw the Sword Sect disciple shot, only knowing the time of dawn, the blood energy in the entire Sect soared, and the corpses were everywhere!

“Ten Steps To Kill One Person, A Thousand Miles Without Stopping, brush away afterwards, hiding things and names!”

Zhan Tian looked solemn and chanted gently, causing Chu Yan and Tian Lang to look together!

“Yes! This” Swordsman “is our Beneath Heaven Sword Sect!”

Tian Lang’s face looked excited, as if he heard this rhythm, his blood would be boiling.

“Okay! A good” Beneath Heaven Sword Sect “, and a true swordsman!”

Chu Yan applauded, heard the words from Zhantianxuan, the same binocular eyes were hot, battle intent rolled get lost!

Also specializing in Sword Dao, Chu Yan can understand the meaning of the Sect of this Beneath Heaven Sword Sect in an instant!

Swordsman is the soldier of the king!

With the 2 blades of the sword, even the enemy will be hurt. If the heart is in awe of integrity, the sword will be out of invincibility.

“You can achieve Supreme Sword Dao with Swordsman, the chivalrous sense of justice, and the world in your heart!”

Chu Yan picked up the glass and sipped it out, shouting happily, “Okay! What a” Beneath Heaven Sword Sect “!”


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the street, making the entire restaurant fiercely tremble.

what’s the situation! ?

Chu Yan, Zhan Tian, ​​and Tian Lang went to the window at the same time and looked out …

At this time, there are a lot of people gathered at a street vendor’s location beyond 100 steps downstairs. The central location, 2 silhouettes and an azure robe old man stand in danger!


Tian Lang was loudly shouted, his eyes were wide, he jumped, jumped directly from the window, and swept away.

Chu Yan shook out an Origin Crystal and threw it on the table, facing the battle day nodded. Immediately, 2 people followed the sky wave, moved towards the crowd and flew away.

In the crowd, a tall middle-aged man with gorgeous clothes, light purple long robe, gold rims and silver stripes, with his hands on his back, a burly figure, revealing an imposing manner of the superior, making all around In the air, there was a faint pressure.

Beside him is a young man wearing yellow long robe, about 3 years old, with a face like crown jade, a clear posture, with a rich and proud color, his eyes looking at azure robe old man, full of contempt Color.

This person is the Cang Lan Young Master, Hong Heavenly Peng, who Chu Yan has seen at the entrance of the North Star Secret Realm!

And the middle-aged man beside him is the Hongyu Empire, the current emperor, Hong Qiyu!

At this time, 2 people came to Profound Fire City Jibao Pavilion to participate in the emperor meeting called by the emperor of Crape Myrtle Emperor. I just passed by here and saw the Broken Sword sold by azure robe old man. However, the azure robe old man was reluctant to sell, which immediately caused conflict.

“I have a 1000 Origin Crystal, buy your Broken Sword!”

Hong Qiyu, looking at azure robe old man, gaze as if a torch, with a tone of irresistible majesty in his tone.

“Do not sell!”

In front of the stall, the azure robe old man fell back directly, and his figure was soft, and he sat back leaning directly.

This move fell in the eyes of Hong Qiyu and Hong Heavenly Peng, suddenly complexion sank, with a hazy face.

This Old Guy, fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness!

Moreover, his behavior is obviously with the contempt of two people, which makes them with a prominent status completely unbearable.

“10000 Origin Crystal! Sell, or die!”

Hong Heavenly Peng strode out and stood in front of azure robe old man, eyes staring at each other, aura slowly surging.

“If you don’t sell it, don’t sell it. You 2 people don’t deserve this sword! Let’s go away!”

azure robe old man waved his big hand as if catching flies. During the wave, the aura gushing from Hong Heavenly Peng was all scattered. At the same time, a powerful aura rushed out, directly punching Hong Heavenly Peng’s figure Shocked, deng deng deng stepped back three times in a row.

what! ?

How can this be! ?

This looks like an old person’s old fogey, but actually waved his hand, and Honghong Heavenly Peng, one of the top 800 in the Heaven and Earth list, shocked 3 steps! ?

Moreover, just a simple action, all the people around, including Hong Qiyu, did not feel that the old man just used True Qi.

This … how strong this is! ?

“Master! Who dares to provoke our Beneath Heaven Sword Sect, I will destroy him!”

At this moment, with silhouetted loudly, the silhouette of the sky wave rushed over like lightning and stood beside the azure robe old man …

The words fell to the ground, all around the crowd, while the complexion greatly changed, and all the people looked at the azure robe old man with horror!

“God … Beneath Heaven Sword Sect !?”

Including Hong Qiyu and Hong Heavenly Peng, everyone’s heart suddenly set off a tremendous wave, and his face was awkward!

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