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Chu Yan’s eyes swept away and saw Chu Yan and Zhantian going to the treasure area in two directions, east and south, respectively. Then, with a big wave of hands, the endless black streamer, like a sea of ​​clouds, enveloped all four directions …

shua! shua! shua!

Countless treasures, flying from the rows of jade racks, flew into the air like a 10000 river returning to the sea, rushed to Chu Yan, and were instantly included in the Rakshasa Space …

This collection speed is more than 100 times faster than Situ Yang and Zhantian.

“Wo Cao! Big brother, you …”

Seeing this scene, Situ Yang was suddenly shocked, his eyes twitched, according to Chu Yan’s method, he and Zhantian, it was estimated that he would not even drink the soup …

“explode for me !”

Situ raised a big mouth, a large green wave, rushed out in an instant, covering the treasure on all the jade racks within 100 steps in front of him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, a large number of treasures with their own prohibitions exploded in an instant, turning into a path of terrifying attacks, forming a tide of attacking hiding the sky and covering the earth, moved towards Situ Yang fiercely blasted …


Although Situ Yang had been mentally prepared for a long time, he was frightened by the attacking torrent in front of him. He dared not stay where he was and suddenly flashed out, rushing to the south of the war area to collect treasure.

Moreover, while Stuart rushed into the south area of ​​the treasure trove and hurriedly ran, he also had a big mouth and spouted a large green air flow, which also covered the large jade frame in the south area …

Suddenly, another crazy explosion sounded. In the southern area, with a prohibited treasure, they also launched a attack, forming a large attack tide, slamming into the flying Stuart.

At this time, throughout the great hall, 2 large swaths of attacking sky like a meteor, moved towards Situ Yang and the sluggish battle sky fell violently, like the sky fell, fiercely suppressed down …

But at this time, Situ Yang has rushed behind the war sky, the body contracted extremely quickly, completely shrinking his entire body behind the war sky …

“Dead fatty, me, your uncle!”

Zhantian felt the fear of the power coming, and he woke up instantly, watching the flood of attack on the sky fall, and his entire face instantly turned green …

He now finally understands why the dead fatty made himself and Chu Yan wear so much defense Spirit Treasure and Spirit Mark before leaving, it turned out to be a shield for him!

Boom … rumble!

After the tide of attack, the pieces of the defense on the battle day are constantly exploding. Less than half a blink of an eye, all the spirit marks are broken, and the tight armor, inner armor and other defenses of Spirit Treasure are also exploded … ….

“Body protection Gang Yuan!”

The eyes of Zhantian were completely red, and the violent dragons of the whole body rushed out, instantaneously transformed into a black Flood Dragon, wrapped around the body of Zhantian, body protection astral qi was propped up to the full ten zhang thickness, plus Black Dragon body protection, hard against these prohibited attacks …

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A blast of gas exploded on Zhantian. In order not to disturb the old man over there, Zhantian did not dare to fight back. Otherwise, the collision between the attack and the attack would make the great hall vibrate. At that time, maybe the old man would Woke up from a deep cultivation.

Therefore, Zhantian can only choose hard resistance, with his black Martial Soul, he will produce the black soul body protection’s martial skill and face the attack like howling wind and torrential rain …

After all the gas explosions dissipated, the whole battle day was blasted into darkness, the grey long robe on his body became a cloth suit, all around under his feet, a large piece of various Spirit Treasure fragments …

Fortunately, Martial Soul has completed 2 awakenings of Martial Soul, which is blocked by the black soul body protection’s martial skill. Otherwise, it is estimated that it will not die, and it must be peeled!

“Dead … Fatty … Son, day, you … Grandpa!”

Zhan Tian gasped violently, staring at Situ Yang with red eyes …

However, there was no trace of apology on Situ Yang’s face. When he saw that all the attacks had disappeared, he drilled directly from behind the war sky, body flashed, and rushed to those treasures that were opened forbidden.

Without the prohibition, Situ Young doubled the rate of receiving the treasure …

Not far away, Chu Yan right hand stretched out, with the palm facing the direction, rows of treasures on the jade racks, a trace was drawn, and they were all included in the Rakshasa Space.

Seeing what Situ Yang did just now, Chu Yan suddenly complexed slightly changed. Fortunately, these prohibitions are only for triggering and alarming. They are basically loud and have a low formal power. Otherwise, even the wartime Martial Soul 2 awakenings are impossible Block it.

“Hehe, don’t blame me, half stick of incense is halfway through, we only charge 10% less, quick! Quick ah!”

When Situ Yang flashed to another jade frame, he took the time to turn around and looked at Zhantian, chuckled.

Hearing this, Zhantian started, immediately reacted, too lazy to ignore Situ Yang, and quickly began to receive a treasure.

In the next moment, the calm in the great hall is restored. Except Chu Yan, who is like a hungry wolf, sweeping frantically, not looking at it, grabbing the treasure, and putting it into the storage Jade Talisman desperately.

Compared with the methods of Situ Yang and Zhan Tianshou Treasure, Chu Yan is much easier, and can also divide Divine Consciousness, constantly observing the treasure in the Rakshasa Space.

After sweeping, Chu Yan found that just half the time of half stick of incense, he had collected nearly 30 Martial Venerable Realm Spirit Treasure….

“Hiss! This emperor is really rich, it is worthy of the empire, rich, really rich!

Chu Yan is really impossible to bear, dark cursed, and his eyes are fixed on the constantly flying treasure, his eyes brighter and brighter.

According to Chu Yan’s estimate, within this treasure house, Martial Venerable Realm treasure, at least has a few 100 pieces.

If you add several other treasure house palaces, I am afraid there are at least 1000 Martial Venerable Realm treasures!

“Still the most profitable robbery!”

Chu Yan made a deep emotion, and then, his eyes shifted lightly, looking to the corner of the hall, the Martial Venerable Realm old man covered by Skynet Spirit Mark Great Array …

Up to now, the expert still has his eyes closed and he is cultivating. He should think of it impossible at all, just because his eyelids are low, 3 Martial Artists are frantically charging the treasure house he guards!

However, even if the old man has never noticed, the Martial Venerable Realm old man in front of him still makes Chu Yan feel a little panicked. If he is discovered, let ’s not say whether he can escape from a Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse. Going, I’m afraid that this Profound Fire City can never go out, and all the treasures I have can’t be guaranteed.

“Hurry up! Time is running out!”

Chu Yan glanced at the Spirit Mark cover of the day, Divine Consciousness sound transmission to Situ Yang and Heavenly Dao.


Just when Chu Yan turned around, he saw a few black Jade Talisman flying towards him and was instantly included in the Rakshasa Space. However, among these black Jade Talisman, there was an extremely terrifying power, even Even Chu Yan felt a little shocked.


I flipped my hand and took out a black Jade Talisman, which was scanned by Chu Yan Divine Consciousness and scrutinized carefully.

“Big brother! That’s” Spirit Mark “! A Spirit Mark explodes and can retreat half a step Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, 10 used together, even Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, it must be blown back! That’s good thing!”

Situ Yang saw Chu Yan’s anomaly and knew that he had found something good. He immediately turned his head to look here and shouted loudly.

“Yes! It’s really good! It’s all collected!”

Chu Yan glanced and found some of the same black Jade Talisman. There is no politeness at the moment, and all of them are included in Rakshasa Space!

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