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On the other side, the emperor, the hall of deliberation …

Hong Qiyu’s face was gloomy, and he glanced at the audience, sweeping one by one from the faces of the big men present, slowly opening the mouth and said

“Looking at the last performance in Crape Myrtle Secret Realm, Chu Yan this child, with just one sentence, killed 100 head-level Monster Beast, indicating that this child has a lot of cards, so I want to capture him , I think, Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse needs to be sent! “

As soon as this side came out, the crowd was nodded.

There is one more thing, Hong Qiyu not at all said, that is the conflict with Chu Yan in Profound Fire City today, because he is really embarrassed, of course, he will not make it public.

However, even Hongly Heavenly Peng, a Heavenspan Realm 9th Layer Martial Artist, is not Chu Yan’s opponent. Except for Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, it is basically impossible against Chu Yan.

Although Hong Heavenly Peng, cultivation is to control treasure flow, compared to Martial Artist of the same level, he is better at group fights, and is much weaker in singles, but it is also Heavenspan Realm 9th Layer Martial Artist.

“There is also Stuart, this child kill Crape Myrtle Emperor Kingdom 2 Prince, must be captured, but he is hiding in the Nine Spirit Profound Heaven Sect, it is difficult to start, and as his Antiquity bloodline Spirit Mark division, Nine Spirit Profound Heaven Sect is extremely Asylum to him, this child is best to subdue, after all, an Antiquity bloodline Spirit Mark teacher is still very valuable! “

Hearing this, the big guys present, except Prince representatives of the country of Crape Myrtle Emperor, other big brothers have nodded, and after voting, they passed the issue of conquering Stuart.

“However, there is a good way to lure him out of Nine Spirit Profound Heaven Sect, everyone think about it!”

Hong Qiyu said solemnly.

Hearing this, the big crowd frowned, staring and thinking …

“Everyone, next month,” Spiritual Blood Sea “is about to open. Let’s make a treasure map about an Antiquity Spirit Mark Master, and then send someone to mix in Nine Spirit Profound Heaven Sect. , I believe he must be tempted! “

A big brother opened sneaked, opened the mouth and said.

“Spiritual Blood Sea !?” Hong Qiyu doubted.

“Yes, the blood of the spirit domain is on, and my emperor gathers experts from all directions, and I’m afraid I can’t catch him a little Spirit Mark!”

The cold sound sounded, and all the eyes of the audience suddenly lighted up.

Yeah! When the blood sea of ​​the spirit domain opens, how many powerhouses of the Emperor Sect will enter into it and want to deal with a small Stuart, that is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain.

Moreover, even if it is sheltered by Nine Spirit Profound Heaven Sect, there are too many methods available in the blood sea of ​​the spirit domain.

“Okay, this plan is very good!”

“Yes, this method is the most secure!”

“I agree!”


There was no accident, everyone voted unanimously.

“Also, I have an idea about Chu Yan …”

The cold sounded again, causing everyone to stare at the same time and look over …

“If Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse is dispatched to deal with Chu Yan, with his Heavenspan Realm 2nd Layer cultivation base, if uploaded on continent, our emperor’s prestige will inevitably apologize for the bully the weak!”

“So, I suggest, let You Qing shot!”

As soon as this statement came out, all the emperors who were present, all started together …

A little Chu Yan is going to leave Youqing! ?

…………… ..

On the other side, Jibao Pavilion, among the treasure houses of Earth Palace …

“Ha ha ha, the Spirit Mark in 1000, the Spirit Mark in the mad sand, the Spirit Mark… .. sent the Spirit Mark…, this is developed!”

Situ Yang laughed again and again, his eyes were crimson, and he looked at these Jade Talisman with excitement. For him, these are the real Supreme Treasure ah!

Chu Yan and Zhantian startled, looking back, suddenly speechless …

This guy, with so many Spirit Marks, is afraid to fly Heaven, at least several times the strength!

Shook the head, with a chuckle, Chu Yan glanced over and looked at the rows of jade in the hall.

In this great hall, at least more than half of Spirit Mark Jade Talisman are stored, and the number is extremely alarming.

You know, most of Spirit Mark Jade Talisman are disposable consumables, and some high-level Spirit Mark Jade Talisman, ordinary Martial Artists do not understand the method of hand seal, can not drive it at all, but Spirit Mark division can.

However, the kind of Jade Talisman that ordinary Martial Artist can use is not a valuable thing, and the valuable one is only useful to Situ Yang, so Chu Yan and Zhantian cannot close their eyes like the previous treasure house. Charging can only be done while picking, and the sweeping speed is much slower.

However, among the ordinary Jade Talisman, there are some top-level existence!


Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly flicked, looking at 3 azure Jade Talisman, his face instantly dizzy, the material rank of this 3 Jade Talisman is obviously higher than other Jade Talisman, and, among Jade Talisman, there is a strong sense of power, let Chu Yan was trembling.

Even the Vermilion Bird Martial Soul in Sea of ​​Consciousness issued a consciousness …

Because, among the Jade Talisman, there is a magnificent Power of Flame, a little closer, you can feel a burning sensation.

This is … Flame attack Spirit Mark! ?

“Fuck! This … This is the legendary Fire Phoenix Sky Dance Spirit Mark, Fire Attribute strongest attack Spirit Mark, missing over 10,000 years, didn’t expect, even in the treasure trove of Jibaoge, big brother, this is for you, It’s very suitable. It’s even more fierce than Spirit Mark, and it’s a violent attack on Lingfang. Quickly put it away! “

Situ Yang exclaimed again and again, pointing at several pieces of Jade Talisman in Chu Yan’s hand and yelling.

“Fire Phoenix Sky Dance !?” Chu Yan stared. “It looks good, it’s all needed!”

With a big wave, a few pieces of Jade Talisman with the majestic Power of Flame were taken to Rakshasa Space by Chu Yan.

Afterwards, Chu Yan continued to search, and found several “Fire Phoenix Sky Dance” Spirit Mark. Under the surprise, all were packed, and one was not left.

For exactly 5 minutes of time, Chu Yan 3 people, such as 3 whirlwinds, as long as there is no prohibition Spirit Mark, all swept away.

Subsequently, 3 people came out of the treasure house, moved towards the last target palace and rushed away.

“Big brother, this treasure trove was just exchanged by the Emperor Zong, and it is said to be a transaction with Danmeng. The collection is all Spirit Grass Immortal Medicine!”

Situ Yang shook his eyebrows. He knew that for Chu Yan, there was nothing more exciting than this.

“What !? A whole warehouse … Spirit Grass Immortal Medicine !?” Chu Yan looked startled and stunned.

“Yes, it’s worth the old nose money! Big brother, this time you are sweeping in front, me and the battle back, pick you up! Anyway, you want to pill refining, we just use it to exchange money!”

Situ Yang said while walking.

Entering the hall, Chu Yan’s eyes swept away, and his eyes were suddenly bright!

The rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Power and herbal scent diffused throughout the great hall, even giving him the illusion that he was in a spirit medicine valley.

In the distance, on the countless jade frames, filled with jade bottles of various colors, Chu Yan only found that these are all low-grade medicine pill as long as Divine Consciousness was swept away, but that was based on Grade 2 Golden Pill division of Chu Yan In terms of identity, although it is only a medicine pill from Grade 5 to Grade 9, it is also very valuable!

These medicine pill have mixed effects, healing, healing True Qi, adding physique, toxic, all in all, dazzling!


Almost instantly, Chu Yan turned into a lightning bolt and rushed directly to the southern and eastern areas where Spirit Grass Immortal Medicine is stored. As for the western and northern areas where the medicine pill is stored, he didn’t even look at it!

Seeing this scene, Situ Yang shoots up the battle days in awake, 2 people rush to the medicine pill area, sweeping frantically!


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