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Hear Chu Yan’s words, battle days nodded, softly opened the mouth and said

“Within Antiquity Eight Sects, on Martial Artist’s individual battle strength, Beneath Heaven Sword Sect can be said to be unrivaled! However, the Beneath Heaven Sword Sect’s discipline has always followed the ancient rituals, strictly observed Sect iron law, and did not participate in continent hegemony at all. Otherwise, this Vast Heaven Continent, the real Overlord, will not be able to turn to Tianzong! “

“Tianzong !?” Chu Yan startedled, looking towards Zhantian.

“Have you never heard of Tianzong? Number One Sect in the world, Overlord of Vast Heaven Continent, the leader of Sect in the world! Have you never heard of …?”

Zhan Tian saw Chu Yan’s puzzled expression, and he was surprised for a moment, as if looking at the monster, looking at Chu Yan.

“I haven’t heard that. I have just been from the North Continent to the Central Heaven Continent, and I have been staring at the Nine Spirit Profound Heaven Sect. Other things are rarely inquired!”

Chu Yan shrugged, Cancan smiled and explained. .

“Tianzong is Shenwu Xiaotianzong ah!” Battle Heavenly Dao.

what! ?

Shenwu Xiaotianzong! ?

On the ground, Chu Yan’s face suddenly stiffened, and the whole body was fiercely trembling. In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, 10000 Lei Qibang, 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, screaming roaring, violent aura, rushing from him within the body instantly Out, making the void all around, trembling madly …

“what’s the situation!?”

Seeing this scene, Zhan Tian’s face was stunned, his eyes widened, and he looked at Chu Yan in amazement, his face full of doubts.

It was just fine, how did Chu Yan hear the words “Shenwu Xiaotianzong”, his expression changed suddenly, and even aura could not control it. This was the first time Zhantian saw Chu Yan lost self-control in this way.

Of course, Zhantian will not know how the words Shenwu Xiaotianzong are to Chu Yan … unforgettable!

Father once said to himself that his mother was being held within the Shenwu Xiaozong, this time, he came to the Central Heaven Continent, one was for Yue’er, and the other purpose was this “Shenwu Xiaozong “!

This …. I promised my father!

Of course, your own mother, anyway, is impossible to become a prisoner!

It’s just that Chu Yan didn’t expect, Shen Wu Xiao Tianzong, turned out to be one of the Antiquity Eight Sects!

Moreover, Tianzong is currently the strongest Sect of Vast Heaven Continent, even reaching the height of the world Sect leader, continent Overlord!

But what about that! ?

This matter, in any case, must be done! and so…….

People stop, kill! Heaven is blocking, killing the sky!

God Wu Xiao Tianzong, continent Overlord! ?

When my Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect resurrects, I want you to be completely annihilated!

For a long time, Chu Yan slowly restraining aura, calming his mood, killing intent with both eyes gradually dissipated.

Slowly turned around, looking at Zhantian, gently opened the mouth and said “This Tianzong is my enemy!”

In a word, let Zhan Tian start his face suddenly, seeing Chu Yan ’s reaction just now, he would have guessed it, Chu Yan and this Tianzong, there is a great relationship, but, really listen to Chu Yan, But still shocked!

In this Vast Heaven Continent, people who dare to say this sentence, I am afraid there is only this one in front of you!

Even if it is the other seven Sects of Antiquity Eight Sects, merged into one, I am afraid to say “Tianzong is the enemy!”

You should know that the power of Tianzong has been imprinted on the influence of “Vintage Invincible” in the hearts of all Martial Artists of Vast Heaven Continent.

Tianzong, it is too strong!

Powerful enough to surpass everyone’s imagination!

“Chu Yan, what are you going to do next?”

After a long silence, Zhantian finally asked.

“Now, Sword Art is almost done. I want to continue to find a suitable place to rebuild the” Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect “mountain gate. It needs the richness of Yin Fiend Qi and Pure Yang Qi, and also the place where Five Elements Spirit Qi merges, otherwise 9 Youhai can’t produce Innate gas, this place is really hard to find! “

Chu Yan sighed faintly.

7 days ago, before Chu Yan started cultivation “Wuji Sword Art”, he had been paying attention to whether there were such geographical conditions in the places he passed.

However, after reading a few places, he realized that these Five Elements attribute, plus the Yin-Yang 2 pole, are completely conspicuous. It is really difficult to find a place like this, heavenly ascension!

“So that’s how it is! If so, maybe there is a place that should be suitable!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Zhan Tian chuckled lightly and gently opened the mouth and said.

“Oh? You know !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Good! According to the historical records of our Nine Characters Incantation palace, there is a place called” Vault of Heaven “, which not only has the richness of Yin Fiend Qi and Pure Yang Qi, but also the qualities of other Five Elements, which should be consistent with yours. Claim!”

Zhan Tian explained.

“Vault of Heaven !?” Chu Yan doubted. He had never heard of this place!

“Yes, you also know that the bloodline Martial Soul of our fighters are all shameful Martial Soul, so the fighters have been looking for such places for 10000 years as the place for the cultivation of the discipline within the family, and this Vault of Heaven Kamiya is very famous, so I naturally know! “

But when it comes to this, his face is dignified, looking at Chu Yan, hesitating and pondering for a moment before he starts to explain again.

“However, this Vault of Heaven is not as difficult as it is to occupy!”

“Did this Vault of Heaven have been occupied by people?” Chu Yan suspiciously.

In this regard, Chu Yan is not too worried, he is now rich, at worst spend more Origin Crystal, ordinary Sect, should be able to discuss.

“Not at all people occupy, but this Vault of Heaven is a very famous entrance to Secret Realm. If it is used to establish a Sect, I am afraid that this Secret Realm will also disappear on the continent.”

Zhantian said.

“What Secret Realm !?” Chu Yan asked.

“From the ancient times to the present, after absolute years, there are countless powerhouses in the meantime, before dying, they will find a suitable place, leaving their own inheritance, in the hope that later generations of Heaven’s Chosen can carry it forward and shine, and This Vault of Heaven is the entrance of an inheritance secret realm built by a powerhouse of unknown age. This secret realm is called “spiritual blood sea!” Zhantian explained.

“Spiritual Blood Sea !? How often does it open !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s eyebrows twisted and he groaned slightly, asking.

“According to the time, it should be about a month. If there is no accident, now the Central Heaven Continent Great Sect forces have sent a powerhouse expert, moved towards this” spiritual blood sea “, and among them, Antiquity Eight Sects Someone should be there too! “Fight Heavenly Dao.

“Okay! Since that’s the case, let’s go check it out, only hope, this Vault of Heaven, don’t let me down!”

Chu Yan said.

“However, if you want to occupy the Vault of Heaven at the entrance of Secret Realm, I am afraid that the world Sect will not agree!”

Zhantian said with some worry.

“Hehe … you have to know that for all inheritance secret realm, once inheritance is inherited, then this secret realm will disappear with it!”

Chu Yan said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhantian looked stunned, suddenly staring at Chu Yan with unbelievable faces!

Accept inheritance! ?

It’s too simple to say!

You know, this “spiritual blood sea” opened tens of thousands of years, countless powerful Martial Artists entered it, and no one can get inheritance at all, this is simply impossible!

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