Endzone: Simulated Apocalypse

Chapter 82 - The Titan Of Shadows

"Who?" Cyanide muttered to the best of his abilities, utterly perplexed.

"… My real name is not important," Ragnar said after a while, and slowly raised his greatsword at the group of people. "All you need to know… is that I am someone who has chased after a man named Cyanide for seven long years. And now… he is before my very eyes—my mortal nemesis, and the only person to have ever escaped me."

"Uh…" Luna arched an eyebrow beneath her blindfold. "… Do you have the slightest idea just how little that narrows it down?"

"Psst, hey," Kirika whispered into Cyanide's ear. "Who's this? Seven long years? A jealous lover, perhaps?"

"…" Cyanide remained silent, ignoring her, as he was too tired to even respond.

"Hmph." Ragnar gave a snort, then glared at the young man—Cyanide. "I am the Titan of Shadows, here to slay my enemy."

"… Are you certain?" Luna asked, voice carrying a hint of threat. "As you are right now, challenging us is fatal. Not only do we outlevel you, you are also outnumbered."

"I've fought my way out of many similar situations before, back on Earth," Ragnar replied confidently, without a shadow of doubt. "At the very least… if I cannot beat you, I can guarantee a clean escape."

"Oh? Then let us test that, shall we?" Luna asked softly but menacingly, a deadly purple aura emitting around her. The weapons in her arsenal were about to spout out of her back, but-

"Alright, time out," Kirika interjected, frowning. "Didn't you just say outside that we should AVOID fighting if possible? Why are you trying to provoke a fight right now then?"

"If possible," Luna emphasized. "This man has clearly identified himself as Cyanide's enemy, so he must be eliminated. There is nothing more to say."

"Yes, there is," Kirika continued, rolling her eyes. "Why are you people so quick to resort to violence? God gave us mouths for a reason, you know. We can talk first."

Then, turning to Ragnar, she continued. "Now… if you try to fight us here, it isn't going to end well for either of us. Cyanide is currently in no state to fight due to… certain complications, and—well, like we already said—you are severely outnumbered here, four to one. What do you say we… uh, reschedule your… fight with Cyanide?"

"…" Ragnar fell silent, wondering if this girl was being real right now. It was a valid proposal, yes, but it all sounded so absurd to Ragnar that… well, never mind.

Seeing his hesitation, Kirika sighed.

"Alright, look. You came to this place for a reason, right? I'm going to go ahead and assume that reason is not just to look for Cyanide, in which case, uh, I'm going to look really stupid in a second, but I certainly hope that's not the case. Even if you do manage to take out your 'long term nemesis' or whatever right here, right now, you won't make it out alive—that's for sure. Is it truly worth it? Ask yourself that question."

Ragnar paused briefly, and genuinely considered the girl's words.

It was true, he had come here for a purpose, and that purpose was definitely not to find Cyanide. He never expected to encounter his long lost enemy here, and it most certainly was not his end goal. He had a wish—and compared to that… was killing this one criminal really worth it? If he was able to make his wish, then… well, Cyanide would be erased anyway.

As much as he hated to admit it, the girl was right. Fighting them now was not a good idea. He needed to choose a time when Cyanide was alone, or they were busying fighting someone else, then ambush him.

Closing his eyes, he gave a sigh and sheathed his greatsword onto his back, before folding his arms.

"… Fine. I accept. And as much as I want to use him as a hostage…" He paused, glancing at a terrified Doctor Finch in the corner. "… I can tell you all do not even care about him. There is no point."

"Got that part right, at least," Kirika chuckled with a shrug.

"… We will meet again," Ragnar said as he brushed past the lot and headed up the stairs, preparing to leave. "Cyanide… I look forward to the day we fight."

As the metal doors clanked shut behind him and his footsteps faded to silence, Kirika confirmed he was long gone from the building using her aura sensing abilities. Then, without any further ado, she and Luna set Cyanide down on the bed in his room, and got to work.

By this time, Cyanide was already unconscious. Kirika was too embarrassed to help him change clothes and whatnot, and Luna was more than happy to do it on her own. Glancing down at Cyanide's unconscious, sleeping figure, she felt somewhat relieved to be the only one to ever witness him like this, in such a vulnerable state. The number one professional assassin of the underground, sleeping like a peaceful baby. For the first time in forever, he wasn't sleeping with a knife in his hand or a gun under his pillow, and instead, on Luna's thighs.

"… I've always wanted to do this with you, you know," she whispered despite knowing Cyanide wasn't listening, and gently patted his head on her legs. "I've seen so many couples online do it, and… well, I just think it's cute is all."

In the end, Luna ended up simply sleeping in the same bed as Cyanide for that night. Such an opportunity would never present itself again, so she had to take advantage of Cyanide's unconsciousness now and wrap him close in her arms. The tangible feeling of her long-sought creator, was at last in her hands—and she felt warmth radiate throughout her body like never before.

Leaning close to Cyanide and snuggling her head cozily against his chest, she whispered.

"I'll never leave your side, Cyanide… never."


P.S. No one remembered about Doctor Finch being tied up until the next morning, when they finally freed him.

Well, either that, or… they purposely ignored him for punishment reasons.. One or the other.

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