Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1006

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“Mountains of the Gods!”

Baili Qingfeng 鈥檚 mind flashed the titles of the god of the field …

North World Developer, North Ruler, the Gods The king, the master of the stars.

Those names, think about how scary it is.

Moreover, it seems that after playing elite monsters and small bosses, it is finally the turn of the big boss who has been sealing for many years.

As long as the battle is over, the war between the Heavenly Waste Realm and the Star Empire will be declared over, peace can be restored between the two places, and he can safely return to Heaven Waste Realm and Shi Yiyi to marry.

Baili Qingfeng said to Xiaozhu at the moment: “We go to the Mountain of Gods. If it goes well, when we return from the Mountain of Gods, peace will come to this disaster-torn land.”


Bai Lizhu nodded.

At present, Baili Qingfeng glanced at the devastated Star City, with some regrets.

The magical void is overbearing.

This magic technique not only destroyed the bodies of the Demi-Gods of the four Demi-Gods, but even the Divine Item with them did not stay. They were exhausted as the nuclear fusion strength broke out Drag into the nihility and turn into obliteration.

That 鈥檚 three full Divine Item.

How many god coins do I have to exchange for selling them?

Millions more.

This is all a waste.

I only hope that Qian Ye can recover some of the losses in that treasure house.

“When you arrive at the Mount of Gods, you are far away from me, though …”

Baili Qingfeng said this tone slightly and felt a bit strange: “Although the Empire of Stars seems to be true On the surface, there are dozens of Demi-Gods, not at all. Dozens of Demi-Gods are hidden in the dark, but the Gods Mountain is equivalent to the final copy of the customs clearance. I wo n鈥檛 feel any exception when jumping out of a True God, so I 鈥檓 not going to enter the mountains of the gods. For such a dangerous dragon 鈥檚 pool and tiger 鈥檚 den, I will use the divine nihility to raze to the ground directly. They really hide any traps, or crafty plots and machinations, and there is no space to use. “

” The Qingfeng big brother, be careful. “

Baili Bamboo Road.

鈥淐ompared to those ancient existences that have been alive for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, I entered Cultivation World for five years. How dare I underestimate any opponent !? People do n鈥檛 know if they are killed, so rest assured. “

Baili Qingfeng said.

Even he has some regrets in his heart, his spirit is too weak!

Although there are 128 spirits, each spirit individual is only equivalent to Refining Spirit Ten Peak Peak, formidable power is limited, if spirit can be stronger, reaching eleven layers, 12-layer in his theoretical state, and even In the 13th and 14th weight, he can simulate the gravity constraint without pulling the star force field by his own core.

when the time comes He does n鈥檛 have to worry about the strength of the magical void explosion hurting himself, he wants to increase the extent of his formidable power to what extent.

Riding a bird, the two headed for the God Mountain at the fastest speed.

The Mountain of Gods is thousands of kilometers away from the Star City in the capital of the Empire of the Stars. However, due to the high altitude of the two people, plus the prospect of teleoperation, it is already hundreds of kilometers away from the Mountain of Gods. Look at the mountain peak straight into the sky.

This mountain peak stands on a huge mountain range with an altitude of more than 3,000 meters. It itself is a sudden rise, and it has been raised upwards by more than 3,000 meters under illogical conditions, making Eventually the altitude reached an astonishing point of more than 6,900 meters.

Therefore, under the telescope technique, this mountain can be described as extremely shining.

“There are many palaces on the mountain, and the palaces have been filled with stars, and it looks a bit similar to the Star God formation …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at it from a distance, for a moment, it was already drawn A conclusion: “It is not the Wan Star God array, this is a real Wan Star God array! The scale is one point larger than the Wan Star God array of the Star City, the stars above are spread over nearly 100 kilometers, and they are far away. It 鈥檚 like a gorgeous Star River! 鈥?/p>

Not only that, when the birds that Baili Qingfeng and Baili Bamboo rode into the two hundred kilometers range of the Gods Mountain, I clearly felt a mysterious Strength suppresses them.

This strength is like the strength of Condense sentient beings Faith, just like a field. Any lifeform that is hostile to the god of the field will be targeted when entering this field.

“This is the real Divine Kingdom above the ground.”

Bai Li Bamboo Road: “I have read books, and the gods will mobilize the most devout believers to him somewhere. With the help of their pure faith, they opened up a sacred kingdom. Because the faith of all believers in this area is very pious, equivalent to hundreds of thousands and millions of wills unite together. With this strength, True God can use God The will to diversify Divine Crystal, open up Divine Kingdom, and become the Divine Lord! “

” Divine Kingdom on the ground …… “

Baili Qingfeng glanced, then looked up and looked at the void .

In his “eyes”, he could “see” densely packed countless silk threads extending in the sky and injected into a peculiar space above ten thousand meters.

This space does not exist in the real world, but it is not completely an illusory structure, but a concept between existence and absence.

According to the linking method of countless silk threads, it can be guessed that this piece of mysterious space is only a dozen kilometers in diameter, but inside it, there is a horrible and mighty strength that is brewing and is getting stronger and stronger, especially The strength of Faith support of hundreds of thousands of people exudes even more power to suffocate any creature.

Baili Qingfeng estimates that according to this brewing speed growth, it is estimated that at most one month, the great existence in that mysterious space will be fully awakened, carrying the endless Divine Power and coming to the north.

“Believers, Divine Kingdom on earth, Divine Kingdom on heaven, Divine King.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at it.

This is the first time he has clearly witnessed the existence of the Pinnacle of the Body Refining Department of the Double Moon Realm.

The Will Core of High Level Legendary gave birth to the will of God, which is equivalent to the achievement of Demi-God. Demi-God 鈥檚 shaping of the body of True God will be promoted to True God. True God will continue to develop believers and be a believer. After the number reaches a sufficiently large level, he can support him to hold up Divine Kingdom and own Divine Kingdom’s True God, who can claim to be the Lord of God.

“True God with Divine Kingdom is called the God Lord, meaning True God with sovereignty?”

Baili Qingfeng grunted.

Further in the future, if the Divine Lord can tame other gods and be regarded as king by the gods together, he can be called Divine King.

King of the gods!

The realm god is actually a king of gods.

It 鈥檚 just that the domain gods fell down decades ago, and the other kingdoms with True God behind them all stand on their own. Similar to Pterosaurs, Suzawa, Granlin and other countries, they are openly rebel in the field of Divine King. Rule, the domain Divine King is also known as the domain god.

“It 鈥檚 like a medieval king and lord.”

Baili Qingfeng while speaking, has stepped into the Gods Mountain for 100 kilometers.

At this time, the hostility of Divine Kingdom on the hills of the gods has become extremely obvious.

hundreds of thousands The believer 鈥檚 will is united and can almost distort reality. For a time, there was a flash of thunder and thunder around his body, and the wind screamed, seemingly carrying out some kind of warning.

“Hundreds of thousands of people 鈥檚 will is really out of the ordinary, people 鈥檚 hearts are together, Mount Tai moves, merely this.”

Baili Qingfeng sincerely said.

鈥淚t 鈥檚 really difficult to gather believers of thousands of believers. After all, everyone has their own ideas, even if they use a common Faith, fanatical sincerity, but once there are other miscellaneous thoughts in the heart, It will lead to impure beliefs. Impure beliefs will even affect the will of a True God and make it distort himself. Because of this, True God often dare not directly use the strength of Faith of the believer, or have to spend energy to purify it. Either simply use it to maintain the operation of Divine Kingdom, or transform it into the power of Holy Spirit, and give it to the warrior. Only after those believers are promoted to saints will they be truly accepted by True God and become part of his will. “

Baili Bamboo Road: “The number of Holy Spirits and saints represents the heritage of a True God, where Holy Spirit is a warrior used for external warfare, and the saints who believe in True God are pure and extreme. Provide strength of Faith. “

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Baili Bamboo, slightly surprised:” Xiaozhu, how do you know how much? “

Baili Bamboo sweetly smiled:” Qingf eng big brother, there are not only cultivation resources in the exclusive prizes of the Domain Temple Promotions, but also some precious classics. I read those books when I was bored. “

Baili Qingfeng heard nodded : “The earth’s Divine Kingdom is becoming more hostile to me. I have to destroy this earth’s Divine Kingdom. Xiaozhu, you are here to wait for me.”

“Well, Qingfeng big brother Be careful. “

Bai Li Bamboo is complied.

At this moment, she can clearly feel the fear from the entire Star City.

The magic of Baili Qingfeng has completely destroyed and disintegrated the resistance will of all the people in the city of Star City. Punishment, in the face of Divine Punishment, the ordinary person category has no choice but to shive coldly to pray for the forgiveness of the deity.

The fear of tens of millions of people, what an amazing strength.

In the process of absorbing this strength, she even felt that the “fear” in her will Core had a tendency to transform towards the will of Evil God.


“The Kingdom of the Great God cannot be violated by anyone!”

“The time to show your bravery, warriors and believers, is here!”

“For the glory of the northern god!”

When Baili Qingfeng finally stepped into the range of the gods, the believers of hundreds of thousands who lived on this mountain roared at the same time.

The Divine Kingdom Strength on the ground, which could have caused a dramatic change in celestial phenomena, was instantly violent. Under the guidance of the first two Demi-Gods, it turned into a thunderbolt and a Divine Punishment, and constantly bombarded Baili Qingfeng.

“There are only two Demi-Gods!?”

The Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 鈥檚 Strength on Baili Qingfeng keeps boiling and shining, constantly striking the thunderbolt and Divine Punishment from strikes broken.

Occasionally, some strength breaks the golden flame formed by the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, which is the frost god armor that he ca n鈥檛 help wearing.

“The two Demi-Gods are the two Demi-Gods, no matter whether they still have hidden cards … This war is almost over.”

Baili Qingfeng , Looking at the palaces built on the peaks of the gods, the next moment, the spiritual force is stimulated, the river system manifests, and the star force field from the double moon realm pulls in …

Countless “deuterium” The “tritium” and “tritium” elements are separated by electrons under the pressure of terrible gravity to synthesize heavy nuclei. In the process, a large number of neutrons are released, forming a terrible energy storm!

“Om weng!”

rays of light, blooming in the peaks of the gods.

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