Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1013

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The roar of the King of Flames reverberates above Star City, and the breath of Demi-God Level on his body spreads unscrupulously to all directions.

If in the past, what Fierce Beast dared to impudent in the Star City, the Demi-God, the empire of the stars, has come out early.

Even if the Demi-God of the Stars Empire does not come forward, the Temple of the Domain and some of the Great Family title Legendary of the Stars Empire will not be ignored.

But now …

The six Demi-Gods of the Imperial Family of Imperial Stars have all been lost, one is not left, and the four Demi-Gods of the Temple of the Domain are also in the Imperial Empire. Family followed, even the lord lineage and the royal lineage each damaged a Demi-God. At present, there are only four Demi-Gods available for the entire Star Empire.

Of these four Demi-Gods, two are on the front line to deal with the possible crises of Pterosaurs, Suzawa, and Granlin. Two of them are either old or in their ancestral homeland. , Ignore the changes in the outside world.

In this case, even after the King of Flames came over the Star City, no Demi-God rushed out to surrender.

“This is the center of the Northland!”

The King of Flames declares his own strength in the sky above this city. This kind of unbridled display of the full body shape in the double moon realm His practice missed him quite a bit.

Although his base camp is not in the north, as a former True God, he has been staying in the heaven and earth world, just like the sea fish living in the pond, naturally all kinds of unaccustomed.

“One day, my great flaming king will be ascended to peak again, shining the brilliance of my blaze on the ancient mountains, and let all beings in the world witness my greatness together!”

The king of flames is agitated.

“Wow, the flames are really fattening a lot.”

A voice came from not far away.

Baiqing Qingfeng and Zhao Jiansheng came to the air at very fast speed.

Before one second, I was still showing my strength, looking forward to the future and returning to True God divine throne, heading to the flaming king of the ancient mountains and a shame before the snow, immediately converged his arrogance and quickly Welcoming, there was a hint of curiosity on that terrifying face: “Your Majesty, you are here.”

“Your Strength is back to Demi-God?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The King of Flames has a huge head, so that he can stare at Baili Qingfeng as much as possible: “Thanks to Your Majesty, he helped me remove the fear of the Lord God Will, without the influence of the fear of God ’s will, plus I also have some resource reserves over the years, so I can quickly have the Strength of Demi-God Level. “

When referring to” Demi-God ” In these two words, he was not a bit proud.

The fall of the god of the field is not only felt by Qian Ye and the others, he also had a feeling in the heart hiding in the stars.

This Divine Lord …

How is that there! ?

There are 28 True Gods in the god system who are solely based on him.

At the peak period, his real title is the domain Divine King.

A true king of gods!

It was only because of the subsequent change that he himself fell, and the six surviving True Gods have also become independent. The title of Divine King in the field was replaced by the god of the field.

Whether it is Divine King or God of the Domain, it is not the existence that his King of Flame can reach.

Even if he is at the peak period, in the face of the existence of a region’s Overlord on the way of True God, he still has to avoid his edge.

Because of this, at the moment facing Baili Qingfeng, Royal General ’s posture of flames is extremely low.

Under the eaves, the dragon had to bow his head.

“Demi-God, it’s really amazing.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the King of Flames and was envious.

He is still stuck on the High Level Legendary Realm now, and he has been unable to gather his will.

Without the will of God, nature ca n’t be called Demi-God.

“It seems that I have to go to the Grotto World as soon as possible to find war True God and have a good chat.”

Baili Qingfeng thought about it.

Looking at the king of flames, he pondered the proposal given to him by faithfulness …

He suddenly had some care.

“Flame, Heaven and Waste Realm should limit your growth. From now on you will be in the Double Moon Realm, and be responsible for sitting in the Star City. There must be a Demi-God Level battle strength in the Star City Take the overall situation into consideration, you were True God, and the battle strength was a lot stronger than ordinary Demi-God. After becoming Demi-God, it is estimated that battle strength is not worse than High Level Demi-God. There are 10,000 Star Gods in the Star City, and the combination of the two parties can ensure that the Star City can sit back and relax. “

” Your Majesty let me sit in the Star City !? ” Confidence. “

Baili Qingfeng encourages.


The spirit king ’s spirit is complied.

Zhongxing City is not only in the two-moon world, but also has the best position. In addition, besides the powerful defense strength, Wan Star God Array can also continuously pull the starlight for cultivation. The time for him to recover at the peak period will be shortened again.

“Very good.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “I will go and talk to Shouzhen and they will talk about it.”

While speaking, he went directly to the courtyard where Shouzhen and the others were.

Considering that the courtyard is small, the king of flames cannot land, and finally Baili Qingfeng changed the place of communication for everyone to Kanglong Tower.

The Kanglong Tower is also the place where the Wan Star God array is running. Myriad Realms crystal has been placed in this tower as the central hub of the Wan Star God array.

The tower was originally in charge of Sheng Xingyun, but this Legendary was completely torn by the True God and completely destroyed the Wan Star God formation. After the formation, the Kanglong Tower still exists, but for Baili Qingfeng and the king of flames and the others are coming, but they dare not have any resistance.

In a few moments, Constantine has led the Void Knight regiment to take over the Kanglong Tower.

On the 2nd day after Baili Qingfeng and the King of Flames stayed in the tower, headed by the Marquis of Saitama, dozens of people came under the Kanglong Tower and respectfully met Baili Qingfeng.

Considering the current chaos in Star City, Baili Qingfeng summoned the Marquis of Saitama.

Next is a long day of continuous communication.

In this day ’s exchange, a bird of birds madly entered and exited the Kanglong Tower, and brought out a piece of news.

After this day of exchange, the news quickly spread throughout the empire of stars.

Lord lineage, temple lineage, royal lineage and peace messenger from Tianhuang World reached 13 friendly agreements.

Historically known as a peace agreement.

The agreement includes the allocation of Zhongxing City and thousands of kilometers to Tianhuangjie. As the office of Tianhuangjie in Biyuejie, Tianhuangjie has complete sovereignty over Zhongxingcheng, including not Limited to taxation, military training, etc.

In addition, the territories of the Tianhuang Realm are sacred and inviolable. Anyone who enters the Tianhuang Realm must first register in the Tianhuang Realm. Those who do not register will be regarded as illegal invasions. The heaven and wasteland have the right to hold them accountable, and those who are serious can be killed directly.

Third, Tianhuang Realm is a hobby peaceful, united and friendly World, willing to establish business with the Star Empire and make efforts to prosper the economy around the Star City. Therefore, all caravans in Tianhuang Realm It has the right to freely communicate in any land of the Qunxing Empire, and the Qunxing Empire shall not be subject to taxation.

Fourth, the difference between the legal and political systems of the two places. When the people who respect the equality of the heaven and earth in the world of all walks in the empire of stars, they are not restricted by the status of the class of the empire of stars. The people in the world enjoy the treatment of ordinary nobles at the minimum. If they violate the laws of the Star Empire, they will be jointly tried by the Heavenly Waste Realm and the Star Empire …

Fifth …

The agreement is one by one Luo listed that each one can fully ensure the safety of everyone in the world of heaven and waste when walking in the north.

Although some of these regulations may seem harsh, for the north all of the winners, each and everyone is relieved, at least Baili Qingfeng has retained their sovereignty.

In this case, when the lord lineage, the royal lineage, and the domain temple came out of the Kanglong tower, not only did they not feel heavy, but they felt a lot easier.

“This time, I finally determined that this void True God Your Majesty from Heavenly Waste Realm is really not malicious to our Northland, otherwise, with his current ability, he can completely suppress the Empire of Stars All dissatisfaction, forcibly ascending the throne, even if we are dissatisfied, in front of the absolute strength, it will be the only choice to apply to him. “

In the mansion of the Marquis of Saitama Mountain, the young wind sighed.

Like Taylor, he is a member of the royal lineage. Standing behind him is the Field Marshal of the Stars Empire, sitting on the border to resist the invasion of Demi-God from Pterosaurs and Suzawa. Line empty.

It ’s just that although they have a Demi-God backing behind them, they can face the killing of Demi-God like killing chickens, and even True God has killed two nothingness True God Baili Qingfeng ……

That’s a little bit emboldened.

“I have been in contact with this void True God Your Majesty, and my daughter has been to the Heavenly Waste Realm specifically. The focus of Your Majesty is obviously on the Heavenly Wasted Realm, or may have a greater plan, but I do n’t look down upon the land of our starry empire. ”

“ If the members of the Imperial Family of the starry empire still survive, I learned that this powerful void True God Your Majesty is really just for establishing diplomatic relations with our starry empire. What would you think … “

Several others spoke after one another.

After a moment of communication, everyone could not help being silent.

It took a while for the Marquis of the Lion Roar to open the mouth and said: “Everyone, the Lineage of the Imperial Family is currently uprooted, and the Empire of Stars cannot be unowned for one day, especially if there are pterosaurs outside, Threats from Suzawa, Granlin, etc … How can we be good? “

” Pterosaurs, Suzawa, and Granlin can only give up part of their benefits. As for the Imperial Family, … “

Everyone glanced at each other, and apparently did not want anyone to stand on their heads.

So …

“This True God Your Majesty has uprooted the Imperial Family. If we launch the Imperial Family again … I ’m afraid it will attract your Majesty again. Anger, when the time comes … “

” Yes, it is precisely because of the improper decision of the Imperial Family that the Star City suffered a lot, and we also suffered heavy losses. “

” The domain god Your Majesty has all fallen. The Northland … it ’s time to give back to the people of the Northland. “

For a while, Marcia, who is also qualified to attend the meeting, suddenly opened the mouth and said:” I Having understood some of the political systems in the heaven and earth, I think that we are in this situation … It would be a good choice to change the monarchy to the federal system. “

” Federal system … what is the federation of stars … ”

Everyone has some understanding.

For a while, hopefully discussed the feasibility of federalism.

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