Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1017

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Hundred miles of sky and hundreds of miles of sky traveled three hours later to the small courtyard under the Qingyuan Mountain.

Baili Qingfeng, who saw Spirit Yiyi coming downstairs, was relieved even if he had received the news already.

“Are you okay.”

A hundred li long sky asked.

“It’s alright.”

Baili Qingfeng said with a smile: “It makes you worry.”

“We do n’t worry about it, the key is that you can safely follow The Empire of Stars is back. “

Hundreds of miles of sky.

“Is there anything wrong with the Tianhuang Federation?”

“There is a little other voice, but this is different from the past, before I get the exact news about you. , Who dares to jump out? Then … even if someone really jumps out, with the influence and strength of the Nether Temple is enough to suppress it, after all, Zhao Jiansheng can be said to be a Legendary powerhouse without a clear position, but keep it true, But it belongs to our Sia Kingdom completely. “

Hundreds of miles of empty space.

Beside the Baili Tianxing also added a sentence: “We still have a lot of Legendary Fierce Beast on our side. These Legendary Fierce Beasts are still a strength enough to reverse the situation.”

Baili Qingfeng heard nodded.

Divine Punishment weapons are indeed very powerful, but there is no such thing as a Legendary powerhouse backed by the state.

As far as the Golden Eagle Empire is concerned, after they launch Divine Punishment weapons, the satellite monitoring system of Heaven’s Mystery Building must be clearly understood clearly, when the time comes Legendary powerhouse can be easily avoided.

On the contrary, if the Legendary powerhouse is going to break into the Golden Eagle Empire, it will take a long time to kill the high level of the Golden Eagle Empire and make it into chaos.

Hiding in a secret underground bunker?

There is a national intelligence section behind it, and how long can the secret underground bunker hide?

“It ’s okay.”

“Is the problem over the Star Empire solved?”


Baili Qingfeng said, some regrets: “Although the at first process was not smooth, all kinds of troubles were born, but … When all the troubles are resolved, the promotion and signing of the peace agreement between the two sides has become very easy. At present, the northern countries It has been recognized that the Star City belongs to the Tianhuang Federation, and it stands as the external window of the Tianhuang Federation in the north. In addition, we also took down the thunderbolt mountain range, where we can establish the Space Gate. After the Space Gate, some birds are domesticated. Need to be too strong, some ordinary lord-level birds will do, and you can go back and forth to the Star City in the thunderbolt mountain range in a day or two. “

” No need to be too strong … “

“Ordinary lord-level birds …”

Bai Li Changkong and Baili Tianxing thought a little bit.

If they are not wrong, the lord-level Fierce Beast corresponds to …

Is this their world ’s supreme powerhouse?

Especially Bai Li Tian Xing …

He seems to be not a High Level martial artist yet. In other words, any Fierce Beast in the double moon world will kill him. ability.

“cough cough ……”

Hundreds of miles of the sky coughed: “So, I can accept it in a day or two, and I can react if something goes wrong. Come here. “

” Yes, the matter of the two-moon world has been resolved, and the cave people of the cave world have also been persuaded … In addition to the fact that our natural union is constantly gathering Strength, Clearing the humanoids that remain in our world, the threat of humanoids to our human world has dropped to an unprecedented trough. It is not an exaggeration to say that it has been completely resolved. “

Baili Qingfeng said There was a smile on his face.

At the end, he seems to have thought of something, adding: “Of course, there is no reason for it. I still like everyone to sign a peace agreement, so I will go again after a rest. Crypt World, find them to make up the agreement … But this should not be a difficult thing, just make up for the contract. “

” Will you go to Crypt World … “

When Baili Qingfeng Grandmaster class was associated with Baili Qingfeng, he ran to the cave world every day, and now he reached High Level Legendary ……

I do n’t have to worry about his safety. Now I ’m nodded: “You also pay attention Click. “

” I know. “

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

He has always done a decent job.

“Now that World is calm, even the threat of human race is completely eliminated, what are your next plans …”

“Plan …”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Baili Sky and paused for a moment, saying: “I customized a detailed life goal for myself a long time ago. At present, these life goals have been achieved by my smooth one after another, Next, I can live the life I wanted, get married and have children, and watch them grow up happily in this safe and stable environment. “

The words of Baili Qingfeng let everyone on the scene at the same time startled.

The teacher Yiyi, who is helping Baili Changkong and Baili Tianxing, prepare tea snacks, is obviously paused.

Although she has quickly recovered as before, …

A few people in the living room are not weak, and naturally noticed this slight change.

Bai Li looked at Shi Yiyi, and then set his sights on Baili Qingfeng, sighed: “You decided?”


Baili Qingfeng Road.

Hundred miles of sky is nodded: “You have just returned from the Star Empire, and you have also experienced a battle, and you need to take a break. Therefore, during these three days, you have a good rest, all kinds of days of the Federation I’ll block it for you. Three days later, come to Thunderbolt Sect. “

” Okay. “

Baili Qingfeng should take it down.

Bai Li Changkong and Baili Tianxing stayed for a while, and left directly.

When the two leave, the living room becomes quiet.

Baili Qingfeng moved towards a glance outside, time …

It ’s already five o’clock in the afternoon.

The afterglow of the setting sun spilled over the sky, rendering the sky a golden red.

“Qingfeng, I ’m going to prepare dinner in a while, what dishes do you and Xiaozhu want to eat?”

“小竹 ……”

Baili Qingfeng is closed to Xiaozhu A glance at the courtyard.

Although the courtyard uses special materials to completely isolate the breath sensor, Baili Qingfeng is still able to perceive that one or two, Xiaozhu’s breath is stable and obscure.

Obviously, she may not end cultivation for a few days.

“Stop cooking at home, go out to eat at night, walk around after eating, digest it, and leave Shaiya for almost half a year, just to see if Shaiya has again during this time There have been other changes. “

Baili Qingfeng said, looking up and looking out, even if he did n’t use telescope and did n’t rely on Legendary ’s extraordinary vision of life, he could still see three-four hundred A few meters away, the towers rise up, there are three 4-Layer tall buildings, and some of the well-know figure floors reach the fifty-sixty floor.

This kind of building is not much different from his buildings during the Earth World period.

“Did you eat outside at night …”

Shi Yiyi listened and smiled slightly: “Well, let’s go out to eat and let me prepare.”


Baili Qingfeng complied.

Teacher Yiyi not at all spent too much time, more than ten minutes, simply put on a makeup, drew a simple and clean ponytail, put on a small skirt, straddled a pink bag, look It is full of youth and beauty.

Teacher Yiyi is one and a half years older than Baili Qingfeng, this year twenty six, but due to the Martial Dao Cultivation Base out of the ordinary, plus some nourishment from Heaven and Earth Spirit Object, this time is slightly dressed When I came out, it was full of a girlish feeling, almost the same as the students who had just walked through the university.

It ’s Baili Qingfeng, because he does n’t buy clothes very much, and he does n’t like buying clothes very much. He wears a white patterned T-shirt, plus a pair of casual pants with a price not exceeding thirty, and wears a pair of sports shoes It seems ordinary, completely plentiful and easily available characters on the street.

The two of them walked out of the courtyard at the same time, and the rays of light of Baili Qingfeng were directly covered by Shi Yiyi.

Of course, it only covers the style at first glance.

No matter how Baili Qingfeng views himself, his experience, his achievements, and his ability, after all, it is a foundation that has settled in his heart, even if his judgment on this foundation is not detailed and accurate, But it still made him look full of strange temperament.

Even if he puts aside all his titles, there is still a feeling of being more and more attractive.

“Qingfeng, where are we going to eat?”

“Now the city of Xiaya looks like a day. The stores I used to go to have been closed for a long time, plus me It ’s been almost half a year since I ’ve eaten outside, or should you lead the way. “

” Then … how about going to the Star River Building? The Star River Building is a building built to simulate the Starry Sky Building … “

Shi Yiyi said, pointing to the towering building about a kilometer or two away from Qingyuan Mountain:” That ’s right there, there is a restaurant on the upper floor of this building, where you can eat. , Almost overlooking the small half of the city of Xia, just Fengfeng, you can look upstairs to see what has changed in the city of Xia in the past six months. “

” Star River Building? “

Baili Qingfeng glanced.

It is indeed a tall building.

But …

He really wants to overlook Shaiya, he does n’t need to go to such a high place at all, with the intensity that he now splits Spirit World into 128 parts, the spirit spreads , The whole city of Xia Ya is in his induction.

If the “Television Technique” is exhibited, you can clearly see every corner of Xia Haizhou.

But …

Since he asked Shi Yiyi, and Shi Yiyi also spoke, he naturally would not refuse.

Especially …

What he wants to say in a moment is very important for him and for Shiyiyi, which is related to the future of the two …

“Okay, let’s go there.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“I ’m going to drive.”

“No, it ’s less than two kilometers, let ’s walk over.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

“Then … just walk over.”

Shiyiyi is nodded.

At the moment, the two are walking side by side, walking through the renovated old town, and stepping on the street outside that has changed from 5-6 years ago so that no trace of familiarity can be seen.

When walking out of the old city, Baili Qingfeng turned his head slightly and glanced at the entrance …

here …

There was a street lamp before.

At that time …

“Qingfeng, what’s wrong?”

Shi Yiyi noticed that Baili Qingfeng’s pace was slower and asked.

Baili Qingfeng withdrew his gaze: “Nothing, it just feels … that has changed a lot.”

“Yes, every day in Xiaya City is developing, it changes almost every six months, if you leave I’ll come back one or two years later, I’m afraid I can’t even recognize my family. “

Shi Yiyi smiled.

“Yeah, I don’t know anymore.”

Baili Qingfeng replied.

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