Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1019

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Under the Qingyuan Mountain.

In the cultivation room of Bailizhu, although she is cultivating at the moment, her mind has long been unknown where to enter.

Here, she walked like a walking corpse on an endless land, the color of the earth was black, and there seemed to be some blood residue in the soil.

As she lifted her head, the end of the sky was a thick smoke formed by the burning of flames.

Smoke diffused and swept all around, making the visibility of all around extremely poor.

While walking in this smoke, Baili Bamboo only feels a heavy unspeakable heavy, it seems that some giant is pressed on the body, so that it can easily fly through the skies or escaping through the On the ground, she struggled.

Especially …

Her eyes seem to be unclear.

Not only because of fog, but also because of sleepiness.

She only knows that she is wandering in this dark and immersed countless blood, sometimes closing her eyes as if she was asleep, and when she opens her eyes again in a trance, it seems It has been wandering for a long time.

This is a nightmare.

Bai Lizhu ’s sober consciousness tells her that this is a nightmare.

But she does n’t know how to wake herself up.

Tired and heavy to the extreme body makes her seem extremely difficult to maintain the movement of eyes opened.

Abrupt …

There seems to be a silhouette in the smoke in front of me.

Seeing this silhouette, Baili Bamboo ’s eyes opened hard, and she seemed to want to see him clearly, and she opened her mouth to shout: “Qingfeng big brother?”

But …

There is no sound.

She couldn’t make any sound at all.

And the silhouette that did n’t look real appeared in the smoke for a moment, it seemed to be looking for something, and clearly could n’t see the shadow, but there was a feeling in Baili Bamboo ’s heart …

He is looking for her.

“Qingfeng big brother!”

Bai Lizhu tried his best to make a sound and shout.

But she was too tired and too tired to make any sound at all.

The silhouette of faintly discernible in the smoke seems to be lost after not finding her, just go forward and will disappear in the smoke.

For a time, Baili Bamboo could n’t help but get up and shouted: “Qingfeng big brother, I ’m here!”

At the same time, I quickly chased the smoke in the smoke faintly Silhouette of discernible.

However, the giant pressing on her seems to be getting heavier, and her spirit is getting more and more tired, sometimes even eyes opened ca n’t do it, she can only vaguely face Go in that direction.

Moreover, the ground seems to gradually become a layer of swamp, muddy and contaminated with her little white skirt, making her dirty, at the same time catching Baili Qingfeng’s pace has become more difficult .

“Qingfeng big brother, wait for me …”

Bai Lizhu shouted silently.

Unfortunately, Baili Qingfeng does n’t seem to hear …

Abrupt …

The muddy swamp under her feet seems to change color …


It is a mud composed of flesh and blood!

In this flesh and blood, faces emerged, including the Eagle Peak, the Holy Star Dragon, and the Yuan Shaokong …

One person was killed by her Legendary, Great Knight, Knight, the faces appeared, they did not say a word, so they looked at her in this flesh and blood slurry, staring quietly …

An unprecedented have one’s hair stand on end rise in the mind!

Especially when Baili Qingfeng ’s body is getting farther and farther from her, no matter how she yells, but he has never looked back, that kind of have one’s hair stand on end, transformed into a kind of sent from soul Trembling …

And fear!

“Fear! Fear! Fear!”

Bai Lizhu feels that his figure is sinking, seems to be pulled into the ten thousand zhang abyss, all around The temperature is getting colder and colder, like the frost of Wind Sword rain, puncturing her bones constantly, so that she gradually loses control of the fleshy body …

Fear, powerlessness, despair …

Along with this kind of fall, it emerges continuously.

“Qingfeng big brother!”

Bai Lizhu yelled and yelled, but …


Her body is always falling, falling, never falling, seems to break the Gravitation Force limit, and then …

Fall into the Universe vacuum and fall into Eternal’s despair and death …

“Don’t! No!”

Finally, the sound of horror pierced the sky.

The bamboo in the nightmare suddenly woke up.

She opened her beautiful big eyes and looked out of the cultivation room …

The night was charming and peaceful.

It’s exactly seven or eight in the evening in Xia Ya City.


This month, it has become more and more real nightmare.

Fortunately, it ’s over now.

At this moment, Baili Bamboo suddenly developed a sense of have one’s hair stand on end.

She suddenly looked up.

The ceiling, a pair of eyes, seems to span hundreds of millions of distances, endless void, staring at her thin body …

The unprecedented fear seems to be shrouded by the tide Her Heart …

But …

This is the city of Shaya!

This is her home …

Baili Qingfeng, at home.

“Qingfeng big brother will always be with me!”

For a time, Baili Bamboo burst out of unprecedented courage in his heart, dispelling a trace of fear that would almost devour her Heart Crevice: “You get me off!”


spirit shock!

Courage is like fire!

The eyes staring at her figure were burned in flames and quickly dissipated.

However, although these eyes completely dissipated, the cloud that was entrenched in the heart of Baili Bamboo did not dissipate.

The kind of coldness, that kind of powerlessness, that kind of despair …

And the constant falling, falling, as if never falling, never falling, but always wrapped around Her heart.

For a time, she even curled up, holding her knees in both hands, sitting in the corner, shaking slightly.

Half an hour …

Maybe an hour.

Bai Lizhu’s heart gradually calmed down.

“I can’t let the Qingfeng big brother see me like this. The Qingfeng big brother is very busy and tired. Now I can finally live the life I want. I can’t keep him busy anymore.”

She looked up and looked at the ceiling …

The eyes had disappeared.

But …

“I will defeat you! Fear!”


Thunderbolt Sect.

Baili Qingfeng appeared outside this sect.

Xia Ya City is a new look almost every six months, as is Thunderbolt Sect.

The last time Baili Qingfeng came here, Thunderbolt Sect had only developed a small town, but now …

It has been shown that it is to be connected with the Black River City district Trend.

A large amount of capital investment has made rapid progress in the construction of this area. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Mayor of Black River City also applied to the local council to draw up a new urban area and accelerate the construction.

It is estimated that if Baili Qingfeng waits for 3-5 years to come to Thunderbolt Sect, this town will become part of Black River City.

Thunderbolt Sect Sect Master is in the courtyard of a hundred miles of sky.

“Have you thought about it?”

Bai Li looked at the grandson in front of him who made him proud and impressed.

“Think of it.”

“Okay, I ’ll go and talk to Brother Tianya.”

Hundreds of miles stood up and said.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

This time Baili Changkong didn’t persuade anymore.

He took Baili Qingfeng and went directly to the courtyard where Shi Tianya lives.

Thunderbolt Sect is currently responsible for the size matters, such as Baili Changkong, Shi Tianya, Lu Ping, etc., everyone has their own office area.

When Baili came to the sky, Shi Tianya was communicating with Level 9 powerhouse Locke from the star-gazing hall of Chiyan Kingdom.

Although the star-gazing hall is the first-class Great Sect in Chiyan Kingdom, the Thunderbolt Sect has not been able to attract Baili Changkong to receive it personally, and the docking with them naturally fell to another giant Shi Tianya. .

Hearing the footsteps outside, Shi Tianya immediately stood up and smiled: “Old Brother in the sky, Qingfeng Sect Master is also here.”

Lok is more Strictly saluted: “Sect Master in hundreds of miles … Your Majesty …”

“You talk about your affairs first.”

Bailong in the sky.

“It’s okay, we have communicated just now.”

Rock said quickly.

And Shi Tianya is also nodded: “That line, the date of the two sects exchange meeting is set. When the time comes, welcome the young talent from the star-gazing hall.”

“We are also looking forward to a day when two sects will cooperate in depth.”

Loke said again to Baili Qingfeng gave a salute and left.

“The star-gazing hall and our Thunderbolt Sect are going to have a friendship exchange meeting?”

“Yes, the development of the star-gazing hall has been slightly affected by several major consortiums of the original Chiyan country Restrictions, so I want to find a breakthrough from our side, I think Luo Ying in the star-gazing hall is a member of the Golden Twelve Star Palace, and has a good relationship with Qingfeng Sect Master, plus this is not a major event, so I agreed. It is estimated that after this exchange meeting, the stargazing hall borrowed our Thunderbolt Sect trend, which will inevitably allow Baiye Group and Sihai Group to converge. “

Shi Tianya Road.

The sky is nodded.

“What ’s the matter with Old Brother coming here?”

“Oh, I ’m here for the grandson of Qingfeng.”

Baili Changkong smiled and said: “At present, the threats of the Three Holy Alliances, the Aurora Empire, and even the human race have been equivalently resolved, and peace agreements have been signed with the countries of the Northern Territory of the Two Moons. Then Qingfeng does not have to run around again, it is time to settle down. , I wondered, or let him and Yiyi girl set things down? “

Shi Tianya listened to the startled, and then surprised and happy, his eyes fell immediately to Baili Qingfeng:” This … Is Qingfeng what do you mean? ”

“ Yes, and I also said Yiyi, she has nodded to agree. ”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

“Good! Good! Good!”

Shi Tianya excitedly said three good words: “Qingfeng, in these years we have watched you grow, you are human, Character, we can trust her, Yiyi girl … her parents were killed in the turmoil of 20 years ago, but I have pulled her up all these years, I believe that I have not negligently disciplined her, and I am also a good child, you two can finally go Together, I am very happy. “

” Many thanks teacher grandfather, I will treat Yiyi well. “

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Since you do n’t object, brother, let ’s see, when do we put the offer off, and then choose a lucky day to give them two juniors a wedding?”

” I’ve seen that the twenty six is ​​a good day next month. “

” Twenty six, there is one and a half months in time, 40 six days, but it’s too late. “

Nodded in the sky: “That line will be twenty six next month!”

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