Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1022

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“It is a High Level Legendary among humans! Raise the alarm!”

“There is a human powerhouse invasion!”

Baili Qingfeng descended on the Dark Rock, and instantly caused the Dark Rock Guard to shake.

Different from the world where the black tooth and the others are located, the world is relatively weak. The Legendary powerhouse has only a dozen or so, facing Baili Qingfeng, such a High Level Legendary As long as he does n’t cause much damage, the cavemen and human defenders turn a blind eye.

But as the base camp of the god of war, the Dark Rock has countless powerhouses and a large scale, even though it is not inferior to the six kingdoms, Baili Qingfeng is such a High Level Legendary that is basically unable to Subdue the audience.

With the bursts of shouted, four Legendary breaths rise at the same time, one of which is impressively the same as High Level Legendary of Baili Qingfeng.

“The purpose of my coming here is to hope to learn from the god of war one by one, and to collide with my will core with his will of the god, so as to see if we can find the will Core transformed into the god of will Opportunity for will, but I did not intend to fight on behalf of the Heavenly Waste Realm and the Dark Rock. “

Baili Qingfeng felt the breath of Legendary sweeping from them, and did not confront them, turned around and avoided These Legendary rushed north of the Dark Rock at the fastest speed.

The area of ​​the dark rock is vast, more than 6,000 kilometers in length and 8,000 kilometers in width, almost equivalent to half of the East Divine Continent, but the temple of the god of war is not built on the dark rock The center, but in a Stonehenge towards the north, is about 3,400 kilometers away from Baili Qingfeng’s present position.

Baili Qingfeng relied on the speed advantage to quickly throw away the four Legendary.

However, the arrival of a human High Level Legendary has obviously made the cavemen of the Dark Rock attach great importance to it. I do n’t know what kind of induction and exploration methods they have. In short, Baili Qingfeng moves forward all the time, from time to time You can always meet the Legendary squad or High Level Legendary that came out to intercept, and when he is less than 800 kilometers away from the Stonehenge where the War God Temple is located, it is no longer Legendary and High Level Legendary to intercept him. , But Demi-God among the cavemen!

Demi-God is here. If you do n’t give a statement, it ’s easy to cause misunderstanding.

So, Baili Qingfeng quickly made a smile, full of face and kind words: “This messenger …”

“Take down, if there is resistance, execute without any mercy!”

The Demi-God Level cave dweller is too lazy to listen to Baili Qingfeng ’s multi-words, and ordered directly.

Two High Level Legendary who followed him suddenly, two ordinary Legendary shot at the same time, a fierce fighting intent burning in their chests, making their fighting will quickly boil.

“For glory!”

“I ’m here on behalf of the Union of Heaven and Earth, and I do n’t want to fight with you. You tell the god of war, I have something to discuss with him.”

Baili Qingfeng retired, loudly said.

“No matter what your purpose is, we will be able to ask all of them with no difficulty after taking it.”

The Dem-God headed indifferently.

In recent years, the Lord of the Domain has fallen, and the 28 True God in the North has only six struggling on whilst at death’s door. It ’s been learned by Crypt World. Human World’s counterattack and invasion actions are obviously much larger, and even talking with the powerhouse of humans is full of confidence.

Four Legendary shots one after another, Strength of Domain layer by layer, although Baili Qingfeng could not be restrained, it made him feel troublesome.

Originally, he restrained himself because he wanted the god of war, and he had to use the will of the god of war to sharpen his core. But under the present circumstances …

He does n’t fight back obviously No way.

After all …

The enemy has a Demi-God besides the four Legendary!

Do n’t see that he has beheaded a lot of Demi-God powerhouse, but after all, he is only High Level Legendary Realm.

He defeated Demi-God ’s body. As long as he does n’t kill him, the opponent will survive, but what about him?

Once the opponent crushes his body, only the dead end is waiting for him!

In other words, he is a crispy mage with weak defense and low life, even if he has a powerful spell, but once he is approached by others, he is equivalent to standing on the alert line of life and death Too.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng sighed and the spirit oscillated.

Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique was instantaneously excited. For a time, the first-class gold shined, and a burst of golden color rendered his whole body, accompanied by a large amount of arc sputtering.

The breath that erupted from him was soaring, stirring the wind and clouds, and making the airflow within a range of several hundred meters change drastically.

“This is …”

The Demi-God complexion standing on the periphery changed: “No wonder you dare to tyrannize in our gloomy rocks without putting all of us on In my eyes, it turned out to be some means, but if you think that this level can impudent in our dark rock, then you are wrong! “

After finishing the speech, this Demi-God Level Crypt snarled with a snarl and shot abruptly, cutting away giant axe thunderbolt in his hand.

While killing Baili Qingfeng, the will of God all over him continually scours and circulates, condensing every strength of his within the body into the giant axe that he cut off, like a time A meteor that fell from the sky, the air in front was also split open by the power of this axe, forming a rift-like sky.


The sound is thunderous.

It contains a killing intent that is astonishing and violent.

“murderous intention! This caveman Demi-God … to kill me!?”

Baili Qingfeng, who just repulsed a High Level Legendary, watched this His face suddenly changed.

This axe is not only an axe that he devotes his full strength to, but also a slaughterer’s will mixed with the hatred and rebellion of the Grottoes who have been oppressed by humans in the Northland all year round.

The hatred between the cave dwellers and the humans in the north has continued for thousands of years. It is already insolvable.

This is also the reason why the cave dwellers have a crazy hatred towards humans.

Aboriginal world …

It can be said that it is only innocent by humans in the North.

It is precisely because of this factor that the contradictions between cavemen and human civilization have become almost impossible to reconcile.

Because the cave dwellers hid under the ground, it may become difficult for them to pull them out, too lazy to spend too much effort, but the cave dwellers …

But he has always hated human beings, looking forward to returning to the surface one day, destroying the nations of the North, and reappearing the glory of the cavemen.

If it was n’t because of his chance coincidence that the immortal Divine Emperor ’s Strength beheaded and killed the True God and the True God of death, the number of True Gods in the Grotto World was changed from four to two, I am afraid During the war between the Six Kingdoms and the Starry Empire, the True God of the Grottoes will inevitably rush out of the ground and kill the surface.

when the time comes ……

“My thoughts are too naive. The Tianhuang Federation wants to avoid the harassment of cave dwellers. There are only two ways. The first … thoroughly Destroy the cave dwellers … “

This point …

It’s hard!

Hundreds of millions of cavemen are hidden in many underground worlds, and they are also extremely good at digging holes. In addition, the growth period of cavemen is almost half that of humans. It is almost impossible to eliminate …

Then only the second method is left.


Conquer them thoroughly and make them fearful, so that they will be honest and not dare to take another half step into the Confederacy.

The World of Caves where they are located is the best example.


Just at the time of Baili Qingfeng ’s awakening, this cave man Demi-God thunderbolt has been chopped off and shocked him After the sword light in front of him, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood tore apart the flames swept by the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, and finally …

Frost God Armor falling on him on!


The air waves explode!

The terrifying Strength strikes made Baili Qingfeng ’s figure fall like a cannonball towards the ground, although he immediately adjusted the center of gravity and stabilized his figure, but when the feet landed on the ground, the unconscious The strength of the building still makes the ground of ten square meters smash and collapse at the same time.

The Devil-God, who will cut off the axe, is almost unable to hold the giant axe in his hands under the anti-shock strength of Frost God Armor, and his figure is involuntarily successive steps. .

“Divine Item!?”

This cave man Demi-God suddenly opened his eyes.

He immediately thought of something: “Frost God Armor! Are you from the Kingdom of Suzawa!?”

“really strong!”

Baili Qingfeng expression Yi Lin!

He felt that if it was n’t because he was lucky to wear Frost God Armor, under this axe …

He would be injured!

Face up with Demi-God … tolerate that he is half careless.

Baili Qingfeng’s feet are slightly bent.

next moment, the ground that had been crushed and collapsed exploded again.

With the shock of the ground and arc sputtering, Baili Qingfeng’s figure tore the sky and fought back.

Electromagnetic catapult!

Not only that, while performing electromagnetic catapult, he also combined the electromagnetic Sword Technique, Transform Body into Sword, Person and Sword Unite, and exhibited electromagnetic assassination, making this sword assassinated. speed speed to the pinnacle ……

“Not good!”

The Dem-God, a cave man, came out with a keen sense of danger and rushed out at the fastest speed Retreat, but …

Electro-optical skimming!

It’s almost time to give him no reaction at all.

At the critical moment, he only had time to cross his chest …

“hong long long!”

thunderbolt burst!

Like a tank shot by an electromagnetic cannon ball, that Dem-God, a cave man in front of the cross axe, was directly shattered under the assassination of Baili Qingfeng!

The shock waves visible in a circle of naked eye exploded in an instant, and the foothold where the two collided immediately split up and in pieces under the impact of this Strength!

The storm swept with smoke and dust all around, making flying sand running stone within 1000 meters on the square.


In the smoke, Baili Qingfeng ’s figure appeared as a streamer whistling, and after standing on the ground, he unsteadily slid forward 100 meters, Two ditches are left.

Behind him …

The body of Demi-God belonging to that caveman has disappeared and remains, only he has not yet came back from that kind of collision and blow to his senses.

“I … my body …”

This Devil-God feels ignorant.

Without waiting for him to wake up completely from this shock, a starry sky manifests, drawing his will of God into it.

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