Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1024

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“The great war god wo n’t let you go …”

“hong long long!”

The Star River transformed by spirit World is roaring violently .

One after another star appeared, and quickly collapsed, even buried with the will of the god of the cave man Demi-God, and the spirit fluctuation he passed out was also broken with the will. stop!


Baili Qingfeng let out a long breath.

The five great experts besieged themselves, now relying on the speed advantage brought by the sudden eruption and the Divine Item frost god armor on his body, he finally killed one of them, but then …

There are four more!

“Here is only 800 kilometers away from the temple where the god of war is located. Hearing the moving pope of the war temple, Demi-God and the like, they will come soon, and they will be surrounded by people. Maritime tactics … do it quickly! “

Baili Qingfeng’s mind is very clear.

His eyes swept from four people …

Two High Level Legendary and two ordinary Legendary …

With Flying Sword, it ’s a bit It’s a waste, after all, it takes a little time for Flying Sword to be shot again.

There is no automatic cruise system installed on his Flying Sword, and he can fly back after shooting.

Then you can only fight head to head.

Four Legendary …

It seems that the poor even have no Demi-God Artifact?

That ’s easy.

“Master Tie Liao!?”

“The title Legendary !? No! It ’s a disguised human Demi-God! High Level Demi-God! Go away!”

“A High Level Demi-God enters our dark rock, is this a human race to fight us?”

Just when Baili Qingfeng made a decision, the four cavemen Legendary had already Opening his eyes in horror, each and everyone turned and ran at the fastest speed.

“Is n’t it the god of courage and glory? Since my heart is full of glory and courage, it should be fierce and unafraid of death …”

Baili Qingfeng flashed this in his mind The thought, but the movement was not slow, accompanied by a burst of strength, the arc flashed, and instantly killed a Legendary.

When the Legendary pitman had n’t had time to react, the horizontal sword had already torn through him.

“Go to death!”

At this time, a person with his own core Core clearly understood Baili Qingfeng rushed to kill the weird High Level Legendary roared, his body full of blood and flames, raging Burning, and under the sweep of the field, an axe that almost blocked the space was cut out. Anyone under this axe had a feeling of avoiding the inevitable.

Even Baili Qingfeng is no exception.

The match between the opponent ’s axe technique and the realm can be called Peak. With his Sword Technique realm …

It is difficult to understand!

But …

No need to understand.

He even calculated the formula for the force of this axe in his mind, and then, the figure was adjusted, and the horizontal sword in his hand was spurned by lightning.


The intense collision between the word edge and the air seems to break the sound barrier and form a substantial pressure on the air, which eventually condenses under the traction of spirit will and strength Jian Gang, penetrate this High Level Legendary in one fell swoop …

blood light burst.

At the same time that the High Level Legendary was pierced by Baili Qingfeng, his giant axe carrying the power of thunderbolt also struck his body at the same time …


The air is filled!

The place where Baili Qingfeng was cut by giant axe seemed to be detonated by artillery shells. Although even the golden flame of the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique had not been completely extinguished, the shock wave that swept through the roar could be seen by naked eye. Even tear flowers and grass within the range of several dozen meters into pieces.

More than that.

With the strength of this axe striking, Baili Qingfeng’s figure suddenly twisted, coupled with the eruption of the strength of the foot and the arc shot, his figure seemed to be equipped with a spring device. “xiu” killed behind the third Legendary …

“Human …”

The believer of the courage and glory shouted in horror, and soon It was engulfed by the sword edge cut by Baili Qingfeng.

“Strong enemy invasion, please the great Lord to cast your eyes on your humble believers …”

Seeing that their side ca n’t resist the overbearing slaughter of Baili Qingfeng, or even There was no hope of escape, and the remaining caveman Legendary began desperately praying to the war god behind him.

It seems that the distance is too close, and it seems that the battle fluctuations here and the fall of a Demi-God have already attracted the attention of the war god. This prayer has just got the war god for a moment. ‘S response …

“hong long long!”

A magnificent breath seems to have crossed the barriers of time and space, and instantly diffused over the area The faintly discernable Divine Power is spreading out, and the mere pressure of carrying it is enough for any one to powerhouse aura to solidify it.

“God of war!”

Baili Qingfeng feels the envy of the will of the god that seems to come from a distance and is constantly growing.

I really do n’t know how these True God did it. Everyone has mastered this kind of means of airborne.

If this technology can be cracked and reverse derived …

Humans can even parse out Space Jump technology from it.

No matter how bad it is, a curvature engine can be developed to realize the flying of the speed of light.

When Baili Qingfeng was distracted and considered the future development direction of human science and technology, the incarnation of the god of war above the sky dome had already been condensed.

No …

This is not incarnation!

Baili Qingfeng can clearly feel that while this incarnation is taking shape, there is a stronger Strength that is condensing towards his body. It is estimated that it will not take long for the true body of this war god You can get there, and become one with incarnation, evolve into a true True God body, and show the strongest form of a True God!


The god of war in the sky stirred the wind and clouds, and looked at Baili Qingfeng from a condescending level, eyes full of oppressive strength.

This is Divine Power!

The coercion formed by the will of God is strong to a certain extent.

Even if Baili Qingfeng splits his spirit into 256, or even 512, it is impossible to produce this kind of natural power.

Like a hundred sheep, the deterrent is not as good as a tiger.

This is …

The level of the pattern.


The God of War contains Divine Power’s gaze stagnated on Baili Qingfeng for a moment, and actually recognized his identity: “Is you!?”

“God of war!”

Baili Qingfeng expression grave, he was about to speak, but he heard that the war god was carrying anger and shouted again: “there’s a road to Heaven” yet you don’t walk it, hell is doorless yet you charged to it, you really think that this seat hasn’t seen through your bluff tricks for so long? The fall of True God is just because he unfortunately offended a great existence, That makes that great existence come down with an attack at that time, and that attack has nothing to do with you, a tiny human being! How can you be scared away if you are not careful in this seat? “

“You understood?”

Baili Qingfeng was a little stunned.

But think about it right, after all, it is the existence of True God Level.

Even the True God among the cave dwellers has little communication with the gods in human civilization, and they do n’t even have this judgment.

“Small humans, even if you do n’t come to die today, this seat will be ready to go within a few years, and once again come to the desolate World with Supreme Divine Power and transform it into this Majesty’s The garden, and the shame of Yi Xue’s defeat at the time, now that you bring about one’s own destruction, then this seat will fulfill you, and then rule the World behind you … “

The myth of war is finished, The breath of the body climbed crazy, and it seemed that in a very short time, the limit of breakthrough incarnation would be reached, reaching the level of True God.

Baili Qingfeng heard complexion changed.

Sure enough …

The heart of the non-my family must be different.

Different from the humans in the north, there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence.

With this horrible Divine Power, the incarnation of the god of war suddenly swept down.

“This time, no one will save … um !? What is this!?”

“zi zi!”

The electric arc explodes!

A Flying Sword in Baili Qingfeng ’s hands seems to penetrate the skylight ’s streamer, and the speed is so fast that it almost exceeds the limit of human visual capture. The sword has already shot the body of the war god …


thunderbolt exploded!

The god of war, an incarnation that is climbing towards the realm of True God Realm, seems to be hit by a shell.

With the support of absolute speed, this Flying Sword is like a tungsten rod dropped from the sky dome, with a terrifying penetration and strike force. This True God ’s incarnation is shot on the spot … …

Divine Power, growl, anger …


Baili Qingfeng stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

The god of war, the incarnation of the exploded god, seems to be drawn by a certain strength, collapsing and condensing toward the inside, and in a few moments, it condenses into something similar to golden crystal.

“True divine essence.”

Baili Qingfeng has a smile on his face.

Sure enough, if you choose to shoot with Flying Sword instead of using magical nothingness, many good things will be kept, so that he will not tonic his energy loss after every bloody battle of death and still alive The materials are not available.

“hong long long!”

At the end of the sky, the thunderbolt is pervasive, and there seems to be some terrible storms gestating.

Baili Qingfeng cast a telescope for a while, and was seeing 300 kilometers away, a huge high-energy response carrying endless anger was surging at a very fast speed.

Judging by speed …

I ’m afraid it only takes ten minutes. This storm, which contains high-energy reactions, will really sweep through.

The breath that escaped from that storm …

It ’s the god of war!

“This should be the body of the god of war … The storm around all is actually because of his speed speed to the pinnacle, plus the astronomical changes formed by the intense friction of emotion and energy … It seems that this god of war is very angry … “

Baili Qingfeng watched it for a moment, and saw that the god of war is getting closer and closer, simply …

both of his hands 1. Zhang …

Behind him, the Flying Sword with six handles appeared at the same time, as indicated by the word edge, it was the god of war that swept the storm toward him at a very fast speed.

The star force field was pryed by 128 spirits, and the arc of the path diffused all around him, it seems that the energy emitted by itself is too strong, all around is also followed by a burst of rising winds, scudding clouds , While Fengyun Core, the flying speed of the six-handed Flying Sword is getting faster and faster.

Possibilities …

It ’s the ultimate!

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