Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1032


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Constantine and the Flame King are very efficient.

Baili Qingfeng spent less than two days in the shrine of the god of war. Constantine has led more than a hundred Knights, riding on the leader of the master Fierce Beast.

Although his battlefield with the god of war did not erupt in the area of ​​the war temple, when Constantine and others came to this boulder pile with almost no people, there was still a kind of heartfelt shock.

“Your Majesty …”

“Come on? Go, take everything away, and then trade with the people of the six kingdoms, and exchange them all for the sacred spirit. I will go to the Star City in 10-15 days, when the time comes Give me all these divine spirits again. “

Baili Qingfeng greeted.

As for the original holy spirits in the temple ’s treasure house, he has collected them all.


Constantin respectfully promised to enter the temple with a fanatic disciplinary.

Only in the shrine, there is a person cautiously asked by the member of the Void Knight group: “The head … this … is the shrine of the god of war, a base camp of True God! It may even be that one. Divine Kingdom on the ground of True God Your Majesty … “

After spending some time in the Star City, I got a lot of classics from the Imperial Family. At this time, the concept of the existence of the Peak Knight such as Demi-God and True God is no longer like the previous one. I don’t know anything.

“What about then?”

Constantine glanced at the Knight: “What do you want to ask? Isn’t the result obvious?”

“It ’s just that the god of war is a True God …”

“What about True God? How vast is the divine force of the True God Your Majesty? Have you not witnessed the great Void True God Your Majesty break through the Divine Kingdom scene of the God Lord in the Paragon realm in the north, the glory of the magical nihilism shines The entire sky, accompanied by grandiose’s nihilistic divine force permeated above the sky, all the matter and all creatures, were dragged into the nihility, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, no one can save. “

Constantine has awe in his eyes: “As strong as the king of the gods, the land god of Paragon in the north has this kind of ending in front of Your Majesty, not to mention a trifling True God?”

This Knight listened, and his face was suddenly full of guilt: “I … I deeply understand the greatness of Your Majesty, but … True God is too powerful, and there is a description of True God in the book … It ’s me Wrong … the great True God Your Majesty divine light, all demons and monsters will be disappeared. “

“It ’s difficult for you to explain the greatness of the True God Your Majesty to you, but as a member of the Void Knight group, I do n’t want to have any doubts about Your Majesty in your mind.”

Constantine said harshly.

“Yes, leader.”

The Knight promised and quickly moved things in the temple’s treasure house.

“The Void Knight group was expanded to 500 people at once, and the quality did decline.”

Constantine looked at the vanity Knights who were busy, thinking about it.

In fact, when he first arrived in the Star City, he was not shocked and incredible for the strength displayed by the True God.

When the humans of the Heavenly Waste Federation faced the countries of the Northland, they were born with a sense of inferiority, especially Legendary, who carried troops to suppress the power of the Heavenly Waste, and let the people of the Heaven Waste Federation deeply understand The huge gap between the two worlds.

Especially living in Star City, looking at their supreme powerhouse in mind aloof and remote and half-Step Legend in mind aloof and remote in the Star City, it seems that Chinese cabbage is not uncommon in Star City. confidence.

But …

“There is nothing True God in our Heavenly Waste Federation!”

Constantine ’s eyes dive light flashes.

He looked at the temple of war, which was completely occupied by their nihilistic temple, and he had a strong hunch in his heart that this would not be the first time.

In the future, the glory of the True God of nothingness will surely become more radiant, and even cover the entire North World.

And this day will not be too far away.


Compared to the fact that the Knight of Nothingness was unbelievable about the scene in front of you, the King of Flames behaved incredibly well when he came over the War Temple.

He used to be True God, he could clearly feel the divine force breath that gradually collapsed over the temple.

This is the breath of the collapse of Divine Kingdom on the ground.

After realizing this, and after “witnessing” Baili Qingfeng’s strength in the field, the former True God, the great flaming king, now followed Baili Qingfeng with a low eyebrow. solemnly vowed promised: “Thank you Majesty for your trust, give it to me, Xiaoyan will work, you can rest assured”


“Just to achieve the tenaciousness and sharpness of Divine Item, and not to have all kinds of mysterious Divine Item, this step, Homura can still do it.”

The flaming king lowered his gigantic head, almost as if lying on the ground, just to be able to look up and even look up at Baili Qingfeng.

“That line, my new Flying Sword, I will trouble you, what materials do you need, although you can exchange the materials obtained in the War Temple.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.


There is a bad hunch in the heart of the Flame King.

“Yes, although Flying Sword has a recycling function, I can shoot six Flying Swords at a time without asking for recycling. If I need God ’s will for micro-operations, I can only control two to three at the same time. But it will inevitably trouble you in the future, or in one step, let’s build ten first. “

“Ten sturdy, sharp, and resilient Diving Item Flying Swords …”

The flaming king’s expression is stiff.

“What’s wrong? Have a question?”

Baili Qingfeng wondered.

The king of flame corner of mouth twitching.

Ten Peak Demi-God Artifact, his dignified king of flames, and not a blacksmith, if not because of the atmosphere of Divine Kingdom that has not completely dissipated because of the God of all around war, he almost wanted to lift the table.

For the creation of Divine Item, for True God, the energy consumed, Essence and Qi, and spirit are no worse than separating a true divine essence.

Ten days to create Peak Demi-God Artifact, the King of Flame feels that he will not recover in the next ten or eight years.

“This …”

The King of Flames is organizing the language and wants to reduce his workload. At this time, Baili Qingfeng suddenly said: “Oh, are you worried about the lack of materials? It ’s okay, I will have to run to the Black Temple in a while. , Once and for all, to solve the threat of the cave dwellers to our heaven and earth world, when the time comes Black Temple should also have a lot of resources, when the time comes material problem should be solved? “

“Temple of God … True God of Black!?”

I was thinking about a shivered king of flames who excused my job and suddenly shook my head: “No problem, absolutely no problem, is n’t it just ten Demi-God Artifact-grade Flying Swords, Your Majesty gave me a year, I will definitely build it for you. “

“Okay, I’ll give it to you, I know, you are the best, Blaze.”

Baili Qingfeng praised with a smile.


Constant and the others kept sorting out the various materials of the war temple, Baili Qingfeng once again used telescope to tour a few hundred kilometers in a circle, and after he noticed that there was no Legendary left, he set off and left the dark rock .

Out of the Dark Rock, Baili Qingfeng sent Constantine soldiers in two ways, partly led by the King of Flames to the Star City first, and partly led by Constantine to the Black Mountain where the Black Temple is located And go.

And less than half an hour after Baili Qingfeng left the Dark Rock, a Demi-God from the Kingdom of Pterosaurs led the legendary figure to appear in the Dark Rock.

The Legendary took Divine Item, cautiously explored in the dark rock, and finally came to the war temple that was completely evacuated.

Looking at this gradually dissipating ground Divine Kingdom, led by Demi-God, and the Legendary who arrived, all suck in a breath of cold air.

“Baili Qingfeng, who claims to be the True God of Nothing, has leveled the war shrine!”

“Divine Kingdom on the ground dissipated, the god of war … fallen!?”

“The strength that a True God can have in Divine Kingdom on his own ground is far superior to the outside world. Even if three or four True Gods shoot at the same time, if one is careless, it may be burned by the other party ’s burn both jade and stone. The two Your Majesty perish together … “

This Demi-God’s face is full of fear and fear.

At this moment, a Legendary stepped forward, said solemnly: “Master Musang, Your Majesty is coming to a wisp of Divine Sense.”

Demi-God, known as Mu Sang, was surprised and immediately prayed with several Legendary.

next moment, a vast Divine Power seems to cross the void and arrive.

In a few moments, Divine Power was so strong that it was thrown into Legendary who had previously spoken. At one time, the pupil of this Legendary turned into dark gold, and his eyes were impressed.

“Your Majesty!”

Musang and other Legendary saluted at the same time respectfully.

At this moment, True God, the hunter behind the pterosaur kingdom, has arrived.

True God, who came under the divine sense, was nodded at Mu Sang, and then directly sensed over the war temple. For a moment, he directly crossed the void and came to the war temple nearly 100 kilometers away at supersonic speed.

Even a few days have passed, but raze to the ground tens of kilometers away, and the large pit with a diameter of 1000 meters in the center of the explosion, still shows the world the horror of the war a few days ago.

“Your Majesty, this … is Baili Qingfeng … is there a battlefield between the True God and the War of God?”

Musang had a shock in his eyes.

The god of hunting is nodded: “It ’s really a terrifying deity … nothingness … I can feel that there was indeed a terrifying strength at that time, turning this area into nothingness, let alone the god of war How powerful it is, no matter how much Holy Spirit he has gathered, in front of this void Strength, it is still transformed into crushing powder by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood … “

“This void True God Your Majesty … is really so terrifying? It ’s just … Your Majesty does n’t mean that there is no divinity in him, is n’t it True God … The reason why the domain god is falling is because the domain god Just waking up, Shang Shang is weak … “

Musang Road.

The hunting god is silent.

After a while, he slowly said: “Whether he is True God or not, whether he has divinity or not, it is not important. What is important is that he really broke the Divine Kingdom on the ground and slaughtered True God’s Strength! “

“Slaughter God!”

Musang’s breathing was stagnant.

“This is our irresistible great power!”

Speaking of which, there is a trace of helplessness in the tone of the hunting god: “Northland … may be ushering in a new Ruler.”

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