Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1037


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ordinary person life is to go to work, get off work, get married and have children.

Perhaps the future will include helping children bring grandchildren.

Working problems …

He is now one of the Swordsmen of the Commonwealth Federation. This should be his profession. You can also fill in this item if you want to submit any house loan information.

He even has a work unit.

The capital city of the skyland.

Then the next thing is marriage.

“Is there anything I need to help.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Shi Yiyi.

“Yes, Qingfeng, I just contacted the wedding company. This wedding company has a special photography section. It is very good to see their works. They can take wedding photos for us. When you have time.

“Anytime, I will give it to you for a while.”


Shi Yiyi was a little surprised: “Then I will let the wedding company people come, Qingfeng, what style of wedding photo do you like …”

“You look at the election, I used to be a model.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

“Then wait for them to bring the materials to us to choose together.”

Shi Yiyi and Baili Qingfeng continued to add some details.

Bai Lidie watching this scene also felt relieved.

My younger brother is finally going to be a family.

But think about it too. Baili Qingfeng is already twenty-five in terms of age. His classmates are said to have children, and it is time to get married and start a family.

Looking at the couple talking together, she stopped disturbing and said goodbye, giving room to the couple.

“I believe that Qingfeng younger brother will be very happy in the future.”

The Bailidie out of the yard is envious.

At the same time, she also feels that Baili Qingfeng should pay so much for Tianhuang Realm, and also have a happy future.

“Qingfeng, is your best man please?”

“Someone has chosen.”


“My Golden Twelve Day Mission … Oh, a member of the Golden Twelve Star Palace.”

“Are they …”

Shi Yiyi thought of their respective debut declarations when the Golden Twelve Star Palace was formed, and there was a smile on their faces: “They … well, I hope when the time comes they can be normal.”

“Well, but someone seems to be married …”

Baili Qingfeng said, took out his mobile phone: “I’ll call them now?”


Baili Qingfeng was out of the yard right now, one by one started to make calls.

As Baili Qingfeng made the call, the Golden Twelve Star Palace suddenly became lively.

Without knowing Baili Qingfeng, Quantum Wargod, Ethereal Immortal Sovereign, Sword Monarch, Eastern Victory, Aotian Sword God, King of Black Holes and the others quickly pulled a small group together to discuss With a plan to help him make this best man, this time the wedding party is lively and lively.

“Right, do n’t you see Xiaozhu?”

After making a phone call, Baili Qingfeng said suddenly.

“Xiaozhu is still in cultivation.”

Speaking of this, Shi Yiyi seems to feel a bit wrong.

She was busy getting married this time. Buying this and buying that really ignored the existence of Bailizhu. Now think about it carefully …

Bai Lizhu this time retreat time is longer than any time.

“Qingfeng, is there anything wrong with Xiaozhu?”

Baili Qingfeng moved towards cultivation A glance at the direction of the cave, thinking about it, said: “I’ll go and see, if something is wrong, Xiaozhu should tell me.”

Shi Yiyi is nodded: “I will go and see Xiaozhu with you.”

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng and her two went out to the cultivation cave 100 meters away.

Baili Qingfeng has a sharper sense of perception than when he was in the Legendary stage. When he reached the cultivation cave, he had already noticed something.

“God’s will!?”

Baili Qingfeng sensed the existence of the will of God in within cave.

The discovery made him slightly surprised: “is it possible that, Xiaozhu breakthrough to Half Divinity Realm?”

This …

It ’s too fast.

He who has just been a Master has just condense God ’s will …

“en!? Wait, wrong, it is the will of a certain deity!? There is a deity who came to our World through a special method!”

Baili Qingfeng expression.

The Heavenly Waste Realm is a low-energy level World. The strength of True God comes down to nothing, but the remaining will of God at the moment can be felt even by his new Demi-God …


Baili Qingfeng cautiously splits a will to convey information so as not to interfere with Baili bamboo cultivation.

It took a while for the cultivation cave to hear the voice of Baili Bamboo: “Qingfeng big brother?”


Baili Qingfeng took a breath, “Are you all right? Is there something wrong with the cultivation?”

“Nothing …”

Bai Lizhu said, he seemed to think of something, and his tone paused a little: “There are a little things, but Qingfeng big brother, I grow up, I will solve it.”

“What’s the matter? Let me see if I can help you find a way.”

Baili Qingfeng said, go to the cultivation cave: “You stop cultivated now? I won’t interfere with you when I go in …”

Baili Qingfeng did n’t finish, but Baili Bamboo screamed quickly: “Do n’t come in! Qingfeng big brother, do n’t come in!”

For a time, Baili Qingfeng, who intends to step into the inside cave, could n’t help but stop, and the expression was a bit stern: “Xiaozhu, tell me, what happened?”

The face of Shi Yiyi beside him also appeared worried: “Qingfeng … Xiaozhu she …”

“It’s okay … Qingfeng big brother, give me some time, I can solve it.”

Baili Bamboo Road.

Baili Qingfeng carefully feels the fluctuation of the divine force remaining in the cultivation cave …

Soon, he seemed to recognize something: “Fear?”

next moment He seems to have guessed the truth of the matter: “Fear God Lord! Because of the essence of Evil God you refined? Is something wrong with the essence of Evil God?”

“A little problem … Qingfeng big brother, you have not taught me all along, the best way to face fear is to overcome it, or even … destroy it !?”

Bai Lizhu’s tone carries a determined Faith: “I will defeat him and destroy him!”

“Fear God has been here?”

Baili Qingfeng is not what it is today.

God ’s will gave him the strength to listen to believers ’prayers and even lower the incarnation.

The faith of the will is still the same, not to mention that Bailizhu has refined a essence of Evil God.

In this case, Baili Bamboo has almost become an extension of the main part of the fear god.

“Qingfeng big brother, I’m fine.”

At this time, the sound of Baili Bamboo came again from the cultivation cave.

Next, her petite and thin figure came out from inside.

It seems that because of the retreat in within cave for a month or two, her pretty little face now looks very pale.

But her star-like eyes are still very flexible. When she looked at Baili Qingfeng, she blinked: “Qingfeng big brother, look, I am really fine.”


Shi Yiyi saw Bai Lizhu come out, relieved in relief.

And Baili Qingfeng stepped forward and looked at her carefully.

On her, he could feel a faintly discernable divine will, but this divine will obviously originated from her.

In other words, she really broke into Half Divinity Realm.

But …

It’s too fast.

When Baili Qingfeng traveled to the northern countries with a peace agreement, Baili Bamboo was at Level 9 and now trifling for half a year, spanning the four major stages of supreme powerhouse, Half-Step Legend, Legendary and High Level Legendary. In one fell swoop to become Demi-God, this efficiency …

It can only be described as unimaginable.

Strength has never been obtained in a pinch, and you have to pay what kind of strength you want.

Baili Qingfeng has a deep understanding of this.

For Martial Practice, he gave up school, exams, work, listening to songs, watching movies, brushing dramas, traveling, falling in love …

Give up everything that ordinary person should enjoy.

The progress of Bailizhu is faster than him. From Level 9 breakthrough to Demi-God in half a year, what will she do! ?

Bai Lizhu’s pretty little face was stunned. Her eyes immediately fell on Baili Qingfeng: “Qingfeng big brother is getting married?”


Shi Yiyi stepped forward, holding Baili Qingfeng’s other hand, and said with a smile: “It was settled nearly a month ago, and the time was twenty six this month, but at that time, Xiaozhu, you were retreating, we did not Way to tell you the good news. “

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