Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1055


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“It’s worthy of being Evil God, energy is really good.”

Baili Qingfeng feels a heartfelt sigh when he feels that there is almost no fear of God who has been tossing along the way in Spirit World.

The level of diligence is much higher than he thought.

In his view, the fear god Lord Strength is endless, but human energy and spirit are limited.

After repeating the same invalid things for a long time, you will eventually feel tired and even tired, and the motivation will naturally decline.

Fearing the current situation, the Lord of God is not at all, and the trend of being unable to continue after half a point. He with the body, 256 stars, in just less than four days, was actually crushed. After several rounds, if it was not because he had a little chalcedony on his body, he speeded up the recovery of the spirit. I am afraid that it will not be able to maintain the bondage field of the Star River system and let the feared God Lord escape.

But …

The natal stars are crushed and collapsed time and time again, which is the process of getting to rid of the weeds and keep the flowers time and time again.

The stars that have been re-condense have not only been more sturdy, but also more refined than before, and even seem to have increased with the upper limit.

If he compares his spirit capacity to a cup, his spirit equivalent to the water in the cup was now condensed into ice.

“I ca n’t think of a lot of water in my spirit. No wonder I always feel that my spirit is a little worse than others. After fearing the god ’s tempering, I finally made up for this shortcoming … … Well, according to the level of effort of the God of Fear, I do n’t have to wait for half a year. After two or three months, I can try a new round of split of spirit, from 256 to 512. ”

Baili Qingfeng calculated a little.

For a moment, he seemed to perceive something and raised his head slightly.

A huge city is suddenly in sight.

Xiangyangcheng, here you are.

“en !? A lot of powerhouse.”

As soon as Baili Qingfeng arrived in Xiangyang City, he immediately felt a lot of Demi-God Level breath.

The amount of breath is at least two or three times the previous.

“When I last came to Xiangyang City, the Demi-God that I sensed seemed to be ten up and down … this is 20-30 respected …”

When Baili Qingfeng was frightened, two Demi-God and one Legendary broke through the sky at a very fast speed, and the Legendary who led the way was the monstrous society Sky Crane he had seen .

“Your Excellency Baili Qingfeng.”

Tianhe immediately came forward to greet and introduced: “These two are Head President Luo Ming and our Master Yunqiao of our evil society.”

“Hahaha, His Royal Highness Baili Qingfeng, has been known for a long time, and it is indeed young talent. I am the President of Zhuxie Association Luo Ming.”

Tianhe introduced that Luo Ming had greeted impatient.

“Hello, President Luo Ming.”

Baili Qingfeng said, and greeted Yunqiao at the same time.

“We are waiting for His Highness Baili Qingfeng here for a long time. Come and come, please.”

Luo Ming said, with an empty hand, he led Baili Qingfeng straight to Zhuxiehui towards the branch of Yangcheng.

Although Xiangyang City is a big city, the number of Demi-God Level powerhouses is still small, especially the High Level Demi-God like Yunqiao and Luoming. Their actions, deeds and actions have attracted countless people. In the eyes, many Legendary and Demi-God who originally belonged to Xiangyang City saw the two of them so warmly greet Baili Qingfeng, the new Demi-God, each and everyone were curious and speculated.

Luo Ming will not explain much about this. He took Baili Qingfeng to the branch of Zhuxiehui soon.

Here, there are already a dozen Demi-God waiting here.

Yes, not one or two, but a dozen.

Middle-earth World Evil God is raging because of Evil God ’s ruined powerhouse, and the powerhouse is so numerous that the entire evil will have an amazing impact.

One chairman, four honorary presidents, and nine Vice Presidents.

The fourteen people constitute the supreme power of the Xiexie Association.

And among the fourteen people, including Yunqiao, each of them is High Level Demi-God.

In addition to the fourteen of them, there are still more than thirty ordinary Demi-Gods and hundreds of Legendary powerhouses.

Because of this, there is obviously no True God sitting in town, but in the Middle-earth World, the evil society can match the 2nd Rate Influence with the existence of True God, and it is more confident and courageous to kill those battle strengths. God is inferior to Evil God.

Among the 12 Demi-Gods in front of us, High Level Demi-God occupies six places. The remaining six are ordinary Demi-God, but they can all represent the High Level Demi-God behind them.

In other words, almost everyone from the Zhu Xiahui 14 giant sent messengers to meet Baili Qingfeng.

“Haha, the president does not need to introduce, I know, this is His Highness Baili Qingfeng? A few days ago, after hearing the glorious record of His Highness Baili Qingfeng, I was so excited that I wished to fight alongside Your Highness Baili Qingfeng Contribute a piece of strength to the Evil Gods of the World of Eradication. If there is any activity against Evil God next time, please call me Dragon Pro. “

“Count me, after hearing about His Highness ’s feat, my impatient came and wanted to meet you, and today I finally met True Master. Sure enough, uncommon martial heroism, Dragons Among Humans!”

“My Master also wants to visit His Highness Baili Qingfeng in person, but he has something important to do, and he has no time to leave, so he sent me here specifically, thank His Highness Baili Qingfeng for his work on the Evil God Contribute. “

Several Demi-Gods stepped forward and greeted Baili Qingfeng enthusiastically.

Various attitudes …

Baili Qingfeng was flattered.

He did n’t know when he was so popular in the Zhuxiehui.

The entire group quickly entered the Conference Hall. Since there is a person, Legendary passed the tea beside him and served around.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at …

Although these Legendary are all Demi-God’s disciples and juniors, letting Legendary, who can be called invincible in the world of heaven and earth, serve people still gives him an eye-opening feeling.

“His Royal Highness Baili Qingfeng, but know me this Junior?”

President Shaoyang on the side saw Baili Qingfeng ’s eyes looking behind him, said with a smile: “Xiao Yu this girl took sixty-six years to break through to Legendary realm, but Innate Talent was upside down. It ’s okay, so I let her follow me in cultivation. If His Highness Baili Qingfeng is satisfied, I can let her worship under your door, and she must be very willing. ”

The woman named Xiao Yu behind him is also blessed to Heart, sweetly smiled: “It is an honor to be able to visit His Royal Highness Baili Qingfeng.”

“No, no … I am only half-skilled in cultivation. I just need to teach the discipline, so as not to lead people astray.”

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand.

Seeing this, Xiao Yu was a little disappointed.

Other Demi-Gods who have descendants of Junior also have some regrets.

If Baili Qingfeng really has the idea of ​​accepting the discipline, they do n’t mind letting his doormen enter his door wall.

People talked a little bit, and then President Luo Ming opened the mouth and said: “His Highness Baili Qingfeng, what is said in the development chip is unclear … The god of fear, have you really been sealed?”

“Yes, but the Lord of Fear has been struggling, plus the endless strength of Evil God’s Strength, which makes me unable to wipe him out …”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

“Can you wait for me to take a look?”

Luo Ming is unable to bear.

At the end he realized that his inquiry seemed to question Baili Qingfeng ’s ability, and quickly explained: “I just never saw the real body of the fearing God, so …”

Bai Qingfeng ’s people are so enthusiastic, Baili Qingfeng is not easy to refuse, plus he has to ask Zhu Xie Hui for a while, to provide some other Evil God information, so he smiled and said: “Of course you can see it , But I sealed him in my spirit world. If you want to watch it, it ’s better to separate a spirit. I can guide you to explore one or two. “

“No problem, Many thanks Baili Qingfeng.”

Luo Ming immediately said.

Other Demi-Gods also echoed one after another.

At the moment, each of them and each separate a spirit, probe towards Baili Qingfeng, and then be led into his spirit world.

As soon as the will of these people entered Baili Qingfeng’s Spirit World, they immediately felt a violent and violent Strength mixed with the will that could inspire the human instinct of instinct and crazyly hit the barriers of Spirit World!

“You can’t trap me!”

Anger roar! Roar!

Black flames!

It seems that the entire Spirit World of Baili Qingfeng is rendered as a fear purgatory.

Luo Ming and other Demi-Gods only felt for a moment, and then they realized a kind of fear that rise one in the mind like have one’s hair stand on end. The fear seeds in the heart of Heart were instantaneously triggered, begin to stir.

Affected by this, Demi-God one after another withdrew his spirit will, each and everyone looked pale.

very terrifying fear will! “

“Fear of God! Really Lord of Fear!”

“This fear will … is too strong! Not good! This will actually want to form a seed of fear in my spirit world!”

Everyone has a sense of palpitations. It took a while for each and everyone to suppress the fear that formed when they faced fear.

They only felt a little bit of the existence of fear will, and there was a tendency to be planted with fear seeds, and Baili Qingfeng could use his spirit world to conquer the god of fear …

For a time, everyone looked at him with awe.

“His Royal Highness Baili Qingfeng, how did you …?”

“How to do it?”

Baili Qingfeng realized what they were asking, and now said aloud: “Whenever I think of wanting to achieve world peace, there must be countless martyrs to bleed and sacrifice, compared to those who paid everything for peace. Martyrs, if we ca n’t even overcome the fear in our hearts, how can we promote peace in the world? How can we maintain social stability? In this case, my heart can become fearless and dauntless, press forward, fear, and naturally no longer able to Rippling any ripples in my heart. “

Luo Ming, Shaoyang, Long Lin, Yunqiao and the others looked at Baili Qingfeng, and it took a while to react.

“Peaceful will!?”

“His Highness” Baili Qingfeng’s Faith “Faith is so strong that he can resist the erosion of fearful will?”

“Bleeding, sacrifice … If a person is not afraid of death, even for the” peace “of Faith in his heart, Faith can be generous and justified, seeing death as his return … fear, maybe he can really do nothing …”

Everyone was talking about it, and looking at Baili Qingfeng could not help but become more admired.

“His Royal Highness Baili Qingfeng … really a model for my generation.”


(Whether you want to write the plot of Earth World …)

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