Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1058


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A billion-ton nuclear bomb exploded with enough energy to burn the heaven and boiling the sea.

Even if the energy level of the double moon is higher and the gravity is stronger, the bright rays of light emitted by this hydrogen bomb are still clearly visible from 400 kilometers away, more than 400 kilometers …

Thousands of kilometers away, people can still clearly see the glare of light at the end of the sky.

The fireball formed by the explosion is more than five kilometers in diameter, and all life and matter within five kilometers are scattered ashes and dispersed smoke at a high temperature of tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of degrees. All creatures within a kilometer range have severe eye pain and burns, causing cataracts and blindness, and the wind pressure that is formed at that moment can reach thousands of pounds per square meter, and the swept range will spread to thousands of kilometers later.

The mushroom cloud mixed with countless smoke and flames went straight into the sky with the spread of the impact circle, and it rose tens of kilometers, which is thirty times higher than the highest peak of Heaven Wasteland Domain!


This is total destruction!

Within a five-kilometer radius, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, a hundred-kilometer radius, the extinction of creatures, and the damage caused by it spread to hundreds of kilometers. Trees and houses can be felt under the strong wind blowing thousands of kilometers away Keep shaking.

Compared to Baili Qingfeng ’s divine technique, whose killing range is only a few dozen kilometers, there is nothing …

This kind of Strength, even Baili Qingfeng, is shocked heartily.

He may be able to release this level of attack, but the farther the spirit is from the body, the weaker the ability to manipulate the substance. In this case …

He really wants to release the divine divine technique with hundreds of millions of equivalents ……

He was the first to suffer.

“This is the war of the two-moon world and the world of the invincible level!?”

Baili Qingfeng took a deep breath for a long time without moving on.

It was n’t until the violent hurricane swept over him with a blazing heat wave that he pressed the Legendary bird underneath him, soared into the air alone and flew towards the explosion center.

The dust from the explosion went straight to the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the blazing flames were burning wantonly in this area, making the temperature of this area so high that it is difficult for ordinary people to survive.

Even if Baili Qingfeng can see thousands of degrees of high temperature as nothing, there is still a feeling of sweating.

After all …

The Frost God Armor is very thick, even if there is a frost word, it does not have its own air-conditioning cooling effect.

Under such a horrible attack, the entire fortress is almost completely raze to the ground, even if a large number of True Gods are placed on it, it is difficult to forcibly break through the array.

Under the strength of a 100-ton hydrogen bomb explosion, nothing will not be left.

Even if some lucky cultivators survived, the terrible high temperature almost made people unable to see the floating dust around all around and would quickly take the lives of these people.

This fortress with tens of thousands of Great Knight, Half-Step Legend, and hundreds of Legendary did not say that the whole army was annihilated under this round of attack, but it can survive in the end …

Not ten.

“hong long long!”

In the sky, there is a gust of wind and roar of will!

In the Double Moon Realm, True God ’s will will not be destroyed, even if the god body is destroyed, it will only fall into a weakened state that ’s all. As long as it takes time and resources to re-consume the god body, it will not cause any damage to them.

Therefore, each of the four True Gods survived, and the will of the mighty God spread indiscriminately in the sky, mixed with infinite anger.

However, this anger lasted for a moment, and soon a catharsis target was found.

Hundreds and thousands of alchemy lifeforms were killed from the Space Gate.

Because of the dust, Baili Qingfeng ’s vision was severely disturbed. Fortunately, he had a strong spirit, and by virtue of his spirit perception, he could see a place dozens of kilometers away.

Under his observation, those alchemy lifeforms …

Heran is a human dressed in Mecha and each and everyone.

The quality of the fleshy body of these humans is generally not high, probably between the War Grade and Wargod levels, that is, four to six levels, but their spirit strength is no exception, and all have reached the point where Refining Spirit is ten.

Although it is only the Refining Spirit Tenfold, their Refining Spirit Tenfold is significantly different from the Double Moon Realm, Heaven Wasteland Domain’s Refining Spirit Tenfold.

Whether their control, purity, and formidable power they can exert on spirit, they are far above Heaven Wasteland Domain and the Refining Spirit ten cultivator of the Double Moon Realm.

With the same spirit strength, some well-known figures can use their spirit to explode with three times as much as four times as much power as those of the Refining Spirit ten-cultivator in Heaven Wasteland Domain and the Double Moon Realm.

The difference is like an ordinary person and a martial artist who develops strength.

Even if the physical quality is the same, the martial artist who can develop strength can match the ordinary person against the ordinary person, or even one against ten.

“These people …”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes stayed on these Mecha fighters for a moment, and his eyes shrank quickly.

About six hundred Mecha warriors, but there are six colors.

White, red, yellow, green, blue, etc …

But this is not the point, the point is the text written on these Mecha!

He knows these words.

Seeing these words, although he has guesses in his mind, he still ca n’t to bear shaking at this moment: “The world of the invincible level … really is the World where my previous life is …”

In other words …

Through this Space Gate, he can return to that World! ?

In a flash, Baili Qingfeng ’s mind popped up a lot …

The parents of the World, the relatives of the World, the friends of the World …

Despite the fact that dust decades have been blocked, when he is really standing at the intersection where he can return to that World, these memories are still surging like a tide, flooding his brain.

“I …”

Baili Qingfeng stood on the battlefield a hundred kilometers away for a while, but for a while it was not knowing what to do.

He had dreamed more than once to return to the World, to a city he knew well, to live the peaceful life he longed for, ordinary, ordinary, to be an office worker, no longer let his parents down, no longer Disappoint his family, earn money to support his family, get married and have children, in his career, in life, let his parents, his family, relatives and friends be proud of his achievements …

But when he really realized that he could return to that World by crossing the Space Gate, he hesitated.

Near homesickness is nothing more than that.

It took a while for Baili Qingfeng to take a deep breath, and Faith in his heart gradually became firmer: “In any case, I should go to the World and take a look. I should go home and take a look.”

Looking at the battlefield ahead …

At this time, that powerful Mecha warrior has done his own thing and confronted the True God with the energy of indense.

Their methods are quite similar to Baili Qingfeng.

Such as electromagnetic Sword Technique, electromagnetic ejection, aerodynamic compression, repulsive shield, Gravitation Force field, optical interference, reflection, etc …

With the aid of Mecha’s many instruments, these methods make the battle strength they can exert not inferior to Legendary in terms of attack.

And these Mecha warriors are good at cooperating, forming battle fronts, through special spirit resonance, forming something similar to the binding force field of the Baili Qingfeng Star River system, binding the will of the True God Among them, then …

Dragging them towards the Space Gate.

The invincible level World, the will will not be destroyed, and True God ’s law of immortality is broken.

Once these True Gods are really dragged to the Space Gate, their end is almost doomed.

Baili Qingfeng watched it for a moment and quickly approached the battlefield.

When he was close to the battlefield for fifty kilometers, the Mecha fighters quickly separated three teams of ten men and faced him head-on, looking at the trend …

He is clearly regarded as an enemy.

Baili Qingfeng glanced, with the keen sense of spirit, quickly intercepted the Wireless Electronics signals during their communication, and then translated these signals a little, and they have parsed out their communication content …

“The energy index is 10,400. According to this World ’s occupation level, it belongs to Level 13 and the new Demi-God!”

“His body has not been damaged yet. Be careful, fire nuclear shells and destroy his body.”

“Energy level 13 with a maximum speed of 570 6 meters per second, Tianhe 19th, calculate his flight speed, derive his dodge trajectory, predict his dodge position when facing an attack … Big fish The first wave of the squad attack, the Second Wave attack of the wolf, the praying mantis is waiting for the opportunity to launch a nuclear shell … prepare for the impact! ”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the information carried in these electromagnetic signals, and his heart burst out.

Especially when I saw ten of Mecha’s arms raised, I immediately realized what …

“Lying *, these fellows are really unfriendly!”


The electric light burst!

He instantly performed electromagnetic catapult, broke the sound barrier, and the speed per second soared directly above 1000 meters!

Almost at the same time, electric light flashed through the barrels on their arms, and ten nuclear shells were fired at ten locations around him at twice the speed …

The distance of ten kilometers between the two was crossed in five seconds.

“hong long!”

The glow of the blazing white blooms!

The power of each of these nuclear shells exploded is equivalent to a thousand-ton equivalent, ten consecutive releases, and his dodge position is also calculated based on his activity track and inertia. Kill all within 1000 meters, if his highest speed is really only 570 meters …

I am afraid that it will be planted under this round of attack.

Just evaded this round of attacks, and the remaining second team attack followed.

Ten rounds of nuclear cannonballs!

But the difference between their estimated speed and Baili Qingfeng ’s actual speed is too large, more than twice as large, and the Second Wave attack also fails!

Not only that, Baili Qingfeng, who felt that these Mecha fighters were difficult, felt that electromagnetic catapult was not enough, and directly exhibited Sword Technique, Person and Sword Unite, his second speed soared to more than 2000 meters!

“Two thousand one hundred twenty-seven meters !? Two thousand 108 fourteen meters !? Still accelerating! This is the thirteenth energy level!?”

“Not good, his speed is too fast, he has broken through our siege, look at him, and head towards the Space Gate!”

“Start the God Sword Laser Cannon! Maximum power! Tianhe 19, lock me!”


(Write a bit to see where you need to avoid harmony.)

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