Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1067


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Earth The Federal Army is divided into four categories, namely the Federal Army, the Federal Navy, the Federal Air Force, and the Federal Universe.

apart from this, there is also the Federal Ministry of Security and the Star Forces who are directly responsible to the Supreme Council.

With the establishment of the Federation, Earth ’s military strength has also been relatively unified. Although the Twelve Districts still retain a certain degree of autonomy, the overall commands are issued by the Federal Command.

At this time, the three-dimensional image of the EFF headquarters is in the Conference Hall.

Not only the heads of the 12th District of the Federal Army, but also the Air Force, the Navy, the Universe Army, as well as the Ministry of Security and the Star Force, some of the heavyweights appeared, waiting quietly for something.

At the forefront position, a light and shadow projected, and the majestic silhouette of the Union ’s sixth president, Eau Kwang, suddenly appeared.

Earth Federation is not a time of peace.

Unlike the presidents elected in the previous two terms, President Zhou Guang has a high prestige in the Earth Federation.

He himself is a Legendary Mecha warrior of the cream of the crop. He once had a glorious record against the 13-level Demi-God, and died in his hands the 12-level Legendary and the 11-level Half-Step. Legend is endless.

Relying on numerous achievements, plus the Union ’s urgent need for a capable, courageous, and capable president to lead them to win the war with the bimonthly world, the opening of the world, President Zhou Guang took advantage of the situation, in the Supreme Council Supported ascending to the presidency, and has won two consecutive terms.

“Your Excellency the President.”

Seeing the arrival of Zhou Guang, everyone in the Conference Hall stood up at the same time and gave him a salute.

“I heard the news of the coming of” thunderbolt “, and a Divine King who has mastered our World Technology Strength has emerged? I want to know how he solved the conflict of his own will and where he learned from I remember the first order issued by the first President, His Excellency, is to block all the outflow of cutting-edge technology and block all cutting-edge information on the real world and the Internet. Which step is wrong? “

Zhouguang President said solemnly.

“We are currently investigating, but … if you want to understand this in detail, I am afraid that you can only get the answer when you find the infiltrator‘ thunderbolt ’.”

Vice-section Head of the Federal Ministry of Security Nikolaovic stood up and responded.

“So, who can tell me, where did‘ thunderbolt ’go?”

Zhou Guang ’s eyes fell on General Lu Long, the head of the Di Shi District: “He entered our World from the door of Asura. Six hours have passed. I have given you the highest since you submitted the application. Permissions, allowing you to use all Strength to search for his location, do n’t tell me that six hours have passed now, you have no trace of him. ”

“We have found his activity track. The infiltrator ‘thunderbolt’ knows our world very well. He sneaked into Shougu City through flash and electromagnetic pulses, disguised as an ordinary person, changed his outfit and replaced him Things are hidden in an abandoned locker, in addition, he went to the library … but when he came out of the library, he disappeared, according to our inference, he used a special method to steal the whole band, making him not Perceived by any electromagnetic waves, light waves, sound waves, plus he can explode a dozen Mach flying speed … “

Admiral Lu Long said this, the expression is a bit bitter: “Now, he may have appeared in any place in the world.”

“Full band stealth …”

Zhouguang expression is a bit ugly.

“General Lu, that Divine King that sneaked in, really mastered most of our technology?”

The person in charge of coming to the Odin district asked to disable to bear.


Lu Long’s nodded: “According to the analysis of the combat methods exhibited by the technical team behind me, he has a precise grasp of electromagnetic technology, aerodynamic technology, optical technology … etc. He can partially pry the planet magnetic field And, like our fourth-generation Mecha warrior who is still in theory, he can perform atomic-level operations to extract and fuse the various elements needed from the air … “

“Wait! What does it mean to be able to perform atomic-level operations to extract the chemical elements needed from the air?”

Zhouguang expression said awesomely.

“That’s what you imagine, Your Excellency the President.”

Lu Long said solemnly: “If he wants, he can directly perform nuclear fission by stimulating the raw materials!”

Speaking of this, his tone slightly paused: “According to my technical consultants speculation, he is in control of the star force field, and can pry the star force field to trigger a change of tens of kilometers, and even to Celestial Phenomenon changes that affect hundreds of kilometers. If you can do this, you can naturally use the star force field to form a high-intensity field pressure, and perform nuclear fusion on the basis of nuclear fission! And it is a controlled nuclear fusion! Plus he can freely extract what he needs through atomic level operations. The element … Then, the element of ‘deuterium’ tritium ‘needed for nuclear fusion is not difficult for him to obtain … “

His words haven’t been finished yet, everyone on the scene has changed his face.

A Divine King that can perform nuclear fusion without the help of foreign object, this is a real mobile nuclear bomb!

Moreover, it is a mobile nuclear bomb with unlimited ammunition that does not require energy storage!

In addition to the other Mastery all their technology, and can freely converge their own levels appear and disappear unpredictably ……

How to fight this! ?

“Wait a minute, General Lu, all this is your guess. If‘ thunderbolt ’really has this kind of patience, why did n’t he show it when he broke through the door of Asura?”

At this time, the Star Commander Vice Commander Aslan stood up and said: “He was just trapped by our Mecha warrior when he just broke out of the Asura gate. If he really mastered the means of nuclear fusion attack without foreign object, At that time, all the Mecha fighters outside the gate of Asura could catch everything in one net and bring us unprecedented heavy losses. “

His words made the white-faced people calm down a little, and his eyes fell on Lu dragon body at the same time.

“General Lu, what is your explanation?”

Zhouguang President said.

“I ’m just speculating on the enemy ’s strength based on the information provided by the technical consultant, as for why he …”

Lu Long was about to answer. At this time, Legendary Mecha warrior Shen Donghui behind him suddenly stepped forward: “I found‘ thunderbolt ’!”

When he held an advanced meeting, Shen Donghui suddenly interrupted the conversation, which disregarded discipline, but when Lu Long heard the news, his eyes erupted: “I found him !? How did I find it ?? Where is he!?”

“Divine Continent District, Tianhua City! As for how to find it …”

Shen Donghui’s face is a little weird: “He entered the police station by himself, and was taken by the staff of the police station as a spy who sneaked into the bimonthly world and was directly brought to the Tianmen Special Forces Team stationed in Tianhua City.”

“General Lu, I heard that and found the location of” thunderbolt “?”

At this time, Zhou Guang’s voice rang.

“Tianhua City !?”

Qin Dongsheng, the person in charge of Divine Continent, suddenly stood up when he heard the three words: “‘ thunderbolt ’is in Tianhua City ?? Downtown!?

At this time, everyone also thought of something.

Tianhua City!

One of the six super cities in Divine Continent, with a population of over 60 Million!

When counting the population, only the registered population is often counted.

Similar to the prosperous metropolis of Tianhua City, the real population is often three to 40% more than the statistical population!

In other words …

The real flow of people in Tianhua City is definitely over 80 million!

“Aslan commander, I want you to lead one … No, two teams, go to Tianhua City immediately!”

Zhou Guang said harshly.

“Two brigades … sorry, President, even if we gather all the idle fighters from the stars, we can’t get one brigade together.”

Aslan expression is a bit weak.

The Star Force, the Mecha Force!

One team refers to a thousand people!

The two teams are two thousand people!

So far, there are only six brigades under the Star Force!

“Furthermore, I do n’t think it ’s useful to send the two teams to Tianhua City. Are we … really planning to fight this Divine King in Tianhua City? foreign object Divine King with nuclear fusion? A Divine King that can provoke Celestial Phenomenon to eliminate laser strikes? A Divine King that can freely control its own level appear and disappear unpredictably? A Divine King with the fastest speed up to a dozen Mach? ”

Aslan said bitterly.

A dozen Mach …

This is a speed that all Mecha warriors can’t match.

Even though the Star Force can really summon two thousand Mecha fighters, as long as the other party relies on the speed advantage, the kite can kill them, plus the mushroom cloud, nuclear explosion dust caused by nuclear fusion, and Celestial Phenomenon interference, Make their sky satellite and electronic equipment formidable power cut by half, and finally …

“Your Excellency, unless we are like the war sixty years ago, projecting hundreds, thousands of nuclear bombs, and even anti-matter bombs … at present we have no other way to fight against ‘thunderbolt’.”

Nikolanovi said strangely said.

Zhou Guang heard it, and was speechless.

Not only him, but the entire Conference Hall fell into silence at this moment.

twenty six years ago! ?

Twenty six years ago, for the victory of that war, what a terrible price humanity paid! ?

Over 20% reduction in total population!

If the disaster like twenty years ago came again …

Just recall that this horror and despair had already almost suffocated the crowd.

“Wait a minute! A message came from Bai Daoming of the Tianmen team. He even suggested a possibility. Perhaps … Not every Divine King is full of malice against our Earth Federation.”

At this time, the voice of Admiral Lu Long suddenly sounded.


Zhouguang and the others’ eyes quickly fell on him.

“Not every Divine King is malicious to our Earth Federation? You mean …”

“Taimen Team Bai Daoming? I know him, a retired Legendary Warrior!”

Aslan Road.

“Bai Daoming said that the Divine King claimed that he was just visiting relatives without any hostility. From the time he ran through the door of Asura, he did not kill any one person to prove that … I know the data. Going out of Asura ’s gate or breaking into Shougu City, there is no killer to anyone … This behavior is completely inconsistent with the True Gods who have entered our World in the past! “

Lu Long said quickly.

“Take in his newsletter! I want to know the true intention of this Divine King‘ thunderbolt ’!”

Zhouguang crashed immediately.

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