Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1070


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“The disaster six years ago … the invasion of the gods!”

Baili Qingfeng is sitting on the sofa with some weakness.

In that disaster, human beings were reduced by 20%, and one in five people died on average.

His old father luckily survived …

But Lord Mother …

It is separated from his eternal Celestial.

“until now, she also firmly believes that you will not die, all your things are forced to be kept by her, and it turns out that … she is right.”

Li Xian looked at Baili Qingfeng with a hint of sigh in his eyes.

“But I, it was too late … Lord Madam has been waiting for me, but I failed to meet her …”

“No one wants that kind of thing to happen, but in the face of this kind of world disaster, our personal Strength is too small to be able to save our lives. Struggling on whilst at death’s door is lucky.”

Speaking of this, Li Xian glanced out the window: “Fortunately, the most difficult period of time has survived, although the powerful lifeform of the two-moon world has never given up on our world, and the outside world Rumors have spread that the lifeform of the bimonthly world is accumulating strength, preparing to launch a Second Wave attack on our world, but at least … the federal strength is strong enough to resist their attack and maintain the peace in front of us, and we Based on this peaceful environment, we can survive stubbornly and grow vigorously. “


Baili Qingfeng heard these two words and lifted the head a little, looking out the window with his father Li Xian’s eyes.

Outside the window …

The bustling, bustling and bright.

This is a prosperous world of peace and security.

“Son, do n’t be sad, do n’t be sad, remember what I always teach you, people, always look forward, the memory of the past is the wealth of our lives, the precipitation of our lives, it can be transformed into our growth The background, inspires us, guides us, and makes us stronger. In this World, there is nothing that cannot be crossed. “

Li Xian’s voice rang in Baili Qingfeng’s ear.

These words …

He remembers.

Although he could n’t understand it at that time, he even threw his father ’s heart-heavy teachings over and over again and tried frantically on the verge of death, but …

I have to say that his father ’s teachings are still effective.

He faced crises again and again in Heaven Wasteland Domain, and even faced the malice brought by the entire deformed World, but he still supported it, and stepped forward, stood up and straightened his spine, until finally The world order was overturned, and a united, harmonious, and friendly union of heaven and earth was built. It was because his father was so impressed that he planted in his heart the seeds of fearless hardship and power.

So he can get more and more courageous again and again, so he can break through again and again, so he can not forget his original intention, consistent, press forward.

“I understand.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

At this moment, he faintly realized a little.

What will happen between him and Shuangyuejie after all.

Although his rebirth location is in Heaven Wasteland Domain, although there is no direct conflict between him and the two-moon boundary so far, it is like the gear of fate. When he first confronted True God and the nuclear explosion for the first time The gear has already started to rotate, and the reversible and irreversible curtain slowly unfolded.

In this big scene, he may just be an insignificant little character. Facing the rolling historical wheels, once attempting to block in front of him, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood will definitely be crushed, but, just Like the teachings of his father Li Xian, as well as the Faith he inherits until now …

“If you ca n’t beat me, you will make me stronger!”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

Lifts the head, straighten the spine!

Run forward! Facing difficulties and obstacles!

How can you feel the vastness of life without suffering? Destiny cannot make us beg for mercy!

Even if the blood is full of arms!

Continue to run! With the pride of Akiko!

How can I see the shine of life without perseverance! Rather than struggling on whilst at death ’s door, let ’s burn indulgently!

For peace in my heart …

And good.



Baili Qingfeng once again cheered on Faith in his heart, mournful scream appeared in his spirit world.

His longing for peace and beauty, Faith, like the sun at high noon, shines everywhere, radiating the entire Star River system transformed by spirit World.

Under the ray of rays of light, the God of Fear, who had been trapped inside, was screaming and burning more than ever.

It seems …

Is dying?


Baili Qingfeng felt suspicious, a little strange.

“Is n’t the God of Fear a perpetual motion machine? How do I feel like I ’m going to be completely wiped out? I have been using more than 180 spirits to restrain him without increasing Strength.”

Thinking about it, Baili Qingfeng directly dropped a spirit: “Fear God Lord, what the hell is happening? I tell you, I won’t be fooled easily!”

“Let me go, let me go, I can’t do it …”

The fear of God ’s will spread.

The self-proclaimed “this seat” is no longer used.

“What conspiracy do you have?”

“Peerless World! Peerless World! Did you come to that Peerless World !? This Peerless World is a forbidden area of ​​the gods, because of the difference of World, the materialist rules veto the existence of idealistic strength. , Strength of Faith, even any deity power ca n’t show divinity in this world, without strength of Faith, the continuous addition of the power of fear, any True God falling in this world, it means real death. ”

Fearing that the will of the Divine Lord is weak, and there is a feeling of candlestick in the wind.

“Let me go, I will surrender to you and serve you as the Lord, Evil God does not die, you have no meaning to kill me, if I can serve you as a Lord, you will have a strong subordinate, when the time comes even the Divine Lord, even Divine King is staring at you, will be burnt. “

Baili Qingfeng ignored the message conveyed by the fear of God ’s Lord ’s will, but stared at his will carefully and kept looking at it, and finally confirmed …

He didn’t lie.

It seems that this perpetually motivated fearful Lord ca n’t hold it anymore.

Although the restraint force field does not deliberately wipe out the body of the fearful god, the huge Gravitation Force will still consume his Strength continuously.

It ’s like a person, even if you do n’t let him carry anything, just against the gravity of the planet itself will produce a lot of consumption.

“I came to this unique world, it seems that it is less than twelve hours, that is, less than half a day.”

Half a day, almost as much as the fear of God ’s heritage is consumed by him. It is conceivable that if a True God is really towed to this world of invincibility, and is still in a fierce battle, the will erupts How much time can be supported in the end.

Six hours? Three hours?

Even an hour! ?

True God’s entry into this world will soon be wiped out, but this world is constantly invading the bimonthly world, trying to plot the divine blood on True God to refine life-extending potions, plus this world’s powerful Extreme war potential …

No wonder even the blazing blaze of the Double Moon Realm that hangs above the sky dome was disturbed, and he personally came off to promote the promotion of Earth, a world of incompetence.

It even awakened the immortal Divine Emperor who is in charge of immortality, immortality, and detachment.

“I do n’t know whether the immortal Divine Emperor ’s immortality, Eternal, detachment and other rules can still play the original magic in Earth World. After all, the ancient gods themselves seem to be some kind of Rule Power, or integrated into Some kind of rule … If they come to this World, it is a collision of rules and rules … “

Baili Qingfeng thought.

He estimates that there should be more than one person thinking the same way.

It’s a pity that the ancient god Strength is so amazing. Their identity and their size doomed them not to set foot in Earth World.

Thousands of children cannot sit down.

They only need to spend some time to promote the upgrade of Earth World, and then let the gods rush out, and naturally they can solve the threat of Earth World. Why should they come in danger?

“Wait, maybe, the blazing sun hanging above the sky do not intend to give Earth World several decades, hundreds of years, otherwise, he will not wake up the immortal Divine Emperor in the closed town … The divine force of the immortal Divine Emperor is immortal and immortal. He can resurrect any True God with some strength remaining from his death. In other words, with the immortal Divine Emperor as a backing, True God… is equivalent to avoiding indirectly The danger that the World of Peerless Level may fall … “

Baili Qingfeng thought.

He did not know his guess true or false.

If it is true …

The balance of the two Worlds has continued for several decades, and I am afraid that they will soon be broken.

The key to breaking the balance is when the strength of the immortal Divine Emperor’s Strength completes its recovery.

“It looks like I have to take the time to go back to the bi-moon world … but I should not convince the immortal Divine Emperor now …”

Baili Qingfeng said to himself.

“Son, what are you talking about?”

“Oh, nothing.”

Baili Qingfeng said, reducing the strength of the binding force field, and directly opened a small black room, shutting down the god of fear.

Although the Lord of Fear in Earth World is indispensable, returning to the Double Moon Realm can still play a role. Such a divine spirit with endless energy, he can’t bear to waste it.

“You have been away from us for six years after all. In the past six years, even if most of the funds have been invested in the development of military technology, World can be unified, and the original countries have shared technology, and the progress of all sides is still It’s very fast. I’m afraid you need a little time to understand these changes. When you understand it, you can come to the company to help me. If you don’t want to come to the company, just be a minute insect and you can afford to support you. /p>

Li Xian said openly.

minute insect ……

Baili Qingfeng covered his face.

This is too hurtful.

When the Tianmen team was thinking about making his father proud of himself, at least he had to pretend to be a successful person.

Just …

This kind of success was nearly 20 billion yuan before the Pioneer Building, and he was directly hit. He almost didn’t want to work hard.

“Son, you only need to live well, without causing trouble or trouble, and I will be satisfied.”

Li Xian pats his shoulder.

“I … I am still very Innate Talent …”

“I know, but …”

Li Xian glanced at him sadly: “Your Innate Talent is not used in the right way.”

Baili Qingfeng wanted to refute it, just taking into account the impression of until now in the hearts of parents …

“So, let the facts speak, I will work hard to be a useful person to the society …”

“Okay, I believe you.”

Li Xian said, and took out a card directly: “Son, there is a hundred million in it. You take the flowers first. If you do n’t have enough, ask me to ask.”


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