Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1088


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Baili Qingfeng’s uneasy to bear showed a happy look: “very good, if I can have your superb control over spirit, I am afraid I can complete the next round of splits based on my own ability.”


Gundam keenly clearly understood the keywords in Baili Qingfeng’s words.

“Yes, it is to make spirit more and stronger.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

“Make spirit more and stronger…”

Gundam breathing!


Is this the secret that Lee Divine King has 2,000,000 spirit strength right now?

“Mr. Li ……You split method…”

He pondered and thought about how to speak to Baili Qingfeng.

But by this time Baili Qingfeng has said in a very casual tone: “Want to learn? Very simple, I will teach you.”

“weng weng!”

Gundam straight felt his brain stunned.

The whole person seems to be hit by a pie dropping from the sky. For a time, the brain was blank, and only three words remained echoing…

I teach you!

He was thinking about it when he came, trying to make a good relationship with Baili Qingfeng, gaining his trust, and even preparing to temporarily sell his life to him, no matter how he treats himself, he will Endure.


In order to be able to make yourself and the others’ spirit strength break the shackles of the method.

And now…

It’s that simple, and you haven’t even met yet. Everyone chatted on the electronic bracelet. In front of him, His Majesty and powerful Divine King, would you like to teach him this Supreme method?

For a time, he almost thought he was dreaming.

“I am here to tell you? Come on, you turn on the recording function to remember…”

Baili Qingfeng said, it seemed to be opening.

Up to one shivered, suddenly said: “Wait a minute! Mr. Li, please wait a minute, let me open the highest level of confidential communication… No! The communication is not secure, as long as you have passed the message once on the Internet Leaving traces… It is unavoidable that this Supreme secret technique was stolen and used to endanger society…I will come over immediately…”

“Okay, then.”

Although Baili Qingfeng feels like a few words, but Gundam wants such a serious, he is not easy to stop.

“ding dong.”

When Baili Qingfeng was waiting for Gundam, several messages came from his electronic bracelet.

It is the spirit purification method and operation method sent by Gundam.

And this purification method and operation method also record Gundam’s cultivation experience, making Baili Qingfeng look easy to understand.

“Spirit can breed spiritual force continuously after it is conceived, so that it is pure. This kind of purity is not pure symbolism, but makes it fully conform to the original instinct of cultivator. After all, spiritual force It belongs to a type of brain wave, but it also contains some idealistic qualities. It is like a person who likes to watch basketball and you let him go to draw. His spirit state will naturally become depressed, which leads to half the results for twice. the effort, let him do what he wants to do, strengthen his Faith, a bit like self-hypnosis? But there is still a need to continue to polish this Faith…”

Baili Qingfeng looked at these two secret techniques: “Moreover, there is a strong spiritual force, but if it cannot be used reasonably and it is no different, it is as if it is equipped with a supercomputer, but it can be used for Playing Lianliankan is also a reckless waste of natural resources. In response to this, the world’s spirit enabler system has created a resonance method that keeps the spirit state at all times in the excited state of maximum utilization, so as to avoid the spirit from rusting… …”

He quickly looked at these methods and understood them.

If he can also sharpen his spiritual force to the level of the Legendary Mecha fighters of this World, even if the number of spirits is the same, the battle strength he can burst can still reach twice the previous one.

“Mr. Li.”

When Baili Qingfeng looked at the two cultivation methods, Gundam finally arrived.

At the same time, he also came with Sokala, the leader of the stars, and General Lu Long, the head of the Di Shi district.

In addition to them, all around has mobilized hundreds of Mecha warriors, imposing manner.

Uninformed people thought they were going to kill True God in the double moon world.

“You are…”

Baili Qingfeng looked up at a puzzled look.

“Mr. Li, your cultivation method is too important, it is related to the future of our federation, so… we must ensure the safety of these confidences…”

Gundam explained, quickly added: “Of course, with Mr. Li your battle strength, there is really someone who cannot dare to tell good from bad who dare to come up with your cultivation technique, and it will certainly be easily suppressed by you… We are just in case.”

“Mr. Li, thank you for your contribution to the Earth Federation. The Federation is honored to have friends like you.”

Lu Long stepped forward and thanked him carefully.

“You are welcome.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

“Mr. Li, we have prepared a special plane for you, please.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded, got on a large aircraft that they piloted.

The aircraft is 19 meters long and 14 meters wide. The space available inside is quite spacious, like a mobile palace.

In addition, the aircraft itself is equipped with quite advanced defense equipment. Even if it is attacked by one or two Mecha fighters, it can be shot down in one fell swoop by the aircraft’s strong defense strength.

“This aircraft is our special vehicle for Mr. Li. It has completed all the procedures and has the priority to apply for the fairway. Although its flight speed is not worth mentioning compared to Mr. Li, it can also Maintain a cruise speed of Mach 2.4 at an altitude of 13,000 meters…”

“Private… private plane?”

Baili Qingfeng startled.

This is the kind of treatment that Peak local tyrants can have.

It’s not because his father Li Xian gave him a 100 million bank card. Whether he can buy a parking lot is a problem.

“I hope Mr. Li can like it.”

Lu Long said with a smile.


Baili Qingfeng originally thought he was flying a little faster, but considering that his flying around would cause a lot of trouble to the air defense department, it is estimated that the other party gave him an aircraft out of this consideration. Down.

“Thank you.”

“Mr. Li is satisfied.”

Lu Long saw Baili Qingfeng accepting this gift and was slightly relaxed.

“Yes, this is the split method you want.”

Baili Qingfeng said, passing it on directly.

This is the cultivation method he passed to Baili Bamboo, and it has been repaired by Baili Changkong. It is the best method he has tested through years of experience.

As for his mysterious degree…

In fact, it is almost the same as Three Origin Good Fortune Technique, Six Origin Good Fortune Technique, and Nine Origin Good Fortune Technique. Remove all the wrong ways, and the natural way is the best way.

Perhaps, should he give this splitting method a name called Sanyuan Refining Spirit?

“Thank you Mr. Li!”

Looking at the information transmitted by Baili Qingfeng using an electronic bracelet, the faces of Lu Long, Sokala, and Gundam are filled with sacred colors.

“Don’t be so polite, in fact, this method… This ternary Refining Spirit recipe is not necessarily brilliant. Anyway, my family’s spirit 40% can’t bear it at eight o’clock, and it must be assisted by the chalcedony. , The basis of eight points and sixteen is the need to have Legendary will…”

Baili Qingfeng said this in a tone: “However, your purification method is somewhat similar to the condensed Legendary will, but it is difficult to consolidate the will Core only by the shackles of the World level. If you can buy a little jade from the bimonthly world The treasure that nourishes Divine Soul comes, it’s not difficult to score eight or sixteen.”

“Eight points and sixteen?”

Gundam heard Baily Qingfeng’s slightly startled words, followed by some excitedly said: “Mr. Li said that eight-sixteen points refers to transforming the strength of spirit from eight times of tenth level to sixteen times?”


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Gundam, Sokala, Lulong and the others looked at each other.

The biggest difference between their World Elite Mecha warrior and ordinary Mecha warrior is that Spirit has completed a split, which has more than 20,000 Spirit strength, while Legendary Mecha Warrior…

spirit completed two splits, with a spirit strength of more than 40,000.

At present, they are conducting 40% of the eight attempts.

It’s just that the number of Legendary Mecha fighters is too small, and there are only dozens of them in the world. After three failures and three Legendary Mecha fighters lost, the Star Division has become very cautious.

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng’s split method can actually allow them to complete 40% eight, eight points and sixteen cultivation! ?

“Mr. Li, thank you.”

Gundam and Sokala stood up at the same time and saluted them heartily.

“No need, please take a look first. Three Origin Good Fortune Technique also only increases the probability that you can successfully complete the spirit split, it does not mean 100% success.”


Sokara and Gundam immediately looked at this ternary Refining Spirit recipe.

Only after this turn they discovered…

Easy to understand!

This Refining Spirit recipe is surprisingly easy to understand!

It points out in detail the 15,000 three hundred and sixty-two kinds of precursors that may be encountered during the split of the spirit. It points out what method should be used to survive the crisis and complete the split most safely after this situation occurs.

There is nothing extremely mysterious and abstruse, there is no realm description, and there is no idea of ​​sudden enlightenment.

All you have is extremely solid hard data!

This kind of data…

If they take 15,000 three hundred and sixty-two Legendary Mecha warriors for the relevant trials, they can also be collected.


Legendary fighters, each of them is a treasure like Zhou State. The lowest rank is a colonel, more than half of them even reach the rank of generals and major generals.

15,000 336 12 Legendary Mecha Warriors! ?

Mecha soldiers all over the world can’t count this number!

At this moment, whether it is Gundam, Sokala, or Lulong, they are all deeply shocked.

“How deep is the background of Heaven Wasteland Domain to create such a magical Refining Spirit?”

“Can easily carry out more than 15,000 split tests, then the number of spirit capable equivalent of Legendary Mecha in Heaven Wasteland Domain…”

“No wonder that terrifying existence such as Li Divine King could be born in that wild world…”

The three glanced at each other.

The world is so scary!

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