Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1099


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2nd day Baili Qingfeng found Li Xian deliberately while he was still away from work.

“I have to go back to Heaven Wasteland Domain. I’m in a hurry to come at this time. There are a lot of things that I don’t know clearly, so I have to go back and explain. In addition, I have a lot of things to buy, but the federal I couldn’t buy it anymore, I just bought it in the past.”

“Heaven Wasteland Domain…”

Li Xian was stunned: “Is that…the World?”


“Round trip between two Worlds…not safe?”


Baili Qingfeng said: “I have a good relationship with both sides, there will be no trouble.”

Li Xian listened, and finally nodded.

Baili Qingfeng lived there for so long, and he couldn’t stop him from letting him go back.

In addition, he understands this son. Although he has a lot of toss, but he can say that he can toss out mortal danger…

He still doesn’t believe it.

“Ai, I will not stop you if you are going, but remember to come back early. We are not worried about your safety. We are worried that if you go for a long time, you will not see us when you return.”

“How come.”

Baili Qingfeng said, take out a potion: “When you take this potion, you don’t have to worry about not seeing me.”

“What is this?”

“Understood after you take it.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

Li Xian wondered that his son would not harm himself. He took the potion and swallowed it in one breath.

Within a short period of time after taking the potion, he felt that his body was a little warm. Over time, this fever became more serious, and it seemed to ignite a fire from the inside out.

“This is…”

“It’s a little hot, but soon, it should be an hour or two.”

“An hour or two? I have an important meeting in a while…No, I have to go down.”

“Ai, this medicine will not only make your body hot, but also accelerate your metabolism and eliminate the toxins of your within the body… Well, no accident, you may have to take it within these two hours Go to the toilet several times…”

“You brat, what did you eat for me?”

“Good stuff, you will understood in an hour or two.”

“Then you will help me open this one.”


Baili Qingfeng was surprised for a while: “No, no, I have not learned professional knowledge at all…”

“What are you afraid of? Su Li Aunt is staring at you. You can ask her if you don’t understand. Besides, I have mentioned you on various occasions this month. The young director is very curious, and you should show up.”

Li Xian pats Baili Qingfeng’s shoulders, a look of “young man I am optimistic about you”.

“But I do not at all want to inherit the meaning of Pioneer Group.”

“I understand that you now have your own business and something you need to be busy with, but… after you’ve finished your affairs, the storm will eventually return to peace. At that time, if you live your life, you will have to use the rice and oil. The question of sauce vinegar tea, do you say it?”

Baili Qingfeng considers that he really wants to be a simple ordinary person after solving the matter at hand…

It seems normal to return home to inherit hundreds of billions of properties.

In the end, although he was a little unwilling, for the sake of a peaceful life in the future, he was still nodded: “Well, I will go on now, and my father will wait for you within the body. After you consume the past, remember to help me plunder.”

“Understood, go for it.”

Li Xian waved his hand.

At the moment Baili Qingfeng took the elevator down the stairs.

As soon as he entered the elevator, looking at the floor above, he realized what he had overlooked, and he did not know where the Conference Hall was.

However, seeing that the elevator was closed and driving down, he stopped thinking about it.

He remembers Su Li’s breath, when the time comes to find Su Li directly?

Going downstairs, Baili Qingfeng all around glanced.

It has to be said that Pioneer Group has been developing very well over the past six years. Not only is the building worth hundreds of billions, the number of employees in the group is huge, and it is divided into various departments.

There are dozens of elevators that go upstairs alone.

Baili Qingfeng sensed it carefully and quickly found where Su Li was.

However, the spirit induction can allow him to clearly understand Su Li’s breath, but the location of the Conference Hall is obviously required to have high authority. Baili Qingfeng walked through several directions through the channel, either the door is not closed, or it is impossible. It took more than ten minutes to use the elevator and so on before it came outside the Conference Hall.

At this time, the specific time for the meeting has already passed.

At the door, Baili Qingfeng was stopped.

Fortunately, when he reported the name of Su Li, Su Li quickly came in from the inside and saw him a little surprised: “You Young Master, why are you here?”

“Father has something to be busy, so let me come here.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.


Su Li thinks of Li Xian’s various fortunes over the past month and secretly set the pace for Baili Qingfeng, but he understood his thoughts immediately: “That line, during this time, because the director of Lorraine spread to Huanyu Group, it made Huanyu Group’s finances also had problems, and it had to sell off the shares of Pioneer Group at a low price. These shares are currently bought by your father. Among them, he also transferred 10% to your name, so you participated in this board meeting. Also justified.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

He knew about Director Lorraine. If he broke the law, he should be severely punished.

It was didn’t expect that he actually sold his shares to his father…

I really don’t know where my father’s money came from.

Su Li and Baili Qingfeng quickly entered the Conference Hall.

As soon as they arrived at the Conference Hall, everyone’s eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng.

Wang Zhenwei, Yuan Feng, and Qiao Qi immediately smiled at him nodded with smiles on their faces.

The other directors were a little surprised to see him, but after Su Li introduced his identity, each and everyone was also friendly.

After eating 29.1% of the shares held by the directors of Lorraine, the current shares in Li Xian’s hands have reached an alarming 63.3%, which is equivalent to absolute holdings, plus Wang Zhenwei, Yuanfeng and Qiao Qi on the board of directors This time is closer to Li Xian, and he looks forward to him. In other words, he holds 80% of the shares in Pioneer Group, and other directors have almost reduced to the level of playing soy sauce.

Therefore, it is obvious that only the son of Baili Qingfeng, the chairman of the board, came to preside over the meeting. The crowd not only did not have a little dissatisfaction, but praised and surprised.

“Is this the son of the chairman? It’s so young, doesn’t it mean he’s almost fifty.”

“It’s different now. In the circle of cream of the crop, there is a life-extending medicine. Each one is said to extend lifespan for decades. If a few directors take this medicine, the appearance looks like two. The youngsters in their tens are completely reasonable.”

“Yangshou Elixir! That is the treasure that cannot be bought with money! The chairman of the Star Group is said to be willing to exchange half of the Stars Group for a longevity… And half of the Stars Group, it is tens of billions. Ah!”

“If this young director can really get this kind of treasure… that influence… but it is very amazing… maybe Li Zhou, Lorraine and the others who have been circulating have been planted, it may be He did it.”

Sounds of discussion came from the crowd.

At this time, Su Li also said: “Well, now that Director Li has arrived on behalf of the chairman, we formally started the meeting. This meeting has a total of six topics…”

With her one after another description, Baili Qingfeng gradually understood the industry of Pioneer Group.

The Pioneer Group’s current main business is the supply of electronic bracelet accessories, in addition to several material companies, technology companies, and software development companies.

Since the current electronic bracelet has become an indispensable part of people’s lives, without an electronic bracelet unable to move a single step, even the electronic bracelet has a special mission to prevent spy invasion. In this case, electronic The production of the bracelet is in the hands of the federal company, Azure, not at all.

Everyone is fighting to become a supplier of electronic bracelet accessories.

Facing such a huge market, electronic bracelet parts suppliers naturally display Magical Powers.

Like not long ago, Li Zhou went to Olympus and rays of light electronics to reach a chip optimization cooperation, which can slightly establish some Pioneer Group’s advantages in electronic bracelets.

The meeting of the people lasted for a moment, and soon they debated about a topic.

That is the deputy general manager they should support in the battle within the company.

Azlan has a total of nine deputy general managers, plus the chief accountant and the chairman of the labor union. It stands to reason that twelve people are eligible to compete for the general manager.

It’s just that among the 12 deputy general managers, there are only three who really have high hopes. Among the three, it does not include Yang Jin, the deputy general manager who has the best relationship with the Pioneer Group but has no backstage.

Since Vice President Yang Jin has little hope, in this case, they must make a choice whether to continue to work behind that vice president, or to choose one of the three vice presidents to support them.

Otherwise, when the new general manager of Zhanlan Company comes up, their main business of Pioneer Group may be greatly affected.

Baili Qingfeng glanced, this topic has been fighting for an hour, and…

There was no result in a short period of time. At one time he had to say: “We were originally Vice President Yang Jin. If we change the court, in case the three Vice Presidents are not the final winners, our investment Isn’t it a waste of nothing?”

“That is the case, but if our Pioneer Group does not make an expression, the Group’s business may be affected in the future.”

Su Li explained.

“As long as the technology is excellent, are you still worried about not having a list?”

“The key point is the development of more than ten years, the technical aspect tends to be bottleneck, and it is difficult to have a breakthrough in a short time…”

“know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated, let’s first find out who has the highest probability.”

“We naturally know this, but the point is…”

Director Wang Zhenwei bitterly laughed: “At present, according to the information we have, the three most likely are the three vice presidents.”

“This way.”

Baili Qingfeng thought about it, and then thought of something: “Is the electronic bracelet a federal government enterprise?”


“Then… Let me see if I can help you.”

Baili Qingfeng said, and opened the electronic bracelet.

Soon, a silhouette of Gundam has emerged on the bracelet: “Mr. Li, what can I do?”

“I want to know, do you know which vice president of Azlan will serve as general manager next?”

“Azure Blue Company?”

Gundam was startled, and some did not respond.

Fortunately, as a Legendary Mecha warrior, his mind is running very fast, and he immediately realized what…

Pioneer Group…

“Mr. Li wait a moment.”

One minute did not arrive, and the voice of Gundam rang again: “Mr. Li… Which vice president is suitable for you?”


This question…

Ask him?

It’s too unprofessional.

But considering that Gundam’s main job is a Mecha warrior after all, he can’t force it.

“I don’t know, I can’t even call out the names of the vice presidents, so I know a man named Yang Jin…”

“Yang Jin, we understand.”

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