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Disappeared! ?

The bloodstains have disappeared! ?

“Chasing! The disappearance of blood can only prove his guilty conscience, he can’t carry it!”

The Sword Crypt Warrior Blood Gobled and another Panjia Crypt Warrior growled.

If they paid such a huge price, they would still be escaped by a human like Baili Qingfeng! ?

Therefore, even though each and everyone has gasping for breath, the heart seems to be jumping out, but it is still supported and continues to hunt.

When a human comes to the crypt world where the gravity is several times their World, they can escape the palm of their hands!

Just as they persevered and killed Baili Qingfeng for an hour, ran for twenty-thirty kilometers, and when their physical strength reached the limit, the vision ahead suddenly flickered.

The target suddenly appeared.

“We finally caught up with him! He can’t hold it!”

The faintly exhausted Blood Ge suddenly opened his eyes, boosting the spirit, Murderous intention revealed.

“Okay … it doesn’t seem like we are catching up with him, but … he is back !?”

There was an unpleasant hunch in the hearts of the warriors of the Panjia Grotto.

came back.

The reason they saw Baili Qingfeng was not because they had caught up with the target by perseverance, but …

He is walking back.

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng had an indescribable exhaustion and embarrassment.

With a piece of torn clothes on his chest, he simply bandaged it, and he couldn’t see how serious the injury was. However, he could judge if he could stand and walk after running at a speed of 100 meters for more than an hour. It’s too early to die.

“After chasing for so long, I still do n’t want to give up. It seems that our two sides are really irreconcilable, but it is also because I am here to annihilate you and prevent you from becoming a threat to the city of Siaya after the climate, slaughter humans, and destroy A peaceful and stable life in Xia Ya, and by the way get a little bit of gold, you want to kill me and kill me to the ends of the earth, it is completely reasonable, I can understand, but unfortunately, you are in Strength Better than me, but the endurance is obviously unable to meet me on equal terms. “

Baili Qingfeng said this, the tone is lightly paused: “Of course, the most important point is that you don’t have an increase in Heart Strength, right?”

Blood Ge and the Panjia Grotto warriors looked at each other.

Means …

Can’t understand what this human is talking about.

However, he didn’t understand what Baili Qingfeng said, and it didn’t affect the two people’s tactics.

At the moment of completing the gaze, two cavemen warriors shot at the same time.

From left to right, speed broke out in an all-round way, and the ground broke apart, the debris turned up, and in the roar, as if two cannonballs that broke the air, carried a terrible momentum, and slammed into Baili Qingfeng.



Baili Qingfeng this time’s injury was really serious, and his heart was almost torn apart by the energy contained in the bloody sword of the sword cave man warrior.

Fortunately, his Refining Spirit Prominent Divine also had a significant impact on Blood Ge in advance. At the time of Blood Ge’s devotion, he had avoided the key points, so that although the sword penetrated his body and caused great strength Dao blasts out damage, but this level of damage doesn’t knock him down.

Although he couldn’t fully recover such a serious injury for an hour, … it would not have much influence on the exertion of his strength.


Refining Spirit!

“hong long long !”

Innate Fiendgod Zuz’s silhouette of the great shore suddenly appeared, the mighty Divine Power carrying the Divine Thunder, like the Supreme Deity of the trial world, even if the blood Ge, Panjia Grotto warriors are all psychologically prepared, there is still a kind of sent from Heart Fear.

“A life and death!”

Baili Qingfeng shouted.

Innate Fiendgod Zuz mastered the thunderbolt, exhibited the Refining Spirit Secret Technique Thunder Scepter, and blasted into the Spirit World of the Sword Crypt Warrior on the spot with an unreasonable hegemony, directly blasting his consciousness into a blank space and deterring him on the spot.

“Blood! Wake up!”

The Panjia Grotto warrior roared loudly in an attempt to awaken Blood Ge from the state of deterrence, and at the same time rose to his strength and slammed away at Baili Qingfeng.

It is a pity that the chasing and killing for an hour continued, and the two cavemen warriors were exhausted to the extreme regardless of their physical strength and energy. Still a long way off.

An axe cut out, a Slaughter Qi of Corpse Mountain Blood Sea rolls away. If it is replaced by a martial artist who fears the cavemen warriors, I am afraid that this baleful qi will be rushed, and it will directly lose the courage to fight.


Baili Qingfeng felt the envy of this slaughter.


That’s it.

The number of cavemen who died in the hands of Baili Qingfeng is not 100 or 80. Even the cavemen warriors killed several. How could such a man who used the cavemen as a strange material brush be afraid of the cavemen? heart of?

“Come, let me see how much Strength you have left!”

Baili Qingfeng took a long and deep breath, and his eyes suddenly glared at the axe cut by the warrior of the Panjia Grotto.

As he stared, Ominous Fiend Qi, which had accumulated by killing at least 100 Dungeon Warriors all over his body, burst out. Although it was not potential, it formed an amazing fist that was not much weaker than the potential, and in the sky The tragic slaughter as if coming out of the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea collided head-on.

“weng weng! ”

in the sky seemed to burst out of an invisible ripple.

When this fist broke out in Baili Qingfeng to block the slaughter of the Panjia Grotto warrior, his figure suddenly stepped forward, the Primordial Qi Technique sacrifice, and the skeleton crackle all over his body for a while, all the energy was in layers. A layer of dragons seems to form a big dragon. As his fist strength hits, it suddenly strikes. With the Transcendent Saint-like perception, lightning strikes precisely on the big axe cut by the cavemen!


The sound of metal clashing was rippling.

An axe cut by the Panjia Grotto Warrior was smashed by Baili Qingfeng. Next moment, he suddenly cut into the whole person. He left his hand to poke around the Grotto Warrior’s waist and lifted it, using a method similar to wrestling. He lifted his entire life, like a giant throw, and fiercely thrown towards more than ten meters away.

“Not good !”

The Panjia Grotto warrior constantly adjusted his center of gravity in the mid-air and flew out more than ten meters to land firmly on the ground without much damage, but when he looked at Baili Qingfeng, he saw that he was starting out like a tiger. Swordsman slammed the blood Ge in front of him, and the punch that contained majestic energy fell directly on his facade!


skeleton is broken!

Half of Swordsman’s head collapsed on the spot and died on the spot.

irreconcilable until the death.

Unfortunately, to his death, he failed to survive the Refining Spirit Secret Technique strikes of Baili Qingfeng.

Seeing this scene, the deck cave man warrior who had stabilized his body solidified immediately.

Can’t fight!

Can’t fight!

There is no war song inspiration to sacrifice the cave people, and there is no delay from others. They simply cannot resist the Refining Spirit Secret Technique of Baili Qingfeng.

The Panjia Grotto Warrior apparently not at all irreconcilable’s determination to fight in the dead. Seeing that there was only dead end in the fight, he did not turn around and ran away toward the elite guards.

There is only a glimmer of hope if the guards have combined their numbers and the terrifying humanity in front of him.


He seems to have forgotten how amazing endurance Baili Qingfeng is as a human being, as a male in a human being! How enduring it is!

Baili Qingfeng just picked up Xuege’s big sword.

“Good sword.”

Baili Qingfeng held the sword in his hand. I wanted to pull out the Blood Armor Battle Armor first and complete the task of 1000 kg Chenjin first 3 10%. However, the set of plate armor on the plate caver warrior is undoubtedly heavier. As long as you can get it, it is equivalent to 20 20% of the task completion.

At the moment, he could not take out the Battle Armor on Blood Ge, and struck the meteor with a sword towards the platey cavemen who ran wildly, chasing at full speed.

The chase and flight between the two had been completely subverted in just one hour.


Baili Qingfeng He strode meteor, several landings, already chased behind this caveman warrior, the blood-reeking qi that beheaded and killed hundreds of cavemen rolled up, letting the cavemen madly escape The Warriors were scared to collapse.

Under the pressure of horrific death, this caveman warrior finally abandoned the pride of being a leader of the caveman tribe and shouted in humiliation: “Human, you have won! Our Ironfang tribe surrenders to you!”


Baili Qingfeng couldn’t hear it.

His half-familiar burrows could barely hear 3 words, one was human, one was tribe, and one was surrender.

The Grotto Warrior has always been fearless and fearless. Although the Grotto Warrior here seems to be a little bit counseled, he has been brushed a few waves by himself, even a small Charia city dare not invade, but it is still not Influence his impression of the powerful and heroic of the Grotto Warriors, in other words, this Grotto Warrior who looks a bit like a leader is unlikely to surrender to humanity.


He should just want to make himself surrender! ?

He is already in a clear disadvantage and still has the courage to surrender himself?

is it possible that he is having a large wave of reinforcements coming! ?

If there are 3 or 5 burrow people sacrificing in the reinforcements …

Baili Qingfeng’s face suddenly changed.

No win, no win!

Definitely not winning!

Then, in order to ensure that fewer enemies will be encountered, the caveman warrior who has an arrow at the end of its flight must be killed as soon as possible to do everything possible to weaken their Strength.

Seeing that the cavemen warriors were still running wildly, Baili Qingfeng shouted with a voice from the cavemen who could not understand him: “Hello!”


The dashing Grotto warrior stopped.

Turned around and raised the tomahawk in front of Baili Qingfeng: “Human, this is my tomahawk, I will give you my tomahawk in good faith, in exchange for the peaceful coexistence of our two parties, our iron teeth The tribe is also willing to offer you the treasure of our tribe, I just hope that you will not come to our World in the future … “

“hong long long !”

thunderbolt roar.

The caveman’s warrior didn’t finish talking, the silhouette of the innate Fiendgod Zuz suddenly appeared, accompanied by the blazing white thunderbolt condensed to the extreme in his hand.

Refining Spirit Secret Technique! Thunder Scepter!

Seeing this scene, the Grotto warrior suddenly stared wide-eyed, with endless anger and inflection, burning from his chest, erupting, and even screaming in despair and weakness in his mouth: “No! Human! You do n’t keep your promise … “


The next moment, the thunderbolt broke, and his consciousness was blown up.

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