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In the courtyard of Baili Qingfeng, he took a long breath and suspended the Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, which had already reached the extreme.


He whispered, lay down and rested.

Forcibly take the blood of the brave without any external force …

Really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, with Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, which lasted for 3 hours indirectly, he finally survived.

“Thanks to my excitement, I have stimulated the potential of the human body, broken my own limits, and made Demon Hell Suppressing Physique less and less harmful to me. From the previous half an hour to the present one and a half hours, I can hold my teeth and hold on. For three hours … otherwise, staying in the body without strength of the blood of the brave will not only waste most of the medical power, but also affect the night’s sleep. “

It’s like the person who eats and holds, it’s weird to be able to sleep.

After a little rest for 2 hours, Baili Qingfeng finally had strength and felt the remarkable tempering of internal organs by the blood of the brave. He could not tell whether he was now a War Grade or a Warlord.

Forget it, no matter what.

Anyway, as long as he continues to practice like this, it won’t be long before he arrives at Wargod. When he arrives at Wargod, it doesn’t matter whether it is War Grade or Warlord.


Baili Qingfeng took a good rest in the yard, but suddenly felt something, came to the balcony, and looked at the small woods outside.

Outside the grove, a car stopped, and a man who looked quite graceful was accompanied by 2 people and walked towards the yard.

Seeing the man’s appearance, Baili Qingfeng quickly guessed the identity of the man, not frowned.

2 grandfather is weak.

How could the 6 Prince find the yard where he lived?

“Is Mr. Baili Qingfeng here? Mo Cong is here to visit.”

A shout came from outside the door.

Baili Qingfeng pretended not to be at home, a look he didn’t hear.

Soon, there was another shout from Mo Cong: “Mr. Baili Qingfeng, I have a piece of information in my hand, which is related to the safety of Mr. Baili Qingfeng. Please come and see him.”

He shouted 2 times and did not get a response. The Grandmaster next to Mo Cong said something with displeasure: “His Royal Highness, this child cannot to tell good from bad. His Royal Highness came to visit him in person. He actually pretended not to be, and turned His Highness away. Besides, it’s impossible! “

“Yellow, be patient, we need to be sincere.”

Mo Congdan said with a smile and shouted again: “Mr. Baili Qingfeng, this matter is of great significance, and I implore to see you.”

“Qilin Sword Sect broke the 4 Grandmasters in the hands of Baili Changkong. It must be retaliated, otherwise what is the face? In order to maintain the cooperation with Qilin Sword Sect, we must cooperate with Qilin Sword Sect, and then Thunderbolt Sect and Mosey and Qilin Sword Sect will inevitably fall into hostility. We can sit atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight. “

“Sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight is only possible if 2 tigers have similar powers. If one side is a tiger and the other is a sheep, how can you fight both sides suffer? How can Baili Changkong make my third brother lose his soldiers. “

“But Your Highness wants to tell them this news, and it should also tell Baili Changkong. Why did you choose Baili Qingfeng?”

“Hehe, Baili Changkong rigorous schemes and deep foresight, he was informed of this news, he will definitely borrow the momentum of the military department, and once the military department comes forward, there will not be act blindly without thinking, we want sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight, I do n’t know how long to wait, but youngster is different … ”

Mo Cong’s face with an endowed with extraordinary intelligence smile: “A youngster, and also a youngster who has just achieved Grandmaster’s recognition. When I learned that someone was going to kill him, I was confident and hot, so I went to the door and started to be strong. This Baili Qingfeng is the younger carrier of the Baili family. There is no doubt on the cultivation base that he has achieved the Grandmaster at a young age. Compared to Holy Son in Holy Land, she is not inferior. I am afraid of True Immortal in the future. Baili Changkong has devoted countless efforts to him. If he dies in the hands of those people, Baili Changkong who has already had 70 out of 5 will inevitably go crazy. In this way, the drama can really be regarded as the climax. “

“Baili Qingfeng is the key piece that sparked the dispute between Baili Changkong and Third Prince?”

“Nice! Although Baili Changkong has achieved Warlord and has the power of Divine Power, it is still worse than my 3 brother who has the secret support of Three Great Holy Lands. The Ministry of Military Affairs focuses on the overall situation and cannot be targeted. My 3rd brother, at this time, he has a good attitude and demonstrates goodwill. We provided him with help in provide timely help, and he turned to us naturally.

“Baili Changkong wily old fox, won’t you see our strategy?”

“So the key lies in Baili Qingfeng. Baili Qingfeng must be willing to go and attack the people of Qilin Sword Sect. We can’t help anything.”

Mo Cong said, looking towards the courtyard of Baili Qingfeng: “I like youngster, and I believe this youngster will not let me down.”

“But at the moment, this Baili Qingfeng does not seem to be coming out. We have been informed that he has been in his own yard since he returned from the field, in other words, he turned a blind eye to the arrival of His Highness.”

Yellow dry road.

“It doesn’t matter whether you see me or not.”

Mo Cong said, and said, “Tell Baili Qingfeng what we got.”

“So, where is Qiu Yi’s whereabouts?”

“Qiu Yinai is our wanted man in Peak Peak, a scum in the martial artist circle. How can we know the whereabouts of this and the others?”


Huang Ku answered, and said to Baili Qingfeng in the courtyard: “Baili Qingfeng, we made a special trip to get a clue. Qilin Sword Sect was killed by Baili Changkong Old Master. 4 The matter of great expert is extremely furious. At present, it has been sent to the elite, sneaking into Xia Haizhou. It should be gathered in Misso with Elder Fengyun as the head. As for the news true or false, Mr. Baili Qingfeng uses your strength of Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master. You can find out after investigating that the news has arrived. Please Mr. Baili Qingfeng inform the Baili Old Master as soon as possible so that the Old Master can prepare early. “

After that, he glanced at Mo Cong.

And Mo Cong slightly nodded: “Okay, let’s go.”

At the moment the two people turned around and left the grove without any muddle.


In the courtyard room, Baili Qingfeng rubbed his eyebrows.

Silent, speechless.

“Good Qilin Sword Sect will not act blindly without thinking for a long time to come? As long as I can bluff and show a strong enough Strength, Qilin Sword Sect can’t bother me for a year or two In a peaceful life, I can at least continue to study in peace for at least one or two years until I graduate from university? Why, why do I have to do everything, one by one, ca n’t help but come next to each other? “

Baili Qingfeng was helpless and confused.

What did he do wrong?

Does he want to live a quiet life and go to school? Is it so difficult to be a good student?

What’s wrong with him?

“No, I didn’t do anything wrong. A person who just wants to be safe and secure should not be wrong!”

Baili Qingfeng muttered to himself: “2 grandfather told me personally that it wasn’t me who was wrong, it was this World!”

Until now, he feels that as long as he doesn’t get involved in the rivers and lakes circle and don’t get involved in rivers and lakes, he won’t have all kinds of troubles to come to the door, and he can quietly be a learner, learn, sing, Martial Practice, Study philosophy.

But the experience of the past year was ruthless to tell him that he was wrong.

His simple-minded person lives in such a dark and cruel martial artist World, just like the firefly Insect in the night, the scarab in the field, is so bright, so outstanding, so outstanding.

In particular, his Martial Practice’s Innate Talent, his unique acting style, and the special identity of 2 grandfather Baili Changkong, have betrayed him deeply.

By now……

He can no longer give in, he can no longer hide.

Baili Qingfeng Closed his eyes, his thoughts flowed.

An unprecedented big decision was before him.

Once this decision is made, the beautiful life of peace and tranquility will leave him completely.

Even his long-awaited college career may end …

No matter how bad it is, it has to stagnate for a year or two!

This price …

Too big, too big!

His entire life will be rewritten from then on, and he will embark on a completely different path.

Whenever there is a calmness in major events, I don’t believe that there is no Guxian at the moment.

Baili Qingfeng calmed himself and slowly opened his eyes: “I need to talk to 2 grandfather.”

After Baili Qingfeng said, he sat quietly and meditated for an hour in his meditation room.

After his heart was completely calm, he asked himself, how will the situation be broken?


no change.

So he left his courtyard and walked out of the courtyard like this, without hitting or taking a bus, just step by step, measuring with his feet, and heading for Black River City.

Black River City is not far from Xia City, but compared to the case of a car, in fact Black River City is a full fifteen-sixteen kilometers from Shire University.

But Baili Qingfeng was not in a hurry, step by step, walking calmly.

“How long haven’t you gone like now?”

He thought.

I also thought about the changes that had happened to him during this time.

When did he start to change?

Wang Gang!

Because Jiang Ziheng took him as a passer-by to block Wang Gang, Wang Gang punched him and nearly killed him, so he realized his vulnerability, followed 2 grandfather to start Martial Practice, and from then on …


His life has changed completely.

So next, there was the case of Jiang’s dojo, the case of Eddie father and son, the case of Iron Sword Sect, the case of daily door, the case of Rafi, the case of Qilin Sword Sect …

One thing after another, endlessly.

“Jianghu, what is it?”

Baili Qingfeng bowed his head, step by step walking on the cross-river bridge where Xia Ya went to the Wuhe River, letting the wind keep blowing his body, making his clothes hunting.

“There are grievances where there are people, there are rivers and lakes where there are grudges, and people are rivers and lakes!”

Baili Qingfeng looked up slightly, looking away.

Wuhe, Xia …

Xia Hai, Xia, Aurora, World …

How many beings are there?

avoid? How to avoid it! ?

Maybe it is a mistake to keep thinking about not being involved in the matter!


(I love this passage from Dongfang Bubai.)

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