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“Sooner or later this day, although it’s a little earlier, but … since Qingfeng is a grandson with confidence, how about I accompany him crazy?”

Baili Changkong said that he took out a mobile phone and dialed a number. Soon, a majestic voice came from him: “I am Sikongdao.”

“Marshal Sikongdao, the Military Department strongly supports my development of Thunderbolt Sect to balance Three Great Holy Lands?”


There was a silence on the phone for a while, and the handsome voice of Sikong Dao Lineage came again: “Baili Old Master understands that Three Great Holy Lands is not a weak person. We can’t pour precious resources into a person who has no resistance against Holy Land. For Sect, for the time being, Floating Slaughter, Hundred Herb Hall, and 10000 Liu Jianzong are our best choices. “

“Really, the Dao Lineage CEO of Sikong doesn’t have to hurry to decide for me. At night, we will have a good show in Thunderbolt Sect in Misso City. The Dao Lineage handsome of Sikong may wish to watch it with Marshal Wellington.”

“en! ?”

Suspicious in his mobile phone before he had time to ask questions, Baili Changkong hung up.


Baili Qingfeng came out of the courtyard of Baili Changkong, passed by a railway station ticket office, and bought two return tickets to Misuo from 2 pm and two return tickets at 4.

The city of Misso is not far from the city of Xia, only 60-70 kilometers, and it only takes an hour and 20 minutes by train.

He set off at 4:36 and arrived in Misso at about 6 o’clock.

He had already checked when he arrived. He could take bus No. 4 to the estate where Feng Cunyun and the others are located. It is not very far. There are only 6 stops. After getting off, first find a nearby restaurant to eat, then walk a section of the road, counting the time of piercing and assassination, should be able to finish the business before 7:8, and then take off the bus and take the bus to the train station. It can be reached before 1 o’clock, there is still half an hour spare time.

When the train returns to Xia Ya at 9:1, he can practice Demon Hell Suppressing Physique at night and read a book for half an hour.

Take a phone and look at the time …


It’s almost time for lunch.

Baili Qingfeng made a phone call to Ge Feibai while walking to a nice restaurant nearby.

When Baili Qingfeng returned to the yard after dinner, it was already 2pm.

Ge Feibai also waited here early.


Ge Feibai saw Baili Qingfeng and hurried forward to greet him.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Ge Feibai. Due to the success of Connecting Soul Technique, Ge Feibai has now begun to nourish and exchange blood, but his Refining Spirit is progressing slowly, but he has not yet entered the 3rd Layer.

“Refining Spirit is relaxed.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Ge Feibai was a little bit grieved: “I practiced according to the method you taught me from Teacher, and I have all kinds of feelings, but for some reason, the progress is very slow …”

“very slow?”

Baili Qingfeng slightly startled, with some dissatisfaction: “Why is slow, the first 3rd-layer of Refining Spirit is very good, ordinary person 3 can be practiced in 5 days, are you lazy? Go back to work overtime and work hard, otherwise How can he afford the great task of maintaining world peace? “


Ge Fei answered weakly.

“Calling you at this time, it involves a top secret operation!”

“Top secret operation !?”

Ge Feibai immediately came to Spirit: “is it possible that any terrorists are going to attack us, Charya? Do they have a powerful lifeform virus that once detonated and buried in the city?”

“That … that’s not it, but it’s also a group of heartbroken criminals.”

Baili Qingfeng said, lowering his voice slightly: “One of them is our special wanted man in Shia.”

“Superior …”

Ge Feibai sucked in a breath of cold air.

Hiah’s wanted criminals are divided into four categories: Special, A, B, and C. The Grade B wanted criminals can already be shot directly. The Grade A wanted criminals are, without exception, the most wicked killing people like scything flax. As for the super …

It is a threat to the prosperity and stability of the entire country. The innocent people who died directly and indirectly in their hands are definitely more than three digits, otherwise they will not be able to become the level of special wanted criminals.

at the moment……

Their organization actually wanted to catch a special wanted man! ?

“The first time you perform a task, you can be responsible for logistics. For the time being, you must do something. You should know in your heart, you are too weak.”

Baili Qingfeng is outspoken.

Ge Fei Bai suddenly lowered his head in guilt.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng’s cell phone rang.

As he connected the phone, a cautiously voice came quickly inside: “Is it Thunder Dominator?”


Baili Qingfeng heard some of the young voices in it very unexpectedly, and then immediately thought of: “Is it Xiaoxianxun?”

“Big guy laugh, just call me a shrimp.”

“Unexpectedly, the voice of big brother sounds so small.”

“Uh … the voice of the big brother sounds very young, like a student.”

“I said, I’m a student.”


The tone of Xiaoxian Xianzun was obviously a little shocked. After a pause, it seemed that he had accepted the news. The tone became more and more frightening: “Then … is Chen Jin said by the boss really true?”

“Of course, being a man must be faithful, how can there be falsehood.”

“Very good, my car is ready to go, and I will be there tomorrow afternoon.”

“Okay, see you tomorrow afternoon, and finally you’ll be lucky enough to meet the big guy True Master.”

“I should be honored.”

The misty fairy said, greeted Baili Qingfeng again, and hung up the phone.

Baili Qingfeng took the phone up and sternly said to Ge Feibai: “I have to practice harder and intensify in the future. I haven’t reached the Refining Spirit 20rd-layer Outer Awareness in 3 days. I have to wonder if you can shoulder it. It ’s a heavy burden to go to World Peace. It looks like it will give you a longer assessment time, and you will be in the logistics for the next one or two years. “

“I … I will work hard …”

Ge Fei responded weakly.

Baili Qingfeng went upstairs and pulled down the treasure chest containing the boutique Chen Jin Battle Armor from the bed.

Looking at this Battle Armor box that he had just put in a while ago and said he would not use it for the next one or two years, Baili Qingfeng sighed and opened the box.

No way, who made him born a busy life.

Chen Jin will not need to spend energy to keep it like metal like steel, Baili Qingfeng sorted it out a little bit, and will soon be able to wear it freely.

At the end, he turned on the computer again and searched carefully for bus routes from Misso to avoid getting on the wrong bus at that time.

After doing this, at 3 o’clock unconsciously, he greeted Ge Feibai, went out, and took the bus to the train station.

At this time, his Battle Armor box and sabre also caused an alarm when they went through security checks, but they were not confiscated like last time.

As Baili Qingfeng handed over his War Grade certificate, the security personnel took a look at the certificate and handed it to him respectfully. He also specially arranged a single room with a massage chair as a break. It also made Baili Qingfeng a little bit. Enjoyed the convenience of having a certificate.

Two people got on the train and came to Misso after more than an hour’s journey.

Compared to Xia Ya and even Black River City, the city of Misso is much dilapidated, especially since it was hit by cavemen not long ago, and the losses are heavy. Even if it has not been fully recovered in the past few months, it looks like a rundown depression .

Baili Qingfeng followed the online bus station route, took Ge Feibai to a villa estate in the suburbs, and had a dinner at a roadside booth not far from that area.

After a busy day, night is coming.

Baili Qingfeng carried the Battle Armor box, chose a somewhat hidden forest green area, opened the Battle Armor, and let Ge Feibai help himself to put it on.

Maybe his strength has improved a bit, or maybe he has experience. In less than 20 minutes this time, he completed the armor.

“Teacher, this Battle Armor is so cool.”

Ge Feibai was full of envy, and at the same time looked at his white hair: “Especially with Teacher, you have a new hairstyle, it’s cool!”

“As long as you are willing to work hard on cultivation, and when your cultivation base is approved by me, you can do it like me.”

Baili Qingfeng said, glanced at a mansion that was gradually glowing five-six hundred meters away: “If I didn’t guess wrong, the most wanted man is in that manor. You are here, don’t move around.”


Ge Fei gave a heavy reply.

Baili Qingfeng nodded, wearing the Battle Armor of the Torn Ripper, carrying a sword without killing, and striding toward the manor by night, striding into the meteor.

The spirit awareness given by Refining Spirit 7 gives him insight into the 6 Grandmaster breath hidden in the manor.

Yes, 6 shares!

Full 6 Grandmaster!

There is one more than the last time he assassinated Jing Jinghong.

And 6 of these 2 Grandmaster breathes are slightly stronger than other Grandmasters.

Baili Qingfeng flashed the profile of 2 people.

Wind clouds, Wargod, and the power of Refining Spirit.

Qiu Yi, Grand Grandmaster, Divine Soul domineering.

“I now have an average physical strength similar to Warlord. In the face of a Wargod, a big Grandmaster, all I can rely on is the power of Heart.”

Baili Qingfeng put his left hand on the newly bought Walkman, brewing emotions.

“Heart, why is the clear comprehension fighting?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the brightly-lit manor: “So, why am I fighting?”

He paused and lost his thoughts.

The main reason is that he ran too fast. According to this trend, he ran to several hundred meters at the manor, and may not be able to successfully stimulate the power of Heart.

“What I am asking is very simple, just ordinary, being an ordinary person, living an ordinary life, like a drop of water integrated into the sea … no fight, no grab, no climb, no pride, no arrogance, no humbleness, so simple. One request, you are unwilling to give me, from me … again and again, and then forced me by 3 … first, Lafi, and then Jinghong, right now … it’s you again … Qilin Sword Sect, where did I, Baili Qingfeng offend you, why do you treat me like this !? Why !? “

Baili Qingfeng accused, excited, immersed in all spirits, in this way to warm up the power of heart.

I’m coming!

It is this feeling!

Baili Qingfeng Happy, he has mastered the essence of the power of Heart, immediately without the slightest hesitation Press the Walkman Play button, and then take a step, stride meteor.

“咚 dong! Dong dong dong dong!”

The music is ringing.


(If you want to explode your liver, you need to explode your liver. If you say 5 more, you need 5 more! Take advantage of the wind to continue to code, the next 2 chapters will be late, but even if the code reaches 2 to 1 o’clock, you must definitely say something!)

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