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Fell asleep.

Baili Qingfeng closed his eyes and thought that he was stunned for a while, and felt that at least two minutes had passed, but in fact he had fallen asleep for a while, and slept for nearly an hour.

after all……

He is also just an ordinary person. With so many events every day, he has also experienced a fierce battle, and he is too tired.

This happens when people are very tired. They obviously close their eyes for a few minutes. It seems that their minds are functioning normally, and they remain relatively clear. However, they wake up in midnight, but it is already dozens of minutes later.

Watching the time shown on the wall clock in the house …


With only a few minutes to go by train, it was clear that it could not keep up.

Baili Qingfeng long sighed.

He overestimated himself.

He thought he started at 7:25 and could end the battle in 3 minutes.

After all, he was going to assassinate the target, and he was not head-to-head with the target. In 3 minutes, it was counted as the time to run to the manor and run out of the manor to retreat.

It was 7:20 when Ge Feibai was found again when he got out of the battlefield. It took 6 minutes to replace the Battle Armor. It took 8 minutes to wait for the bus. Since there are only 33 stations, it is almost ten minutes by bus. He bought 1 points. With 1 votes and almost half an hour left, it’s stable, good, and enough.

Just didn’t expect …

Feng Cunyun, Qiu Yi, and the other 4 Grandmasters were so rude to such an extent that he was seriously injured and almost died on the spot …

Too tired and falling asleep and fainting belong to unconsciousness, similar in nature.

Because the injury was too severe to fall into a coma, he did not have any sense of the outside world, and finally, relying on strong perseverance, he was struggling to wake up from the coma, and has missed the return trip time.

“So far, we can only change it.”

Baili Qingfeng moved his body slightly, and suddenly …

suck in a breath of cold air.


There is almost no pain in all parts of the body!

This is why he has been sleeping for an hour to recover. Without this hour, it is questionable whether he can stand up now.

“It looks like this is the limit of my Strength. Qiu Yi, Feng Cunyun, and the other 4 Grandmasters have already forced out all my abilities. If I have another 2 Grandmasters … I double the Grandmasters and wait for me. It will be a mortal situation … even if this battle is against six Grandmasters, I am extremely fierce. It can be called nine deaths and still alive. A little accident may completely reverse the game. “

Baili Qingfeng expression grave, carrying forward the excellent style that any martial artist should have, sum up the experience of war: “This is a lesson, we must remember, never underestimate any opponent!”

Next time you meet this kind of enemy, don’t be reckless, be smart!

Running and fighting, just like dealing with the cave people tribe of the cave people World, relying on their own hard-working one-year long-distance running and endurance to consume the enemy, you will not be trapped in this danger.

Baili Qingfeng endured the pain and moved his body.

It seems that the pain is promoting blood circulation and accelerating metabolism. His body is slightly warmer, and the pain has alleviated a lot. The next time he turned around the villa, his body was obviously relaxed.

“Unfortunately, the amount of time that Quantum Battle Body left me at that time was so short that I didn’t have enough time to persuade them to surrender the cultivation methods on their bodies to repay some of their sins … Feng Cun Yun and Qiu One is Qilin Sword Sect Elder, the other is Penglai Immortal Sect Elder, which belongs to the absolute high-level of these 2 Great Holy Land. It is bound to cultivate all Peak methods of 2 Great Holy Land. If you can ask them, upload them to the forum. It’s another huge contribution … Now, I just hope they carry the relevant cultivation method with them. “

Baili Qingfeng regretfully searched the bodies of several Grandmasters.

The contents of several Grandmaster’s pockets are simple, one or two cards, plus a little change, and some of them also bring keys and other things.

As for the cultivation method …


Helpless, Baili Qingfeng had to go upstairs and searched each and everyone in the room where they lived.

There are not many servants in Feng Cunyun’s villa, so 2 people plus a steward.

With the outbreak of the war, they fled outside the villa in order to save their lives. Baili Qingfeng wanted to find someone to ask, but had to find one room at a time.

The villa is not small and there are many rooms. It took Baili Qingfeng a dozen minutes to find it.


The harvest was very good.

He is very satisfied.

“Everything is here.”

Baili Qingfeng lifted 3 boxes from upstairs, glanced at one after another, and finally a little smile on his pale face due to excessive blood loss: “A Sword Technique cultivation manual, 100 to 10000 cash, and … … Exactly 6 boxes that could fit in a box. “

Inside the 6 boxes are a variety of Peak herbs.

Such as snow ginseng, Wudanguo, 1000 years of Shouwu and so on.

Although it is inferior to the Purple Spirit Mushroom in terms of value, it can’t hold up a lot. The 6 pieces add up compared to the Purple Spirit Mushroom.

It happened that he was seriously injured and more than a liter of blood had been shed. He was in urgent need of replenishment. The medicine came at the right time.

“In addition to the medicinal materials, there is 1.2 million in cash. I delayed the journey back, and the train tickets that I managed to spend so hard won’t come in handy. This money, when you sponsor me to buy train tickets, 1,000,000 tickets There are many, but what I really value is not money, but wasted time. The value of time cannot be measured. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold. Inch gold is hard to buy. In time, heaven knows. I have to wait until the next train. When.”

He Baili Qingfeng made four 9 million people in ten or nine days. Equivalent to 4 more than 100000000 a day. In order to come to solve the secretly Qiu Yi, Feng Cunyun and the others, he went out before 2 o’clock. , Back home after 1000:10000 …

Baili Qingfeng came to a sudden stop.

4 to 1:1 …

6 and a half hours!

One day earns 2 1000 more than 10000.

It took him six and a half hours to run the six Grandmasters, including Qiu Yi and Feng Cunyun, in Misso City.

in other words……

He wasted 5,000,000! ?

Even if the 100 to 10000 cash is used as the toll spoils of war, it still loses three-four hundred 10000.

Not to mention that he wanted money for repairing the Battle Armor, so much blood shed on his body to make up for it, and repurchase tickets for money …

As for spirit loss, loss of manpower, and loss of knowledge, it is impossible to calculate.

Blood loss!

Real blood loss!

Baili Qingfeng felt for the first time that doing such a thing was not worth it.

“It can only be like this. The only thing that can be called comfort is this Sword Technique. The 9-day Sword Technique looks like the one used by Fengyunyun, and the level should not be low …”

Baili Qingfeng collected things one after another.

He wanted to take a bath and leave, after all, he was uncomfortable with blood at the moment.


Chen Jin Battle Armor cannot be taken off alone.

It takes hours to take off.

In addition, it is not easy for him to go back too late.

Now he packed everything in a box, just a sword, a suitcase, and got out of the gate of the building.

When he went out, he wanted to help others to lock the iron door outside, so as not to disturb the deceased. However, the sword he just cut off was not important, the iron door was broken, and he was not a professional repairman, so he had to turn away , Disappeared into the night.


“Ann … quiet !?”

On a high ground about 300 meters away from the manor, the vehicles of Jin Mao and the others stopped by night cover, and a large number of instruments were being carried inside, constantly collecting all the pictures, sounds, and materials that could be collected in the direction of the manor.

“The battle is over? But it’s … too fast? Is there a minute?”

Xiao Chi had doubts on his face.

“One minute? Up to 30 seconds!”

Another replied rhetorically.

“30 seconds? If it is the internal flow Grandmaster confrontation, the battle ends within 30 seconds. I believe, but … I just ran over to Baili Old Master … The unidentified mysterious master has blood and blood on his body. Body Refining Flow Wargod …… Wargod and Grand Grandmaster’s confrontation depends entirely on delaying time. Only when the time for the Grand Grandmaster’s internal interest to erupt has elapsed, Wargod will have the hope of killing the Grand Grandmaster, and the Grand Grandmaster’s persistence will explode. Time does not say 3 40% minutes, one or two minutes is still with no difficulty. “

“It’s been a while since it came out, and it looks like it’s really over? So … Which side won? Is it the people at Qilin Sword Sect, or Thunderbolt Sect … or the unknown mysterious Grandmaster?”

Each and everyone curious.

“Let’s … should we go and see?”

After waiting for a while, Xue Xiao hesitated to propose.


Jin Yan said solemnly: “As said above, we can be observers and pass the pictures and news. Don’t interfere in other things.”


Xiao Chi and the others promised, his voice sank.

The wait is almost an hour.

It was just in the case of Jin Mao and even the people above wondering whether it would be both sides suffer. When everyone perished together, a light on the second floor of the villa was on.

“There is a movement!”

“There are still people alive!”

Suddenly, Jin Yan, Xue Xiao, Xiao Chi and the others spirit were shaken.

“Someone was alive, but I didn’t see the mysterious powerhouse coming out … wouldn’t it be …”

A bad premonition emerged in everyone’s hearts, and the mood was involuntarily heavy.

They and everyone can understand the true identity of the group who went to kill Qilin Sword Sect, and they definitely belong to the same camp. If there is a mistake in such a powerhouse …

“Nothing, Baili Old Master, nothing! You old and strong should be strong, but our Sea Calming Divine Needle in Xiahai, one person can frighten Qilin Sword Sect to act blindly without thinking, but 10000000 don’t make any mistakes! “

“Baili Old Master, you are the best! I believe you can do another miracle!”

Everyone silently in the heart prayed for Baili Changkong who broke into the villa.

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