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Baili Qingfeng had returned to the yard a little bit. After explaining that Ge Feibai went to buy ten lamb skewers, ten beef skewers, two chicken wings, and then took a bath.

When Ge Feibai brought the barbecue back, he happened to take a shower and dry his hair.

“It is not good to eat barbecue at night, but it is even worse to sleep on an empty stomach, so we eat less, 5 beef skewers, lamb skewers per person, and chicken wings per person.”

Baili Qingfeng ordered Ge Feibai.


Ge Feibai is nodded.

Busy to get to 2:2, when Baili Qingfeng fell asleep and woke up again, it was 1nd day at ten in the morning.

This is also because he closed the curtains before going to bed, otherwise more than 6 o’clock the sun would come in to wake him from sleep.

Baili Qingfeng brushed her teeth, washed her face, and recovered her spirit slightly, but she still felt a little tired.

Obviously, the injuries caused by the battle with Qiu Yi, Feng Cunyun, and Qilin Sword Sect 4 Grandmaster were indeed not light, and they could not recover after a sleep.

“After dealing with more than 2 Grand Grandmasters and Wargod, I still have to fight and retreat, otherwise …”

Baili Qingfeng shook the head.

At the moment, he boiled a mine refining solution and took it to the cave to practice Demon Hell Suppressing Physique.

Although the Crypt World contains special energy, the practice of Demon Hell Suppressing Physique is still not as effective as the use of mine refining liquid in Xia.

“Ten or nine days, it may not be easy for the cave people to want to gather again. For security reasons, I still have to wait for a month or two before passing by. After breaking up the gathered cave people again, I will collect them. Chen Jin, to reserve funds for further research projects in the future. “

Baili Qingfeng glanced in the middle of the cave, received the exercises, came out of the cave, and came to the courtyard.

In the yard, Ge Feibai has already risen, and he does not need his supervision to practice Immemorial Thunder God One Hundred And Eight Style Body Refining.

Baili Qingfeng looked secretly nodded.

Ge Feibai’s Innate Talent has been so bad. He got the teaching of the Connecting Soul Technique. The cultivation efficiency is still scary. If you don’t know how to work hard to cultivate, then Baili Qingfeng will have to consider changing the discipline.

One morning, Baili Qingfeng was calm and calm, but shortly after he returned from lunch, a special container truck came out of the grove.

At this time, his cell phone rang again, and a misty Xianzun voice came from inside: “Brother, I’m here.”

“The blue container truck is yours? Seeing the yard behind the grove, just come directly.”

Baili Qingfeng said, went downstairs and out of the yard.

In front of the yard, a man who looked at 25 6 came along with a group of 3 people.

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes stopped for a second on the man, and he glanced at the 3 men behind him.

One Grandmaster, and neither of the 2 grandmasters are martial artists.

Level 2, Level 3, and so on are not important.

The grandmaster is forty-fifty years old, and does not match the person who called just now, so the big brother in his mind is misty fairy …

Is that 25 6 young man?

“Big Thunder Dominator?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the man, and the man tentatively stunned.

“it’s me.”

Baili Qingfeng laughed: “You are the misty fairy lord?”

“Don’t dare to be dare, please call me the little shrimp, or call my name Miao Wuji.”

Miao Wuji is very low-key and very modest, which fully accords with Baili Qingfeng’s impression of the misty fairy.

“Still let the big guy get used to it.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Although Miao Wuji looks very young, not even the Grandmaster, he can easily take out four 4 million in one breath.

So young …

However, it is able to independently manage four 4 million fortunes, and its power and influence can be imagined.

You know, Thunderbolt Sect, the uncrowned king of Charity’s equivalent to martial artist, is not necessarily able to make 200 million.

“Come on, please.”

Baili Qingfeng enthusiastically emptied his hand and led Miao Wuji to the hospital.

“Wuji, will you be fooled? This person doesn’t seem to be able to come up with 2 tons of Chenjin.”

Grandmaster frowns saying behind Miao Wuji.

“This … it should be No way, the Thunder Dominator may be just a temperament …”

Miao Wuji smiled bitterly.

In fact, when he saw Baili Qingfeng’s youthful appearance, he was a little bit nervous.

However, considering the shocking performance of the Thunder Dominator boss in the group, the slaying of the cavemen is like a record of cutting melon and vegetables, so that he still dare not be too underestimated.

He also said a while ago that do not bully extremely the youngster.

you can’t judge a person by appearance.

“Xiahai Prefecture is very chaotic recently. I received a message in the morning that Qilin Sword Sect Elder was killed by someone in Misuo City, Xiahai Prefecture. You went to Xia Haizhou, south of Chia, within 1000 miles of your family. Maybe it’s a trap that someone else has set you up. “

Middle-aged man said solemnly.

“The Thunder Dominator is an incredible great character. The number of burrows falling into his hands is 100, so it is not necessary to do this kind of thing.”

“Great character? The number of burrows falling into his hands is 100 !? Those who can kill 100 burrows are not terrestrial True Immortal, and this and the others have a few more in the whole Hea I know each one! He is definitely not one of the True Immortals of Shia Land! “

“Maybe … is he a Grand Grandmaster or a peak Wargod?”

“True Immortal’s leak-free true body can converge on his own rounded flavor. If he was not on land True Immortal, and I have never felt the rounded flavor on him, there is only one explanation …”

Middle-aged man coldly snorted, who he called Uncle Ye: “You’ve been deceived.”

“He … he doesn’t really have the roundness of Grandmaster?”

Miao Wuji’s face was a little pale.

“I have been a Grandmaster for ten or four years. I have contacted dozens of Grandmasters and almost 4. How can I have a fake?”

The surnamed Ye man said in a ruthless voice: “But you don’t have to worry about it. You lied to Ye Zong’s head? Hmph! After I expose his true colors, I have to give him a lifelong lesson!”

The luster in Miao Wuji’s eyes suddenly dimmed.

“Okay, here it is.”

Baili Qingfeng took 2 people into a storage room in the hospital, but it took him a moment to see Miao Wuji’s faint pale face, and he couldn’t help but ask, “Ethereal mister, your face is a bit bad, yes Didn’t you get motion sick on your way? “


Miao Wuji’s voice was a little jerky and he was about to say something.

But the surnamed Ye man had approached him and said politely, “Where is your 2 ton of Chen Jin? Don’t tell me it’s piled up in this room, shouldn’t this room be a utility room? Chen Jin, how precious is that? Treasure, you thought it was a pile of scrap iron … “


His words couldn’t go on.

In the room, Chen Jinzhen, which has not been classified as ten times more expensive than gold, is just like scrap iron mixed with 7 mixed with 8 and filled the entire room.

“Chen Jin!”

surnamed Ye The man stepped forward and took one of the cavemen’s tomahawks, stroking it carefully, his hands trembling slightly: “This … this is really Chen Jin!”

Chen Jin!

Chen Jin is ten times more expensive than gold!

Nearly 2 tons of Chenjin, just put it in the corner of the house, people who do n’t know …

Thought this was a scrap iron collection station! ?

At this moment, he finally understood the words that Miao Wou-Ki had ordered from 1000 Ding Lin and 10000.

Thunder Dominator is a real big man, beheading people in the cave like cutting melons and chopping vegetables, but he has always been eclectic, thinking like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies …

2 tons of Chenjin are so randomly stacked in such a room without any defense measures … Oh, there is a security net! ?

But the security net is a ghost! ?

Is it…

This youngster in front of me is really a big brother! ?

I am extremely confident in my cultivation base, thinking realm is beyond the category of ordinary person and has reached the big Unrestrained Realm world of free and unconstrained! ?

“These gold is actually less than 2 tons, only 1984 kg, you count.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the surnamed Ye man who had become dumbstruck-like after entering the room, and said a silently to Miao Wuji.

At the same time, the big brother is the big brother, and the four 4 million goods have no response at all. It is as calm as going out to buy an orange.

Yes, calm.

At this moment Miao Wuji’s brain has calmed down to a blank.

When he saw Chen Jin in the house, he seemed to be attacked by Thunder Scepter, his mind was frozen on the spot, and he could not return to God for a long time.

2 tons!

There are really 2 tons of Chenjin!

Someone is willing to sell him 200,000 tons of Chenjin for 2 a kg!

You know, in addition to being able to refine the Battle Armor, Chen Jin’s biggest role is to be able to draw closer the relationship between those Wargods.

Not to mention Wargod, even if you make a Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse, holding Chen Jin as a knocker is a very face-to-face thing.

He got a full 2 ​​tons of Chenjin right now … Is there any great character door that won’t open?

As long as the road is clear and the network is set up, business will definitely be smooth.

“Hu! Calm! Miao Wuji, you are a member of the Big Dipper Group Miao family. What kind of winds and waves have not been seen before, calm down, be calm!”

Miao Wou-ki took a deep breath, forcing his brain to start working.

“Boss, look, although these Chen Jins don’t seem to sell well, but I guarantee that the quality is absolutely passable, and you can have people come to check, 4 100000000 are absolutely good value!”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“I definitely believe in Brother Thunder Dominator. As a big brother, a mere 2 tons of Chenjin will not deceive me. I will start to load it. As soon as Chenjin finishes loading, the funds will be sent to your account immediately. . “

“Many thanks Ethereal Big Brothers trust.”

Baili Qingfeng said sincerely.

Really worthy of being a big brother, 4 100000000!

When you say hit, hit.

It’s almost the same as spending 4 bucks.

Miao Wuji, the named Ye man quickly let the two men carry Chen Jin to the truck.

There are special devices on the container truck. When any piece of metal passes through that device, it will be tested to determine whether it belongs to Chenjin. This is also the reason why Miao Wubai believes in Baili Qingfeng.

“These jins … mostly with tomahawks, knives, internal armors, and armors … will the Baili Qingfeng boss really destroy a caveman tribe before collecting these spoils of war?”

Miao Wuji watched these Jin Jins who were moved into the car secretly.

And the surnamed Ye man stopped talking at this time, his right hand was shaking slightly.

He touched a piece of Chen Jin, above …

Bring blood.

And the time that those bloodstains stayed …

No more than a week …

Thinking about it!


(The 5th is even more! The day code is 10000 5, and the wind really does it! In addition, everyone ’s monthly ticket is as strong as ever, and tomorrow is likely to be 5 more!)

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