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An unknown town.

A man above and below looked at the computer screen and looked at this song, which was printed by himself and written in an unknown language, and looked regretful.

“What the hell !? Why am I a great expert at World Language Level 8, Laiya Language Level 8, and Ark Language Level 8? I ca n’t recognize what the above things are written in? Even the things above It looks a bit similar to the text left by human-like civilization. That shouldn’t be the case. My Grotto level 6 and Orc language Fifth Level …… The level of the human language is slightly lower, but the person will use parchment as a text bearing? “

The man looked at the ghostly characters above, full of distress.

Who did he provoke?

I wanted to brag with the big brothers in the group and talk nonsense. As a result, the Sword Monarch moderator actually dug a pit directly for him, saying that the Thunder Dominator boss uploaded a peerless secret method. Once he is trained, he will become an ancestor. , Able to move unhindered in the whole world.

Just kidding, what kind of identity does he Mu Yiyun look like?

He just lacked the peerless secrets that he could practice.

He is still a bad temper who is unconvinced. If you do n’t understand other fields, that ’s all, but in the fields of writing and history, there are things that can hardly hold him.

The more he didn’t understand what was written on the parchment, the more he wanted to study, this …

After two full days, he felt that he had lost a lot of his hair, and continued like this …

May be bald.

“Playing games online here again! Did you do your homework? Have you read the secret history of the glorious empire’s royal family? Have you read the derivative history of humanoid? Have you learned the 3 required languages ​​of Tiger Orc?”

At this time, an old man with a white beard who was in his 60s opened the door and broke in, facing Mu Yiyun.

Mu Yiyun shrunk his neck and quickly shut down the chat group. He weakly responded, “I … I’ll read …”

“Let ’s read it, that ’s it? I do n’t think you can relax when you get all the certificates. I tell you, there is no limit to learning. Our world has new languages, new civilizations, new ones all the time. History is born, not to mention the world full of unknowns. The most important thing in exploring and researching any known and unknown civilization is to master their words, their language, and their history. I do n’t know the language, so how do you study 2 words … ”

The old man talked about an endless trend, but Mu Yiyun didn’t dare to refute it. It was just that Nono responded, and the momentum kept falling.

“Your dad handed you over to my source, and I naturally have to take the responsibility of educating you. I have said so much, I’m all for your good, so you only need to remember this sentence, regardless of me It ’s right for you to do anything. No matter if I hit you, scold you, or punish you, it ’s all kindness and good intentions … Now, help me to give you … um, give you a task and go the way of glory This book is translated. “

“Oh, understood.”

Mu Yiyun promised, glanced at those words that he had never understood, and felt a little sorry.

The road to glory, more than 800 pages, no time to study these words for a long time.

Mu Yiyun’s gaze naturally attracted Yuan Zhishi’s attention, and his gaze fell on that page of paper. With one glance, he couldn’t help but said “Yi”: “This … seems like a divin symbol?”

“Divine symbol?”

Mu Yiyun: Slightly startled: “What is the oldest and most noble mysterious language?”

Yuan Zhishi took the paper of Mu Yiyun and studied it carefully. After a while, the expression on his face showed a surprise: “divine symbol! This is really a divin symbol! Those ancient forces used to worship the deities. Written language! It is said that these words contain Strength from the gods, and any believer of the gods can get Strength blessing from thedivine symbol, thus erupting much better than their own battle strength! “

“So exaggerated?”

Mu Yiyun was a little stunned.

“Good thing, this is really a good thing. Thedivine symbol is one of the most important topics of our association. This topic even relates to the future of our entire human civilization. Once we can crack thedivine symbol, confirm the authenticity of thedivine symbol, and interpret the World. About the literature of divide symbol, our human civilization will start an era of unprecedented glory, a life-timepan that breaks the upper limit of the lifespan, and makes people, like legendary gods, have a long lifespan.

Yuan Zhishi said excitedly, can’t wait to ask: “Where did you get these divide symbols? Are there any, are there any?”


Mu Yiyun said, “It is a material uploaded by a big guy we know online. He said it is a battle song, a battle song with mysterious strength.”

“Warsong !?”

Yuan Zhishi immediately stared at the text like ghosts and drawings on the paper and researched. He obviously had the basis of the “divine symbol”. After looking at it for a moment, he really saw something: “This is indeed a battle song. God-sent War Song of the Spirit Strength! This information … “

“Really? I knew it was produced by big guys, it must be a boutique!”

Mu Yiyun immediately inspired Spirit, as if thinking of a way to get rid of this dark method, with a serious look: “Grandpa, I said, I don’t go online to play games, I am to learn, you don’t know , I just recently joined a chat group. All the big guys in the group are talented people and they speak nicely. I can learn a lot of knowledge at any time in this group. This divine symbol is one of them! “

“This … this way?”

Yuan Zhishi is a bit stunned.

“Is there any fake information in front of me? Grandpa, let me tell you, I am actually just a little shrimp in the group. I can only get the attention of the big brothers by constantly speaking to please the big brothers, so I am sometimes pointed out Things, or else, why did someone give me this valuable information? If you want this information again, translate it, I will give it to the big guys in the group, maybe the big guys are happy, Send me more information. “

“And … the … big guy you said, he still has the divide symbol data !?”

“I ca n’t lie to you. If you do n’t believe it, you can watch the chat history. The big man is an invincible character who can destroy one city by one person! He directly destroyed a caveman city. Where can I get less relevant books and literature? “

Mu Yiyun solemnly vowed road.

“One person destroys a caveman city !?”

The old man, who knows the powerful and powerful civilization of the cave people, can’t help but take a breath: “You … you can actually get access to this World Level powerhouse !?”

“That’s still fake? So, do you think I’m on the Internet wrong?”

Mu Yiyun’s momentum suddenly rose.

“No … yes …”

Yuan Zhishi’s voice was lowered.

“Then you say, am I wrong to chat with the big guys in the group every day?”

“No … yes …”

Yuan Zhi Shi Nonuo responded.

“Sometimes the boss asked me a question. I spent a lot of time consolidating some information from other websites that only took time to give to the boss, please the boss, is it wrong?”

“Nothing wrong …”

Genchi’s momentum was completely suppressed.

“Then you must not allow me to chat online with the big brothers !?”

“Just … please continue … 10000000 don’t stop …”

Yuan Zhishi’s defeat, took this page of paper: “I will translate these divide symbol, and then give it to you after the translation, so that you can get more reference materials from that big brother …”

“I will!”

Mu Yiyun is heavily nodded.


“If you don’t break, don’t stand, break and stand, the words of the predecessors are really full of wisdom.”

Baili Qingfeng ended the cultivation of Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law and opened his eyes, his heart filled with heartfelt emotions.

Not long after his Refining Spirit realm breakthrough reached Divine Power, according to his estimation, it would take another half a year to reach the peak of Divine Power, and another half a year, it is estimated that there is hope to rush to the 8th Heavenly Layer, but he was not alone in the bloody battle last night. Once, the power of the Refining Spirit Secret Technique Thunder Scepter was stimulated to the extreme, and the Thunder Scepter was used to force the cirrus clouds with the Refining Spirit 6th-layer cultivation base.

The fierce collision between God and God caused him to backlash again and again and stimulated his own potential.

Although it hasn’t caused a real breakdown, the progress of the Refining Spirit realm …

Pushed forward a lot.

“If I have a good estimate, I will be able to reach the peak of Divine Power after another 2 months of precipitation. When I reach the peak of Divine Power … Should I try to really break and stand up !? By squeezing myself to the limit of Refining Spirit Way to rejuvenate the human potential, so you can step into the Refining Spirit 8 in one breath and avoid being on the Seventh Layer Peak Card for months and months? “

Baili Qingfeng think for a moment …

This tactic is feasible!

There is a saying how to say, the martial artist should have the heart to forge ahead, if not even the courage to break up and stand up, what kind of boxing and martial arts should he learn?

Might as well go back to school to study philosophy!

“dīng líng líng.”

Just as Baili Qingfeng completed a new round of cultivation, his cell phone rang.

As he connected the phone, a slightly suspicious voice came out quickly: “Baili Hengjiang?”

“Who? Is it the wrong call?”

The voice in the phone was silent for a while, and said a few seconds later: “Are you … don’t you post to me and say that you want a Peak method that can greatly increase the refining and digestion functions? This call is in that message. Stay. “

Baili Qingfeng remembered immediately: “Under Qingcheng Mountain?”

“It’s me. I have the exercises you want.”

“Very good, you are such a good person, I need this technique, can you sell it to me, the price is good, I will buy it within 200,000.”

“According to my understanding … Your true identity is Baili Qingfeng? Xia Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master, new Grandmaster Baili Qingfeng?”


“I can give you free exercises, I do n’t want money, but I hope you can talk about it for me, I accidentally provoke Fudan City 10000 Liu Jianzong a True Disciple Dante, do n’t you like to persuade people to do good Can you persuade him to show mercy and let me go? I … I have been reformed … “

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