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It was hard to reach the most critical moment, and Baili Changkong would naturally not allow Baili Qingfeng to get off.

For this day, Baili Changkong and Shi Tianya have waited for more than ten years.

They have been waiting for the emergence of a Thunder Attribute Grandmaster to completely expel Thunder Beast, who is standing opposite the Space Passage. This Space Passage has been developed and transformed into a new cultivation Holy Land of Siah. How can Baili Changkong be able to Let your ten years of hard work fail?

“Qingfeng, do you remember those 2 small goals you said?”

Baili Changkong said solemnly.

“Remember naturally.”

“Then you think, if you don’t have any external force and step by step, how long will you be able to achieve your 2 small goals?”

Baili Qingfeng thought about it for a moment, and looked up: “It will be one or two years sooner, and 2-3 years slower.”

“You can destroy Three Great Holy Lands in 2-3 years? 5-1 years can you cut off the threat of human race to the human world? Is it possible to give you another ten years and you can fly to the sky and the sun side by side !?”

Baili Changkong coldly snorted: “If the threat of humans to human beings is so well solved, we humans will not be in a dire situation. You have been living in Sia Kingdom, and Sia Kingdom can be regarded as a great country in the world. Speaking of the world’s top ten, top 20, but the top 40 and top 30, there is still a place for Sia Kingdom, but even so, Sia Kingdom is always trembling with fear under the threat of humanoids, and an accident may be broken by humanoids. The line of defense led to the people are plunged into an abyss of misery. Sia Kingdom. So, have you ever thought of those small countries? “

Baili Qingfeng thought of magnetic field suspension.

that time……

Maybe it is really possible to achieve a flyhy body flight?

However, it is very difficult to be side by side with the sun. After all, the surface temperature of the sun is 6000 degrees, and the journey to the sun is a long way, and you have to go through a vacuum zone …

ten years……

It’s a bit difficult.

“You are too naive and you know too little about this World!”

Baili Changkong said: “When the human race has not yet spread, human beings are the masters of this star. However, as the number of human races has increased, the invasion behavior has intensified, and the site of human survival has gradually decreased. 100 nations have either been destroyed by humanoids or merged into neighboring powers, and this will continue to happen as human and human wars continue. If we ca n’t keep improving ourselves … Become the same as those that disappeared in history! “

“Aren’t we talking about 2 small goals?”

“What is the purpose of accomplishing the small goals? Studying and going to school, and living a safe life! And when you do n’t even have your own country, when your country of life is full of discrimination against you and you are treated as lower-class people, the whole society is full of injustice How do you read in peace and how can you live a peaceful life? “

Baili Changkong said rudely.

Hearing Baili Changkong’s words, Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment.

That kind of environment full of injustice and all kinds of troubles can be imagined. He wanted a peaceful life to become a luxury hope.

“So, in fact, there is only one way before us. Use this hole, Heavenly Immortal Realm, as the foundation to build our own Holy Land! We have cultivated a large number of masters who belong to ours. Three Great Holy Lands, strangling human races, enhancing the international status of Shia, and defending the wolves, tigers and leopards who try to divide Shia! “

Baili Changkong said cautiously: “I have obtained the support of Marshal Wellington and Marshal Sikongdao. At present, two of the ten army forces have fallen to us, and our advantage even surpassed the original The Floating Sect, Hundred Herb Hall, and 2 Stream Sword Sect that the Ministry of Military Affairs uses as seeds. Once we can make a hole again Heavenly Immortal Realm, the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Cabinet will spare no effort to support us. At that time, whether you want to cultivate , Or want to complete your little goal to destroy Three Great Holy Lands, both will the results for half the effort. “

“But there will be a lot of trouble accordingly?”

“Don’t you consider the problem of one year off? No matter how troublesome, it can be more trouble than one year off but you can’t completely solve the problem? If you still feel unsatisfied, all the troubles are on me, you can take the responsibility ! “

Baili Qingfeng heard what Baili Changkong said …

Suddenly felt that he had said everything he could say.

He is a senior student at Shire University and can’t even say 2 grandfather?

“Your problem now is to go to the cave Heavenly Immortal Realm and it takes 104 days to return? Actually … if you can be efficient enough, this is not a problem at all.”


“The channels have different opening cycles and maintenance times, and our Heavenly Immortal Realm tunnel can be opened for 4 hours at a time!”

“4 hours !?”

Baili Qingfeng eyes immediately lit.

“Not bad.”

“it is good!”

Baili Qingfeng repeated.

He decided that whether they could solve these Thunder Beasts in 4 hours, they would come out immediately, and go in the next time, at least one cycle that’s all.

By the next cycle, he will not only become a Wargod, but the Refining Spirit realm will also break through. With the Refining Spirit 8-weight realm, it is not very easy to deal with those Thunder Beasts.

“No problem?”

“no problem.”

“Okay, let me tell you something we got about the cave Heavenly Immortal Realm … There are many Thunder Beasts in that cave Heavenly Immortal Realm. Not to mention, but also full of special Thunder Strength, cultivation Thunder Attribute lineage The cultivator goes to the cave cultivation, and progress must be rapid progress, but not everyone can successfully go to Cave Heavenly Immortal Realm cultivation. The reason why I want you to go to the Grandmaster realm and go to Cave Sky World, the Thunder Beast threat is one reason. , Another reason is gravity! “


“Yes, gravity. According to the results of people who had escaped from the cave before, the weight of that World is 4 times that of our World! Ordinary person who enters it will die within a few minutes. You ca n’t be active inside, only the Grandmaster can survive in it! “

“Gravity, 4: 9 times !?”

Baili Qingfeng suddenly thought of the cave people’s World: “2 grandfather, have you been to other Holy Lands, have other Holy Lands experienced gravity anomalies?”

“I didn’t know about this. Holy Land information is the most Peak’s secret of any a small sect and will never be allowed to be rushed out.”


Baili Qingfeng thinks of Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, which was significantly faster when he was cultivating in the Crypt World.

Caveman World, shouldn’t it also be a cave Heavenly Immortal Realm! ?

Or say…

The Grotto Man World and 2 grandfather Baili Changkong, the cave Heavenly Immortal Realm he is about to let him go to, are actually in the same World?

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng, who had some resistance in her heart, became curious about the World where Thunder Beasts are.


The vehicle stopped at the foot of Wushan.

Under the leadership of Baili Changkong, Shi Yiyi, Chang Feng and the others all stayed in place, leaving only Baili Changkong, Shi Tianya and Hong Tiange with Baili Qingfeng into the mountain.

The mountain road is difficult to run. Fortunately, even the old Baili Changkong has a good background. It is not slow to enter the mountain.

After walking for an hour in the mountains, the vision ahead was slightly wider, and human traces appeared.

Ten minutes later, a small wood house built against the mountain appeared in front of several people.

In front of the small wood house, there was already an old man looking up and down 60 and a kind man 30 up and down waiting there.

Seeing 4 people, the old man greeted him, his eyes immediately fell on Baili Qingfeng: “Baili Old Brother, this is …”

Baili Changkong nodded: “My grandson Baili Qingfeng, a hole-opener!”

After speaking, he introduced Baili Qingfeng cautiously: “This is the gatekeeper Lu Ping, nicknamed, the sword is flat.”

“A sword is flat?”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the old man, this old man …

The nickname is very bright.

With his careful examination, he discovered that the old man within the body actually hides an extraordinary energy, even though this energy is now very weak, and the twilight, no vitality, at best, and the general internal flow Grandmaster quite……


Baili Qingfeng felt a faint threat on him.

This is beyond the ordinary Grandmaster.

“Every commander has a close guard to prevent the enemy’s decapitation tactics, such as Willis next to Commander Wellington, Xiao Lige next to Commander Dao Lineage, Duanmu Rui next to Prime Minister Yasuo and so on. Lu Ping, who is equal to the sword, is the defender of this General of Moore. Since the country of this General Moore, he has been petitioning for more than ten years to guard it.

Baili Changkong introduced it completely.

“What guards this care channel, but that loves the mountains and rivers that’s all? If it wasn’t for me living in a mountain forest, without the chaotic ears of the bamboo, and without any case, would it be unknown today to see the birth of the New Generation Grandmaster? . “

Lu Ping laughed.

“The channel is about to open?”

Baili Changkong said.

“It’s one point now, and 2 hours left.”

Lu Ping said, with an empty hand, he took the entire group to a small house beside the small wood house.

There are all kinds of wood, straw, and dry food stacked for fire, it looks plain, but you can move these wood and straw away with that thick man, a 1.5 meters up and down, and it looks quite narrow. A cave appeared in front of everyone.


Lu Ping said aloud, and brought Baili Qingfeng, Baili Changkong, Shi Tianya, and Hong Tiange into the cave.

And the thick man again blocked the cave with debris.

The caves were obviously artificially small, but no traces were visible due to time.

A group of 5 people entered the cave, and the cave gradually widened until it was less than one meter. With the progress of several hundred meters, the diameter of the cave was large enough to allow a number of trucks to go side by side. Baili Qingfeng cultivation The larger open space of the cave leaped into sight.

“Here it is.”

Lu Pingdao, meanwhile pointing to the other side ’s supplies and materials: “Everything is ready, we will throw these materials into the channel before the channel is closed. Even if Qingfeng ca n’t find food there, it will survive for several months. It’s not difficult. “

Baili Changkong nodded.

“As long as the opposite dozens of Thunder Beast are solved, the task is completed, right?”

Baili Qingfeng said.


“I see. There is no need to throw in the supplies. I will be back within 4 hours.”

“4 hours?”

Lu Ping was slightly startled and looked towards Baili Changkong.

Baili Changkong’s face went dark: “The boy said he would complete the task within 4 hours.”

“4 hours.”

Lu Ping couldn’t help but laughed absurdly: “What about youngster, is it a good thing to have an idea, we should support it, it is also good to accumulate experience, how can we truly grow and stabilize without shouldering the harshness of society and shoulder the sacred mission of opening Holy Land. “

“It is this.”

Shi Tianya also smiled nodded, turned to Baili Qingfeng and said, “Come on.”

Baili Changkong was wise and did not speak.

Although he thought it was incredible to complete the task in 4 hours, but …

There are too many lessons in the car.

The medicine he carries is the best proof!


(Well, there is no automatic update?)

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