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It 鈥檚 Sia Kingdom scourge that always wanted to invade Sia.

It invaded Xia through the Wuhe port 5 years ago, killing more than 40000 people in Xia, and in the following ten years, two countries have been in constant friction.

Just the year before, a partial war broke out on the northern border of Chen Bingxia, the Aurora Empire. Even the student Baili Qingfeng, who was in the south, heard about it. In the local war, Chia suffered heavy losses and fell back. Later, with the involvement of the Chiyan Country, the Knight Alliance The solidarity of the nations ended with the Aurora Empire pushing the boundary stone for ten kilometers.

Ordinary person is not sensitive to the relationship between Aurora and Shia, and even yearns for Aurora, but Geli died in the war of Aurora invasion of Xia 5 years ago. Baili Changkong even followed the invasion of Moore General and Aurora Empire. Baili Qingfeng can imagine what would happen if his family learned that he planned to marry a woman from the Aurora Empire.

“Master ……”

When Baili Qingfeng was sitting quietly in the courtyard, Ge Feibai heard some cautiously.


Baili Qingfeng glanced at him: “something?”


Ge Feibai said, weakly said: “But you have been sitting in the yard for 2 hours, shouldn’t you normally take a shower and sleep at this time?”

“2 hours?”

Baili Qingfeng stunned: “It’s ten o’clock?”

“Ten twenty-four.”

Baili Qingfeng was a little hesitant: “It’s so late, it’s time to take a shower and sleep.”

Ge Feibai looked at Baili Qingfeng who stood up and walked slowly towards the house, and after considering the language, he asked, “Master, what happened?”

Baili Qingfeng shook the head, did not speak.

But just before he was about to enter the room, his figure was lightly paused and asked: “Feibai, you said … how do you judge that you really like someone?”

“like someone?”

Ge Feibai was lightly startled. Then, the flames of the Eight Diagrams were burning, and the spirit in the middle of the night was inspiring: “How do you like someone? Master, you really asked the right person, but I have read countless related novels …”

“Forget it, what do you a high school student know.”

Before Ge Feibai had time to play, Baili Qingfeng said a word, interrupted his words, and went into the room.

“Master, I really understand this. In fact, the way to judge whether you like someone is simple. When you are in intimate contact with other girls, and even some thoughts that should not have, will your mind flash over her? Silhouette is the best way to tell if you like her. “

Baili Qingfeng figure stopped.

He thought of the scene when he went to the Hill of Light with Shi Yiyi when he took the War Grade certificate. There was only one room that day. There were two ideas in his mind. One was Shi Yiyi and he was a girl. another鈥︹€?/p>

He is a girlfriend.


“I’m a girlfriend …”

Baili Qingfeng took a shower, dried his hair, and lay on the bed, looking at himself with a chandelier on the ceiling.

“Before today …”

If you do n鈥檛 consider your family background, your background, or your external environment, just from the aspects of personality, hobby, and heart, Gu Lingying meets all the criteria of his in mind girlfriend.

But as Gu Weier said, dating is not the same as marriage. Girlfriends and wives also belong to two concepts.

He lives in this World, and the family, origin, environment, and social circle of two people have to be considered.

No one can escape the worldly pressure of parents, family, friends, and public opinion.


He is alone.

An ordinary person.

The problems he is facing are problems that all ordinary people need to face before getting married.

“Love without regard to family, origin, environment, or worldliness is not love, it is fairy tale.”

Baili Qingfeng said to the ceiling.

Fairy tales can only be fairy tales forever.

People, after all, live in reality.

So Baili Qingfeng closed his eyes.

It’s late.

He should sleep.

Half an hour, one hour, two hours …

Baili Qingfeng lying in bed opened his eyes again.

He felt a little depressed in his chest, as if pressed against a stone, which made him breathless, but he didn’t know why.

Time, pointing to 2 AM.

But he had no intention of eating barbecue.

With your eyes closed and you ca n鈥檛 sleep, eyes opened.

Then, the clock on the wall worked again.

Half an hour, an hour, an hour and a half …

I can’t sleep with my eyes open, so sit up.

Baili Qingfeng feels that he is a very easy-going and casual person, who does not have high requirements for the rest environment. People who really want to sleep can sleep while lying down and can also fall asleep while sitting.

So he came to the balcony, opened the curtains, moved a chair, and just sat there, looking at the end of the deep mysterious sky.

It’s another hour.

It hasn’t happened in a long time.

When was the last time he couldn’t sleep no matter how he slept?

Not Jiang’s dojo, not Iron Sword Sect, not the door to the sun …

The pressure from those sects, if he really wants to sleep, he can still fall asleep with his eyes closed.

The last time someone like him couldn’t fall asleep for hours in bed …

It’s Wang Gang.

He encountered Wang Gang for the first time.

Wang Gang has been killed by him.

But the situation at this time is obviously different from the last time, it is much more complicated.

If there is a problem, solve it.

So he started thinking.

“Aurora, Shia, Love, Love, Marriage, Gu Lingying, and … I …”

Baili Qingfeng looked up, and at the end of Skyrim there was a hint of bright white: “Baili Qingfeng.”

One night passed.

Baili Qingfeng squeezed his heart.

There was a sense of anger here that was pressing him uncomfortably, so he couldn’t sleep.

“He is upset.”

Baili Qingfeng realized this, but where did this injustice come from?

His life is very simple. I just want to be a good student of each and everyone, quiet and good hobby. I will find a decent job in the future, find a girlfriend with a good outlook, play the piano, sing, Slowly walk into the marriage hall, give birth to children, both men and women can …

It’s very simple and simple idea.

He treats people with sincerity, he complains with virtue, he treats others with kindness, and he has no dispute with the world.

With such open-mindedness and kindness, why is there injustice in his chest?

Gu Lingying?

For good reason.

At the wrong time, in the wrong place, I met a temporarily right person, and nothing more.

Eight-nine of unsatisfactory life, life should always be a little lacking, isn’t it?

After all, an ordinary person is still powerless in the face of life.

There is a saying how life is like harmony, enjoy it if you can’t resist it.

“Isn’t it.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the sky that was gradually lit, and asked, “Isn’t it?”

He wanted to practice swords and listen to songs, as if 2 grandfather went to the square in the town every morning to dance with those old friends.

Sing and practice swords to ease your mood.

Move and act.

Baili Qingfeng held his non-killer sword, a symbol of kindness and peace, in one hand, and placed the walkman on a stone pier in the yard, so he stood in the yard.

“I said, I want to be a positive person, ignore the affairs of the rivers and lakes, listen to songs, practice swords, read books and study, care about movies and the Internet, live at the foot of the mountain, and never compete with the world … I need a cheerful song. “

Baili Qingfeng thought, adjusted the playing song a bit, and finally …

The play button was pressed.

鈥滃挌 dong! 鍜?dong!鈥?/p>

A relaxed and cheerful tune mixed with a melodious flute sounded quickly in the yard.

If you listen to the music alone, it seems that the sky is getting brighter.


Baili Qingfeng is out.

Sword Technique in Rushing Thunder Thirty Six Styles, a basic and no longer basic Sword Technique!

a kind of…

The only Sword Technique he knows.

“My sword, where to go, love and hate alone!”

Sword dance, the wind rises, the dust is born!

“I knife, cut through the sky, understand right or wrong!”

Baili Qingfeng holds a sword, and his body is vertical, wanton, and swaying in the courtyard. At the beginning, he can also perform according to the Benlei 36 sword Sword Technique!

But the Ben Lei 36 sword is not really a Sword Technique, and Baili Qingfeng’s Sword Technique has evolved to an eclectic realm in thousand hammers, hundred refinements this year. Gradually, the sword is messed up!


But, sword light!

“I am drunk, hazy, and grace and resentment are imaginary and empty!”

Without sleep all night, it seems that the spirit is stingy, countless dots flashed in the eyes one after another.

“I wake up, a spring dream, life and death are all empty!”



Between Heaven and Earth, the first rays of morning light cut through the clouds and illuminate the world, completely dispersing the darkness that enveloped the earth for nearly ten hours, shining a bright hall that illuminated the vast sky.

“Hahahaha! Good Sword Art!”

With the rise of sword practice, Baili Qingfeng laughed a long time. The practiced Sword Technique completely danced and assassinated in the heart of his mind. There is no system at all, but this is the Sword Technique without any system and without any moves. His amazing Strength, speed, and thousand hammers, hundred refinements have been piled on the basic moves of countless times, but it has shown an amazing formidable power that is not inferior to a Peak Sword Technique …

“Come, hurry, hurry, hate can’t meet! Love, hurry, and hurry, everything goes with the wind!”

Wind and dust rise, Jian Xiao 8 party!

Baili Qingfeng is full of dancing swords, and releases all of his strengths, even if there is no increase in Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique. The movement and power formed still shake the entire courtyard, even if the glass in the room is “weng weng”.

Sword light shot, many of Feibai’s items used in Martial Practice in the courtyard, and flowers and grass left by the previous owner, but have not been taken care of very much. Crushing and cracking.

There was a huge movement, and Ge Feibai, who was so shocked to sleep on the first floor, suddenly awakened, and couldn’t care to wear his clothes. He immediately ran out, thinking that the cave man had hit Xia again.

“A sigh of laughter and a happy life and a sad life, who lives with me Life and Death Together …”

“Who lives with me!”

Baili Changkong had a long howl, and the whole night, the depression that had been pressing on his chest dissipated in this moment.

Sword Swirling!


A landscape stone with a nearly one meter under the sword is bursting and the debris is flying.

Sword stop, wind break, dust fall.

“Good song, good sword, good Sword Technique.”

In the dust, Baili Qingfeng said with a faint smile on his face.

There is a song, a sword, and a book. What a pity in life?

Depressed? Unhappy! ?

He thought he was an ordinary person, so when Gu Weier talked to him, his aura was always suppressed. This suppression formed depression, and eventually formed a depression, staying in his chest for a long time Disperse and keep him up all night.

ordinary person 鈥︹€?/p>

There is nothing we can do about life …


As early as when he set foot on the Martial Dao road, Jian Zhanjiang rebelled, his life was no longer ordinary.

Along the way, he cut Wang Gang, cut red sun, cut Lafite, cut horror, cut wind …

Which thing can an ordinary person do?

But he was still stubborn and thought he was an ordinary person that’s all.

Sharpen a sword in ten years, Frost Edge Never Tested. Today, King Has, Who Has A Matter Of Injustice.

This year, it was not his sword that was worn, but his heart!

It is no longer ordinary to grind the heart of an ordinary person!

“Aurora Empire … Sia Kingdom? Are 2 different nations an obstacle?”

Baili Qingfeng asked himself, and the answer he gave …


Baili Qingfeng said: “Who says yes, when I turn them into a country, it will not be!”


(Wen Qing’s chapter name, suddenly thought of a word, bringing calamity to the country and the people.)

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